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Hoojin LEE Jeffrey G. ANDREWS Edward J. POWERS
Space-time block codes (STBCs) from coordinate interleaved orthogonal designs (CIODs) have attracted a great deal of attention due to their full-diversity and linear maximum likelihood (ML) decodability. In this letter, we propose a simple detection technique, particularly for full-rate STBCs from CIODs to overcome the performance degradation caused by time-selective fading channels. Furthermore, we evaluate the effects of time-selective fading channels and imperfect channel estimation on STBCs from CIODs by using a newly-introduced index, the results of which demonstrate that full-rate STBCs from CIODs are more robust against time-selective fading channels than conventional full-rate STBCs.
Hoojin LEE Joonhyuk KANG Edward J. POWERS
Time-frequency-selective, equivalently time-variant multipath, fading channels in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems introduce intercarrier interference (ICI), resulting in severe performance degradation. To suppress the effect of ICI, several symbol detection methods have been proposed, all of which are based on the observation that most of the ICI's power is distributed near the desired subcarrier. However, these methods usually ignore the channel variation in a OFDM symbol block by fixing the number of considered ICI terms. Therefore, we propose a novel frequency-domain symbol detection method with moderate complexity, which adaptively determines the number of ICI terms within each OFDM symbol block.
Joonhyuk KANG Jaekwon KIM Guanghan XU Edward J. POWERS
We consider vector channel estimation for differentially modulated systems with transmit diversity. We propose a blind estimation scheme to yield superior performance to that of the pilot-aided estimation. The proposed scheme utilizes the repeated transmission of space-time coded data symbols. We compare the performance of the proposed blind scheme with the pilot-based estimation scheme via computer simulations.
Recently, space-time block codes (STBCs) obtained from coordinate interleaved orthogonal designs (CIODs) have attracted considerable attention, due to the advantages of full-diversity transmission and single-symbol decodability. In this letter, we design a novel STBC from CIOD for two transmit antennas. The proposed code guarantees full-diversity and full-rate along with low peak-to-minimum power ratio (PMPR). Furthermore, in contrast to the existing Alamouti code, the performance of the proposed code is not degraded even in severely time-selective fading channels.
Hoojin LEE Robert W. HEATH, Jr. Edward J. POWERS
Full-diversity transmission for space-time block codes (STBCs) with multiple transmit antennas can be achieved by using coordinate interleaved orthogonal designs (CIODs). To effectively evaluate the performance of CIODs, we derive union upper and lower bounds on the symbol-error rate (SER) and a corresponding asymptotic diversity order of symmetric structured CIOD, in particular, with two transmit antennas over quasi-static spatially uncorrelated/correlated frequency-nonselective Rayleigh fading channels. Some numerical results are provided to verify our analysis.
In this letter, we derive a very accurate closed-form approximate formula for the average achievable rate of stacked orthogonal space-time block code (OSTBC) in Rayleigh fading channels. Some simulations are performed to demonstrate that the derived formula shows better agreement with Monte-Carlo simulation results than the existing closed-form approximate expressions.
Jaekwon KIM Robert W. HEATH, Jr. Edward J. POWERS
When the Alamouti code is applied (as a space-time block code) to an OFDM system with transmit diversity, the simple Alamouti decoding requires that each subchannel is flat-fading and constant over two symbol periods (Alamouti codeword period). The second requirement makes the Alamouti decoding scheme not suitable for time varying channels. In this Letter, we propose a new decision directed receiver to better accommodate time varying channels.
Hoojin LEE Joonhyuk KANG Edward J. POWERS
Time-frequency-selective, i.e., time-variant multipath, fading in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems destroys subcarrier orthogonality, resulting in intercarrier interference (ICI). In general, the previously proposed estimation schemes to resolve this problem are only applicable to slowly time-variant channels or suffer from high complexity due to large-sized matrix inversion. In this letter, we propose and develop efficient symbol estimation schemes, called the iterative sequential neighbor search (ISNS) algorithm and the simplified iterative sequential neighbor search (S-ISNS) algorithm. These algorithms achieve enhanced performances with low complexities, compared to the existing estimation methods.