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[Author] Hiroki NAKAHARA(17hit)

  • A Design Algorithm for Sequential Circuits Using LUT Rings

    Hiroki NAKAHARA  Tsutomu SASAO  Munehiro MATSUURA  

    PAPER-Logic Synthesis

    E88-A No:12

    This paper shows a design method for a sequential circuit by using a Look-Up Table (LUT) ring. The method consists of two steps: The first step partitions the outputs into groups. The second step realizes them by LUT cascades, and allocates the cells of the cascades into the memory. The system automatically finds a fast implementation by maximally utilizing available memory. With the presented algorithm, we can easily design sequential circuits satisfying given specifications. The paper also compares the LUT ring with logic simulator to realize sequential circuits: the LUT ring is 25 to 237 times faster than a logic simulator that uses the same amount of memory.

  • A Parallel Branching Program Machine for Sequential Circuits: Implementation and Evaluation

    Hiroki NAKAHARA  Tsutomu SASAO  Munehiro MATSUURA  Yoshifumi KAWAMURA  

    PAPER-Logic Design

    E93-D No:8

    The parallel branching program machine (PBM128) consists of 128 branching program machines (BMs) and a programmable interconnection. To represent logic functions on BMs, we use quaternary decision diagrams. To evaluate functions, we use 3-address quaternary branch instructions. We realized many benchmark functions on the PBM128, and compared its memory size, computation time, and power consumption with the Intel's Core2Duo microprocessor. The PBM128 requires approximately a quarter of the memory for the Core2Duo, and is 21.4-96.1 times faster than the Core2Duo. It dissipates a quarter of the power of the Core2Duo. Also, we realized packet filters such as an access controller and a firewall, and compared their performance with software on the Core2Duo. For these packet filters, the PBM128 requires approximately 17% of the memory for the Core2Duo, and is 21.3-23.7 times faster than the Core2Duo.

  • A Design Method of a Regular Expression Matching Circuit Based on Decomposed Automaton

    Hiroki NAKAHARA  Tsutomu SASAO  Munehiro MATSUURA  

    PAPER-Design Methodology

    E95-D No:2

    This paper shows a design method for a regular expression matching circuit based on a decomposed automaton. To implement a regular expression matching circuit, first, we convert a regular expression into a non-deterministic finite automaton (NFA). Then, to reduce the number of states, we convert the NFA into a merged-states non-deterministic finite automaton with unbounded string transition (MNFAU) using a greedy algorithm. Next, to realize it by a feasible amount of hardware, we decompose the MNFAU into a deterministic finite automaton (DFA) and an NFA. The DFA part is implemented by an off-chip memory and a simple sequencer, while the NFA part is implemented by a cascade of logic cells. Also, in this paper, we show that the MNFAU based implementation has lower area complexity than the DFA and the NFA based ones. Experiments using regular expressions form SNORT shows that, as for the embedded memory size per a character, the MNFAU is 17.17-148.70 times smaller than DFA methods. Also, as for the number of LCs (Logic Cells) per a character, the MNFAU is 1.56-5.12 times smaller than NFA methods. This paper describes detail of the MEMOCODE2010 HW/SW co-design contest for which we won the first place award.

  • An FPGA Realization of a Random Forest with k-Means Clustering Using a High-Level Synthesis Design

    Akira JINGUJI  Shimpei SATO  Hiroki NAKAHARA  

    PAPER-Emerging Applications

    E101-D No:2

    A random forest (RF) is a kind of ensemble machine learning algorithm used for a classification and a regression. It consists of multiple decision trees that are built from randomly sampled data. The RF has a simple, fast learning, and identification capability compared with other machine learning algorithms. It is widely used for application to various recognition systems. Since it is necessary to un-balanced trace for each tree and requires communication for all the ones, the random forest is not suitable in SIMD architectures such as GPUs. Although the accelerators using the FPGA have been proposed, such implementations were based on HDL design. Thus, they required longer design time than the soft-ware based realizations. In the previous work, we showed the high-level synthesis design of the RF including the fully pipelined architecture and the all-to-all communication. In this paper, to further reduce the amount of hardware, we use k-means clustering to share comparators of the branch nodes on the decision tree. Also, we develop the krange tool flow, which generates the bitstream with a few number of hyper parameters. Since the proposed tool flow is based on the high-level synthesis design, we can obtain the high performance RF with short design time compared with the conventional HDL design. We implemented the RF on the Xilinx Inc. ZC702 evaluation board. Compared with the CPU (Intel Xeon (R) E5607 Processor) and the GPU (NVidia Geforce Titan) implementations, as for the performance, the FPGA realization was 8.4 times faster than the CPU one, and it was 62.8 times faster than the GPU one. As for the power consumption efficiency, the FPGA realization was 7.8 times better than the CPU one, and it was 385.9 times better than the GPU one.

