1-4hit |
Man-Soo HAN Bin-Young YUN Bongtae KIM
We suggest a new minimum credit method for the dynamic bandwidth allocation in EPON. In the suggested method, to eliminate the unused transmission time-slot, each ONU requests no more than a predetermined maximum. We analyze the upstream channel resource wastage when traffic is light. Based on the analysis, we derive a minimum credit that eliminate the upstream channel resource wastage. The OLT estimates a traffic load and grants a minimum credit when the request is smaller than the minimum credit and traffic is light. Using simulation, we show the minimum credit discipline is superior than the existing methods in the mean delay and the frame loss rate.
We propose a new output arbitration method for an input buffered switch with a buffered crossbar. In the proposed method, each output selects the first nonempty buffer from the starting point. The starting points of output are determined to minimize the synchronization phenomenon that more than one input module sends cells destined for a same output. Using an approximate analysis of the synchronization phenomenon, we show the uniqueness of the starting points improves the switch performance. Finally, using computer simulations, we verify the proposed method outperforms the previous methods under the uniform and burst traffic.
Man-Soo HAN Dong-Yong KWAK Bongtae KIM
We propose a new input arbitration method for an input buffered switch with a buffered crossbar. In the proposed method, each input module selects the first eligible queue from the starting point. The starting points of input modules are different from each other in any case. We show that the uniqueness of the starting points improves the switch performance. Finally, using computer simulations, we confirm the proposed method is better than the conventional method under the uniform and on-off traffic.
We present pipelined simple matching, called PSM, for an input buffered switch to relax the scheduling timing constraint by modifying pipelined maximal-sized matching (PMM). Like the pipelined manner of PMM, to produce the matching results in every time slot, PSM employs multiple subschedulers which take more than one time slot to complete matching. Using only head-of-line information of input buffers, PSM successively sends each request to all subschedulers to provide a better matching opportunity. To obtain better performance, PSM uses unique starting points of scheduling pointers in which the difference between the starting points is equal for any two adjacent subschedulers for a same output. Using computer simulations under a uniform traffic, we show PSM is more appropriate than PMM for pipelined scheduling of an input buffered switch.