1-2hit |
Chul-Seung LEE Young-Hwan YOU Hyoung-Kyu SONG
In this letter, we evaluate the M-BOK based DS-UWB system that uses a space-time block code (STBC) with Rake receivers in the WPAN environment. The conventional DS-UWB system doesn't ensure receiver reliability for the WPAN envrionment due to multipath fading, while the proposed M-BOK based DS-UWB system employing a STBC can overcome multipath fading causing attenuation of receiver reliability in the WPAN environment. In addition, a simple diversity combining receiver, called PRake receiver, shows the performance similar to that of a ARake receiver using the ideal diversity combining and reduces the receiver complexity.
Chul-Seung LEE Young-Hwan YOU Hyoung-Kyu SONG
In this letter, we provide a performance evaluation of a Multi-Band Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (MB-OFDM) with adaptive modulation in a multipath fading channel. The MB-OFDM system in conjunction with adaptive modulation technique can be considered as one of the solutions for severely degraded channels such as those common in frequency selective fading environments.