1-6hit |
Soon-Yil KWON Een-Kee HONG Ki-Jun KIM Keum-Chan WHANG
In a multi-bandwidth CDMA system, the performance of a multiple order selection combining rake receiver is analyzed according to the spreading bandwidth of the system and the delay spread of a Rayleigh fading channel. The results for various channel environments indicate a tradeoff between total received signal energy and multipath fading immunity. Increasing the occupied bandwidth of the system (wide-bandwidth spreading) gives better performance for small delay spread environments, while gathering more energy (narrow-bandwidth spreading) gives better performance for large delay spread environments. It is also shown that the performance difference between low and high order selection combining grows larger as the spreading bandwidth is increased. It is noted that performance degrades by increasing the bandwidth above a certain point and the optimum spreading bandwidth for each channel environment decreases as the delay spread of the channel increases.
Yong-Hoon CHO Jun-Kui AHN Een-Kee HONG Keum-Chan WHANG
As noncoherent direct sequence code-division multiple-access (DS-CDMA) mobile satellite communications, two typical transmission schemes are compared; one is a quasi-synchronous differential BPSK (QS-DBPSK) where orthogonal signals are used for reducing the multiple access interference and the other is M-ary orthogonal signaling (MOS) scheme where orthogonal signals are used for exploiting more efficient modulation. The performances are evaluated in additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) and shadowed Rician fading (SRF) channels and the effects of timing misalignments in the QS-DBPSK system and the amount of Doppler shifts of a SRF channel are investigated. The results show that MOS much outperforms QS-DBPSK in the region of low system loading up to about 50% and a precise chip synchronization is required for QS-DBPSK. In a SRF channel, it is also shown that QS-DBPSK much outperforms MOS in a slow fading channel but MOS has a performance gain against the large Doppler shift.
Kyoo-Jin HAN Een-Kee HONG Sang-Tae KIM Keum-Chan WHANG
In this letter, an algorithm that estimates one of the most important channel parameters, maximum Doppler frequency, fD, is proposed. The algorithm uses phase variations of received pilot signals, which is strongly related with fD in a fading environment. In addition, a phase variation measurement method for binary phase shift keying (BPSK) modulated signals is also proposed and it makes possible to estimate fD from BPSK modulated information signals as well as unmodulated pilot signals. The results show that the proposed algorithm is very simple and shows good performance over wide Doppler frequency range.
Duk Kyung KIM Seung-Hoon HWANG Een-Kee HONG Sang Yun LEE
An uplink synchronised CDMA system through transmission timing control at mobile users has been proposed to improve the uplink capacity. This Letter mathematically investigates its capacity, considering perfect fast TPC and two antenna diversity reception in a single cell environment and compares it with that of a conventional CDMA system.
Jun-Kui AHN Een-Kee HONG Tae-Joong KIM Keum-Chan WHANG
In this paper, a slot-averaged SIR model is derived to analyze the performances of 1/N-slotted DS-CDMA packet radio networks. DS-CDMA packet radio networks can be analyzed with channel threshold model, but it is not appropriate for a 1/N-slotted access scheme since the interference level varies slot by slot during a packet transmission time. A packet in a DS-CDMA system will be channel-encoded and interleaved so that an excessive interference of some slots does not result in a corruption of a packet directly. In a 1/N-slotted DS-CDMA packet system, interleaving and channel coding can cope with the excessive interference in some slots. Proposed slot-averaged SIR model reflects this effect and is simple enough to be used in the performance analyses of various packet access control schemes. This paper verifies the slot-averaged SIR model and evaluates the throughputs of 1/N-slotted access schemes using it. This paper also compares the results with those of the conventional channel threshold model. Packet access schemes such as slotted ALOHA, slotted CLSP and slotted CLSP/CC are analyzed. The results show that many different aspects from the results of the previous works can be evaluated and this work will offer more accurate view on the behavior of 1/N-slotted DS-CDMA packet radio networks.
Hyong Rock PARK Dongwoo KIM Een-Kee HONG
Video telephone service (VTS) is considered one of promising services provided in wideband CDMA (WCDMA) networks. Without a designated call admission policy, VTS calls are expected to suffer from relatively high probability of blocking since they normally have more stringent signal quality requirement than ordinary voice calls. In this letter, we consider a prioritized call admission design in order to reduce the blocking probability of VTS calls, which may encourage the users to access the newly-provided VTS in a more comfortable way. The VTS calls are given a priority by reserving a number of channel-processing equipments. With the reservation, the blocking probability of prioritized VTS calls can be reduced evidently. That of ordinary calls, however, is increasing instead. This letter provides a system model that counts the blocking probabilities of VTS and ordinary calls simultaneously, and numerically examines an adequate level of the prioritization for VTS calls. The results show that the prioritization level should be selected depending on received interference as well as bandwidth required for VTS.