Qiuliang XIE Kewu PENG Fang YANG Zhaocheng WANG Zhixing YANG
A BICM-ID system with 3-dimensional rotated BPSK constellation and signal space diversity (SSD) is proposed to combat the effect of Rayleigh fading. A new criterion based on mutual information is proposed to find the optimal rotation matrix, and the labeling that fits well with the outer code is presented. Simulation results show that at BER of 10-5 over a Rayleigh fading channel, with the code length of 192,000 bits and the iteration number of 100, the performance of the proposed system is only about 0.8 dB from the Gaussian-input Shannon limit and exceeds the limit constrained by the traditional QPSK input without rotation or SSD, at the spectrum efficiency of 1 bit/s/Hz.
The spatio-temporal multiple view geometry can represent the geometry of multiple images in the case where non-rigid arbitrary motions are viewed from multiple translational cameras. However, it requires many corresponding points and is sensitive to the image noise. In this paper, we investigate mutual projections of cameras in four-dimensional space and show that it enables us to reduce the number of corresponding points required for computing the spatio-temporal multiple view geometry. Surprisingly, take three views for instance, we no longer need any corresponding point to calculate the spatio-temporal multiple view geometry, if all the cameras are projected to the other cameras mutually for two time intervals. We also show that the stability of the computation of spatio-temporal multiple view geometry is drastically improved by considering the mutual projections of cameras.
Chung-Ming WANG Peng-Cheng WANG
Sampling is important for many applications in research areas such as graphics, vision, and image processing. In this paper, we present a novel stratified sampling algorithm (SSA) for the coiled tubing surface with a given probability density function. The algorithm is developed from the inverse function of the integration for the areas of the coiled tubing surface. We exploit a Hierarchical Allocation Strategy (HAS) to preserve sample stratification when generating any desirable sample numbers. This permits us to reduce variances when applying our algorithm to Monte Carlo Direct Lighting for realistic image generation. We accelerate the sampling process using a segmentation technique in the integration domain. Our algorithm thus runs 324 orders of magnitude faster when using faster SSA algorithm where the order of the magnitude is proportional to the sample numbers. Finally, we employ a parabolic interpolation technique to decrease the average errors occurred for using the segmentation technique. This permits us to produce nearly constant average errors, independent of the sample numbers. The proposed algorithm is novel, efficient in computing and feasible for realistic image generation using Monte Carlo method.
Fang WANG Yong LI Zhaocheng WANG Zhixing YANG
There has been an explosion in wireless devices and mobile data traffic, and cellular network alone is unable to support such fast growing demand on data transmission. Therefore, it is reasonable to add another network to the cellular network to augment the capacity. In fact, the dilemma of cellular network is mainly caused by that the same content is repeatedly transmitted in the network, since many people are interested in the same content. A broadcast network, however, could mitigate this problem and save wireless bandwidth by delivering popular content to multiple clients simultaneously. This paper presents a content dissemination system that combines broadcast and cellular networks. Using the model of Markov Decision Process (MDP), we propose an online optimal scheme to maximize the expected number of clients receiving their interested content, which takes clients' interests and queuing length at broadcast and cellular base stations into full consideration. Simulations demonstrate that the proposed scheme effectively decreases item drop rate at base stations and enhances the average number of clients who receive their interested content.
Yacheng WANG Yasuhiko IKEMATSU Dung Hoang DUONG Tsuyoshi TAKAGI
At PQCrypto 2016, Szepieniec et al. proposed a new type of trapdoor called Extension Field Cancellation (EFC) for constructing secure multivariate encryption cryptosystems. They also specifically suggested two schemes EFCp- and EFCpt2- that apply this trapdoor and some modifiers. Although both of them seem to avoid all attacks used for cryptanalysis on multivariate cryptography, their decryption efficiency has room for improvement. On the other hand, their security was analyzed mainly through an algebraic attack of computing the Gröbner basis of the public key, and there possibly exists more effective attacks. In this paper, we introduce a more efficient decryption approach for EFCp- and EFCpt2-, which manages to avoid all redundant computation involved in the original decryption algorithms without altering their public key. In addition, we estimate the secure parameters for EFCp- and EFCpt2- through a hybrid attack of algebraic attack and exhaustive search.
Zhixing YANG Qiuliang XIE Kewu PENG Zhaocheng WANG
A method to construct bit-interleaved coded modulation with iterative demapping and decoding (BICM-ID) is developed that approaches the Shannon limit very closely at high spectrum efficiency, where amplitude-phase shift keying (APSK) constellations are designed and chosen. For 1/2-rate 64APSK, the Es/N0 threshold derived through extrinsic information transfer (EXIT) charts is less than 0.55 dB away from the Shannon limit of the continuous-input additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel, and exceeds the theoretical limit constrained by standard 64QAM-input.
