1-1hit |
Ming-Dou KER Jung-Sheng CHEN Ching-Yun CHU
A new sub-1-V CMOS bandgap voltage reference without using low-threshold-voltage device is presented in this paper. The new proposed sub-1-V bandgap reference with startup circuit has been successfully verified in a standard 0.25-µm CMOS process, where the occupied silicon area is only 177 µm106 µm. The experimental results have shown that, with the minimum supply voltage of 0.85 V, the output reference voltage is 238.2 mV at room temperature, and the temperature coefficient is 58.1 ppm/ from -10 to 120 without laser trimming. Under the supply voltage of 0.85 V, the average power supply rejection ratio (PSRR) is -33.2 dB at 10 kHz.