  • A PC-Based Logic Simulator Using a Look-Up Table Cascade Emulator

    Hiroki NAKAHARA  Tsutomu SASAO  Munehiro MATSUURA  

    PAPER-Simulation and Verification

    E89-A No:12

    This paper represents a cycle-based logic simulation method using an LUT cascade emulator, where an LUT cascade consists of multiple-output LUTs (cells) connected in series. The LUT cascade emulator is an architecture that emulates LUT cascades. It has a control part, a memory for logic, and registers. It connects the memory to registers through a programmable interconnection circuit, and evaluates the given circuit stored in the memory. The LUT cascade emulator runs on an ordinary PC. This paper also compares the method with a Levelized Compiled Code (LCC) simulator and a simulator using a Quasi-Reduced Multi-valued Decision Diagram (QRMDD). Our simulator is 3.5 to 10.6 times faster than the LCC, and 1.1 to 3.9 times faster than the one using a QRMDD. The simulation setup time is 2.0 to 9.8 times shorter than the LCC. The necessary amount of memory is 1/1.8 to 1/5.5 of the one using a QRMDD.

  • A Quaternary Decision Diagram Machine: Optimization of Its Code

    Tsutomu SASAO  Hiroki NAKAHARA  Munehiro MATSUURA  Yoshifumi KAWAMURA  Jon T. BUTLER  


    E93-D No:8

    This paper first reviews the trends of VLSI design, focusing on the power dissipation and programmability. Then, we show the advantage of Quarternary Decision Diagrams (QDDs) in representing and evaluating logic functions. That is, we show how QDDs are used to implement QDD machines, which yield high-speed implementations. We compare QDD machines with binary decision diagram (BDD) machines, and show a speed improvement of 1.28-2.02 times when QDDs are chosen. We consider 1-and 2-address BDD machines, and 3- and 4-address QDD machines, and we show a method to minimize the number of instructions.

  • SENTEI: Filter-Wise Pruning with Distillation towards Efficient Sparse Convolutional Neural Network Accelerators

    Masayuki SHIMODA  Youki SADA  Ryosuke KURAMOCHI  Shimpei SATO  Hiroki NAKAHARA  

    PAPER-Computer System

    E103-D No:12

    In the realization of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) in resource-constrained embedded hardware, the memory footprint of weights is one of the primary problems. Pruning techniques are often used to reduce the number of weights. However, the distribution of nonzero weights is highly skewed, which makes it more difficult to utilize the underlying parallelism. To address this problem, we present SENTEI*, filter-wise pruning with distillation, to realize hardware-aware network architecture with comparable accuracy. The filter-wise pruning eliminates weights such that each filter has the same number of nonzero weights, and retraining with distillation retains the accuracy. Further, we develop a zero-weight skipping inter-layer pipelined accelerator on an FPGA. The equalization enables inter-filter parallelism, where a processing block for a layer executes filters concurrently with straightforward architecture. Our evaluation of semantic-segmentation tasks indicates that the resulting mIoU only decreased by 0.4 points. Additionally, the speedup and power efficiency of our FPGA implementation were 33.2× and 87.9× higher than those of the mobile GPU. Therefore, our technique realizes hardware-aware network with comparable accuracy.

