1-1hit |
Gentei SATO Haruo KAWAKAMI Hirofumi SATO R. Wayne MASTERS
All of the characteristics of the batwing rediator, which is the heart of the superturnstile antenna system, are theoretically calculated by using the Moment Method. The original type, based on this antenna, and the modified batwing antennas, types I, II and III in total of four were examined. The modified batwing antenna type I is used as a horizontally polarized wave antenna among the circularly polarized wave antennas developed by RCA in the U.S.A. as a countermeasure for the ghost phenomena, while type II is used as an antenna having wide band characteristics for IFF receiving. Type III is a combination of types I and II. The characteristics of the above stated four types of antennas are analyzed theoretically by the use of the Moment Method and the results are compared through the use of measurement. Furthermore, the matching condition is obtained on the basis of the characteristics in the cases of changing the shape of the jumper and of changing the distance between the support mast and the antenna elements.