1-2hit |
Andreas SPANIAS Philipos LOIZOU Gim LIM Ye CHEN Gen HU
A speech analysis/synthesis system that relies on a time-varying Auto Regressive Moving Average (ARMA) process and the Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT) is proposed. The narrowband components in speech are represented in the frequency domain by a set of harmonic components, while the broadband random components are represented by a time-varying ARMA process. The time-varying ARMA model has a dual function, namely, it creates a spectral envelope that fits accurately the harmonic STFT components, and provides for the spectral representation of the broadband components of speech. The proposed model essentially combines the features of waveform coders by employing the STFT and the features of traditional vocoders by incorporating an appropriately shaped noise sequence.
Heewan PARK Byungsik YOON Sangwon KANG Andreas SPANIAS
A new codebook mapping algorithm for artificial bandwidth extension (ABE) is introduced in this paper. We design a wideband line spectrum pair (LSP) codebook which is coupled with the same index as the LSP codebook of a narrowband speech codec. The received narrowband LSP codebook indices are used to directly induce wideband LSP codewords. Thus, the proposed scheme eliminates codebook search processing to estimate the wideband spectrum envelope. We apply the proposed scheme to bandwidth extension in adaptive multi-rate (AMR) compressed domain. Its performance is assessed via the perceptual evaluation of speech quality (PESQ), informal listening tests, and weighted million operations per second (WMOPS) calculations.