  • GUINNESS: A GUI Based Binarized Deep Neural Network Framework for Software Programmers

    Hiroki NAKAHARA  Haruyoshi YONEKAWA  Tomoya FUJII  Masayuki SHIMODA  Shimpei SATO  

    PAPER-Design Tools

    E102-D No:5

    The GUINNESS (GUI based binarized neural network synthesizer) is an open-source tool flow for a binarized deep neural network toward FPGA implementation based on the GUI including both the training on the GPU and inference on the FPGA. Since all the operation is done on the GUI, the software designer is not necessary to write any scripts to design the neural network structure, training behavior, only specify the values for hyperparameters. After finishing the training, it automatically generates C++ codes to synthesis the bit-stream using the Xilinx SDSoC system design tool flow. Thus, our tool flow is suitable for the software programmers who are not familiar with the FPGA design. In our tool flow, we modify the training algorithms both the training and the inference for a binarized CNN hardware. Since the hardware has a limited number of bit precision, it lacks minimal bias in training. Also, for the inference on the hardware, the conventional batch normalization technique requires additional hardware. Our modifications solve these problems. We implemented the VGG-11 benchmark CNN on the Digilent Inc. Zedboard. Compared with the conventional binarized implementations on an FPGA, the classification accuracy was almost the same, the performance per power efficiency is 5.1 times better, as for the performance per area efficiency, it is 8.0 times better, and as for the performance per memory, it is 8.2 times better. We compare the proposed FPGA design with the CPU and the GPU designs. Compared with the ARM Cortex-A57, it was 1776.3 times faster, it dissipated 3.0 times lower power, and its performance per power efficiency was 5706.3 times better. Also, compared with the Maxwell GPU, it was 11.5 times faster, it dissipated 7.3 times lower power, and its performance per power efficiency was 83.0 times better. The disadvantage of our FPGA based design requires additional time to synthesize the FPGA executable codes. From the experiment, it consumed more three hours, and the total FPGA design took 75 hours. Since the training of the CNN is dominant, it is considerable.

  • A Threshold Neuron Pruning for a Binarized Deep Neural Network on an FPGA

    Tomoya FUJII  Shimpei SATO  Hiroki NAKAHARA  

    PAPER-Emerging Applications

    E101-D No:2

    For a pre-trained deep convolutional neural network (CNN) for an embedded system, a high-speed and a low power consumption are required. In the former of the CNN, it consists of convolutional layers, while in the latter, it consists of fully connection layers. In the convolutional layer, the multiply accumulation operation is a bottleneck, while the fully connection layer, the memory access is a bottleneck. The binarized CNN has been proposed to realize many multiply accumulation circuit on the FPGA, thus, the convolutional layer can be done with a high-seed operation. However, even if we apply the binarization to the fully connection layer, the amount of memory was still a bottleneck. In this paper, we propose a neuron pruning technique which eliminates almost part of the weight memory, and we apply it to the fully connection layer on the binarized CNN. In that case, since the weight memory is realized by an on-chip memory on the FPGA, it achieves a high-speed memory access. To further reduce the memory size, we apply the retraining the CNN after neuron pruning. In this paper, we propose a sequential-input parallel-output fully connection layer circuit for the binarized fully connection layer, while proposing a streaming circuit for the binarized 2D convolutional layer. The experimental results showed that, by the neuron pruning, as for the fully connected layer on the VGG-11 CNN, the number of neurons was reduced by 39.8% with keeping the 99% baseline accuracy. We implemented the neuron pruning CNN on the Xilinx Inc. Zynq Zedboard. Compared with the ARM Cortex-A57, it was 1773.0 times faster, it dissipated 3.1 times lower power, and its performance per power efficiency was 5781.3 times better. Also, compared with the Maxwell GPU, it was 11.1 times faster, it dissipated 7.7 times lower power, and its performance per power efficiency was 84.1 times better. Thus, the binarized CNN on the FPGA is suitable for the embedded system.

  • Energy-Efficient ECG Signals Outlier Detection Hardware Using a Sparse Robust Deep Autoencoder

