1-3hit |
Diego-Pablo RUIZ Antolino GALLEGO Maria-Carmen CARRION
A procedure for radar target discrimination is presented in this paper. The scheme includes an enhancement of late-time noisy scattering data based on a proposed signal processing algorithm and a decision procedure using previously known resonance annihilation filters. The signal processing stage is specifically adapted to scattering signals and makes use of the results of the singularity expansion method. It is based on a signal reconstruction using the SVD of a data matrix with a suitable choice of the number of singular vectors employed. To justify the inclusion of this stage, this procedure is shown to maintain the signal characteristics necessary to identify the scattered response. Simulation results clearly reveal a significant improvement due to the inclusion of the proposed stage. This improvement becomes especially important when the noise level is high or the targets to be discriminated (five regular polygonal loops) have a similar geometry.
Antolino GALLEGO Diego P. RUIZ
This paper presents a variant of the "Third-Order Recursion (TOR)" method for bispectral estimation of transfer-function parameters of a non-minimum-phase all-poles system. The modification is based on the segmentation of system-output data into coupled records, instead of independent records. It consists of considering the available data at the left and the right of each record as not null and taking them as the data corresponding to the preceding and succeeding record respectively. The proposed variant can also be interpreted as a "Constrained Third-Order Mean (CTOM)" method with a new segmentation in overlap records. Simulation results show that this new segmentation procedure gives more precise system parameters than the TOR and CTOM methods, to be obtained. Finally, in order to justify the use of bispectral techniques, the influence of added white and colored Gaussian noise on the parameter estimation is also considered.
Abdellatif MEDOURI Antolino GALLEGO Diego Pablo RUIZ Maria Carmen CARRION
We consider the problem of estimating one- and two-dimensional direction of arrivals for arbitrary plane waves in an incoherent/coherent source environment. For the one-dimensional case, we use matrix pencil (MP) method developed by Y. Hua for signal-poles estimation. We then extend this method to estimate the two-dimensional direction of arrivals (2D-DOA), resulting in the "Extended Matrix Pencil" (EMP) method. This method can be applied successfully as much for an incoherent source environment as for a coherent source environment. To study the performance of these methods, in both cases results are compared with the "Total Least Squares-Estimation of Signal Parameters via Rotational Invariance Techniques" (TLS-ESPRIT) and the "Spatial Smoothing-TLS-ESPRIT" (SS-TLS-ESPRIT) methods. The results show that the MP method estimates the DOA more accurately and better than the TLS-ESPRIT and the SS-TLS-ESPRIT, even with few snapshots. Simulation results show that the EMP method, presented in this paper, estimates the 2-DOA better than the other two methods used for comparison.