This paper introduces multiple view geometry under projective projection from four-dimensional space to two-dimensional space which can represent multiple view geometry under the projection of space-time. We show the multifocal tensors defined under space-time projective projection can be derived from non-rigid object motions viewed from multiple cameras with arbitrary translational motions, and they are practical for generating images of non-rigid object motions viewed from cameras with arbitrary translational motions. The method is tested in real image sequences.
Xiaoyu DANG Qiang LI Hao XIAO Cheng WAN
Network coding on the physical-layer has recently been widely discussed as a potentially promising solution to the wireless access problem in a relay network. However, the existing research on physical-layer network coding (PNC), usually assumes that the symbol timing of the nodes is fully synchronized and hardly investigates the unavoidable symbol timing errors. Similar to many telecommunication systems, symbol timing plays a critical role in PNC and precise alignment has to be provided for the encoding. In this work, we propose a novel symbol timing algorithm with a low oversampling factor (samples per symbol) based on the a priori knowledge of the transmitted pulse shape. The proposed algorithm has the dual advantages of the low oversampling rate and high precision. The mean square error (MSE) performance is verified by simulations to be at least one order of magnitude better than that of the conventional optimum phase (OP) algorithm for a signal noise ratio (SNR) greater than 5dB.
Lifeng HE Fang YANG Zhaocheng WANG
In this letter, a novel physical layer signaling transmission scheme is proposed, where the signaling information is conveyed by a pair of training sequences located in the odd and even subcarriers of an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) training symbol. At the receiver side, only a single correlator is required to detect the signaling information. Computer simulations verify the proposed signaling could outperform the S1 signaling and achieve similar robustness as the S2 signaling of the DVB-T2 standard.
Chung-Ming WANG Peng-Cheng WANG
We present a novel scheme for digital steganography of point-sampled geometry in the spatial domain. Our algorithm is inspired by the concepts proposed by Cayre and Macq for 3D polygonal models. It employs a principal component analysis (PCA), resulting in a blind approach. We validate our scheme with various model complexities in terms of capacity, complexity, visibility, and security. This scheme is robust against translation, rotation, and scaling operations. It is fast and can achieve high data capacity with insignificant visual distortion in the stego models.
Zhaocheng WANG Jintao WANG Linglong DAI
This paper proposes a novel scheme to reduce the complexity of existing transmit diversity solutions to time domain synchronous OFDM (TDS-OFDM). The space shifted constant amplitude zero autocorrelation (CAZAC) sequence based preamble is proposed for channel estimation. Two flexible frame structures are proposed for adaptive system design as well as cyclicity reconstruction of the received inverse discrete Fourier transform (IDFT) block. With regard to channel estimation and cyclicity reconstruction, the complexity of the proposed scheme is only around 7.20% of that of the conventional solutions. Simulation results demonstrate that better bit error rate (BER) performance can be achieved over doubly selective channels.
Jianli CAO Zhikui CHEN Yuxin WANG He GUO Pengcheng WANG
Like many processors, GPGPU suffers from memory wall. The traditional solution for this issue is to use efficient schedulers to hide long memory access latency or use data prefetch mech-anism to reduce the latency caused by data transfer. In this paper, we study the instruction fetch stage of GPU's pipeline and analyze the relationship between the capacity of GPU kernel and instruction miss rate. We improve the next line prefetch mechanism to fit the SIMT model of GPU and determine the optimal parameters of prefetch mechanism on GPU through experiments. The experimental result shows that the prefetch mechanism can achieve 12.17% performance improvement on average. Compared with the solution of enlarging I-Cache, prefetch mechanism has the advantages of more beneficiaries and lower cost.
Lihua WANG Licheng WANG Masahiro MAMBO Eiji OKAMOTO
Proxy cryptosystems are classified into proxy decryption systems and proxy re-encryption systems on the basis of a proxy's role. In this paper, we propose an ID-based proxy cryptosystem with revocability and hierarchical confidentialities. In our scheme, on receiving a ciphertext, the proxy has the rights to perform the following three tasks according to the message confidentiality levels of the sender's intention: (1) to decrypt the ciphertext on behalf of the original decryptor; (2) to re-encrypt the ciphertext such that another user who is designated by the original decryptor can learn the message; (3) to do nothing except for forwarding the ciphertext to the original decryptor. Our scheme supports revocability in the sense that it allows proxy's decryption and re-encryption rights to be revoked even during the valid period of the proxy key without changing the original decryptor's public information. We prove that our proposal is indistinguishable against chosen identity and plaintext attacks in the standard model. We also show how to convert it into a system against chosen identity and ciphertext attacks by using the Fujisaki-Okamoto transformation.
Shuhei NAKAMURA Yacheng WANG Yasuhiko IKEMATSU
The MinRank problem is investigated as a problem related to rank attacks in multivariate cryptography and the decoding of rank codes in coding theory. The Kipnis-Shamir method is one of the methods to solve the problem, and recently, significant progress has been made in its complexity estimation by Verbel et al. As this method reduces the problem to an MQ problem, which asks for a solution to a system of quadratic equations, its complexity depends on the solving degree of a quadratic system deduced from the method. A theoretical value introduced by Verbel et al. approximates the minimal solving degree of the quadratic systems in the method although their value is defined under a certain limit for the system considered. A quadratic system outside their limitation often has a larger solving degree, but the solving complexity is not always higher because it has a smaller number of variables and equations. Thus, in order to discuss the best complexity of the Kipnis-Shamir method, a theoretical value is needed to approximate the solving degree of each quadratic system deduced from the method. A quadratic system deduced from the Kipnis-Shamir method always has a multi-degree, and the solving complexity is influenced by this property. In this study, we introduce a theoretical value defined by such a multi-degree and show that it approximates the solving degree of each quadratic system. Thus, the systems deduced from the method are compared, and the best complexity is discussed. As an application, for the MinRank attack using the Kipnis-Shamir method against the multivariate signature scheme Rainbow, we show a case in which a deduced quadratic system outside Verbel et al.'s limitation is the best. In particular, the complexity estimation of the MinRank attack using the KS method against the Rainbow parameter sets I, III and V is reduced by about 172, 140 and 212 bits, respectively, from Verbel et al.'s estimation.
Ruifeng MA Zhaocheng WANG Zhixing YANG
The next generation wireless broadcasting systems combining with MIMO technology has drawn much attention recently. Considering the coexistence of receivers equipped with different numbers of antennas in these systems, there exists the special requirement to maximize the transmission rate for receivers having more antennas, while guaranteeing the normal rate for receivers having less antennas. In this letter, superposition coding is proposed to fulfill this requirement and the concept of broadcast cluster is introduced, wherein the optimized power allocation parameters are derived. The BER simulations for multiple services are provided to verify the significant SNR performance gap between receivers with various numbers of receive antennas.
Bo HAO Jun WANG Zhaocheng WANG
This paper presents an efficient multi-service allocation scheme for the digital television terrestrial broadcasting systems in which the fixed service is modulated by orthogonal frequency division multiplexing and quadrature amplitude modulation (OFDM/QAM) with larger FFT size and the added mobile service is modulated by OFDM and offset quadrature amplitude modulation (OQAM) with smaller FFT size. The two different types of services share one 8MHz broadcasting channel. The isotropic orthogonal transform algorithm (IOTA) is chosen as the shaping filter for OQAM because of its isotropic convergence in time and frequency domain and the proper FFT size is selected to maximum the transmission capacity under mobile environment. The corresponding transceiver architecture is also proposed and analyzed. Simulations show that the newly added mobile service generates much less out-of-band interference to the fixed service and has a better performance under fast fading wireless channels.
Linglong DAI Jintao WANG Zhaocheng WANG Jun WANG
To realize transmit diversity for the time domain synchronous OFDM (TDS-OFDM) system, this letter proposes the space-time-frequency orthogonal training sequence and the corresponding flexible channel estimation methods. Simulation results indicate that an significant performance improvement could be achieved for low-density parity-check code (LDPC) coded TDS-OFDM system over multi-path fading channels.
This paper introduces a tensorial representation of multiple cameras with arbitrary curvilinear motions. It enables us to define a multilinear relationship among image points derived from non-rigid object motions viewed from multiple cameras with arbitrary curvilinear motions. We show the new multilinear relationship is useful for generating images and reconstructing 3D non-rigid object motions viewed from cameras with arbitrary curvilinear motions. The method is tested in real image sequences.
Licheng WANG Jing LI Haseeb AHMAD
With the flourish of applications based on the Internet of Things (IoT), privacy issues have been attracting a lot of attentions. Although the concept of privacy homomorphism was proposed along with the birth of the well-known RSA cryptosystems, cryptographers over the world have spent about three decades for finding the first implementation of the so-called fully homomorphic encryption (FHE). Despite of, currently known FHE schemes, including the original Gentry's scheme and many subsequent improvements as well as the other alternatives, are not appropriate for IoT-oriented applications because most of them suffer from the problems of inefficient key size and noisy restraining. In addition, for providing fully support to IoT-oriented applications, symmetric fully homomorphic encryptions are also highly desirable. This survey presents an analysis on the challenges of designing secure and practical FHE for IoT, from the perspectives of lightweight requirements as well as the security requirements. In particular, some issues about designing noise-free FHE schemes would be addressed.
Ruifeng MA Zhaocheng WANG Zhixing YANG
This letter presents a flexible signal structure supporting localization service for time domain synchronous OFDM (TDS-OFDM) in multi-service transmission applications. Localization is treated as one specific service and the corresponding data is allocated within the physical layer pipe (PLP) of the first subframe. The concept of variable sub-carrier spacing to combat Doppler spread is also introduced for the localization service. Simulation results indicate that the proposed scheme outperforms the conventional scheme and at the same time achieves high positioning accuracy.