    Naoto SOGA  Shimpei SATO  Hiroki NAKAHARA  

    PAPER-Logic Design

    E104-D No:8

    Advancements in portable electrocardiographs have allowed electrocardiogram (ECG) signals to be recorded in everyday life. Machine-learning techniques, including deep learning, have been used in numerous studies to analyze ECG signals because they exhibit superior performance to conventional methods. A mobile ECG analysis device is needed so that abnormal ECG waves can be detected anywhere. Such mobile device requires a real-time performance and low power consumption, however, deep-learning based models often have too many parameters to implement on mobile hardware, its amount of hardware is too large and dissipates much power consumption. We propose a design flow to implement the outlier detector using an autoencoder on a low-end FPGA. To shorten the preparation time of ECG data used in training an autoencoder, an unsupervised learning technique is applied. Additionally, to minimize the volume of the weight parameters, a weight sparseness technique is applied, and all the parameters are converted into fixed-point values. We show that even if the parameters are reduced converted into fixed-point values, the outlier detection performance degradation is only 0.83 points. By reducing the volume of the weight parameters, all the parameters can be stored in on-chip memory. We design the architecture according to the CRS format, which is the well-known data structure of a sparse matrix, minimizing the hardware size and reducing the power consumption. We use weight sharing to further reduce the weight-parameter volumes. By using weight sharing, we could reduce the bit width of the memories by 60% while maintaining the outlier detection performance. We implemented the autoencoder on a Digilent Inc. ZedBoard and compared the results with those for the ARM mobile CPU for a built-in device. The results indicated that our FPGA implementation of the outlier detector was 12 times faster and 106 times more energy-efficient.

  • A Packet Classifier Based on Prefetching EVMDD (k) Machines

    Hiroki NAKAHARA  Tsutomu SASAO  Munehiro MATSUURA  

    PAPER-Logic Design

    E97-D No:9

    A Decision Diagram Machine (DDM) is a special-purpose processor that has special instructions to evaluate a decision diagram. Since the DDM uses only a limited number of instructions, it is faster than the general-purpose Micro Processor Unit (MPU). Also, the architecture for the DDM is much simpler than that for an MPU. This paper presents a packet classifier using a parallel EVMDD (k) machine. To reduce computation time and code size, first, a set of rules for a packet classifier is partitioned into groups. Then, the parallel EVMDD (k) machine evaluates them. To further speed-up for the standard EVMDD (k) machine, we propose the prefetching EVMDD (k) machine which reads both the index and the jump address at the same time. The prefetching EVMDD (k) machine is 2.4 times faster than the standard one using the same memory size. We implemented a parallel prefetching EVMDD (k) machine consisting of 30 machines on an FPGA, and compared it with the Intel's Core i5 microprocessor running at 1.7GHz. Our parallel machine is 15.1-77.5 times faster than the Core i5, and it requires only 8.1-58.5 percents of the memory for the Core i5.

  • A Low-Latency Inference of Randomly Wired Convolutional Neural Networks on an FPGA

    Ryosuke KURAMOCHI  Hiroki NAKAHARA  


    E104-D No:12

    Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are widely used for image processing tasks in both embedded systems and data centers. In data centers, high accuracy and low latency are desired for various tasks such as image processing of streaming videos. We propose an FPGA-based low-latency CNN inference for randomly wired convolutional neural networks (RWCNNs), whose layer structures are based on random graph models. Because RWCNNs have several convolution layers that have no direct dependencies between them, our architecture can process them efficiently using a pipeline method. At each layer, we need to use the calculation results of multiple layers as the input. We use an FPGA with HBM2 to enable parallel access to the input data with multiple HBM2 channels. We schedule the order of execution of the layers to improve the pipeline efficiency. We build a conflict graph using the scheduling results. Then, we allocate the calculation results of each layer to the HBM2 channels by coloring the graph. Because the pipeline execution needs to be properly controlled, we developed an automatic generation tool for hardware functions. We implemented the proposed architecture on the Alveo U50 FPGA. We investigated a trade-off between latency and recognition accuracy for the ImageNet classification task by comparing the inference performances for different input image sizes. We compared our accelerator with a conventional accelerator for ResNet-50. The results show that our accelerator reduces the latency by 2.21 times. We also obtained 12.6 and 4.93 times better efficiency than CPU and GPU, respectively. Thus, our accelerator for RWCNNs is suitable for low-latency inference.

  • A Virus Scanning Engine Using an MPU and an IGU Based on Row-Shift Decomposition

    Hiroki NAKAHARA  Tsutomu SASAO  Munehiro MATSUURA  


    E96-D No:8

    This paper shows a virus scanning engine using two-stage matching. In the first stage, a binary CAM emulator quickly detects a part of the virus pattern, while in the second stage, the MPU detects the full length of the virus pattern. The binary CAM emulator is realized by an index generation unit (IGU) based on row-shift decomposition. The proposed system uses two off-chip SRAMs and a small FPGA. Thus, the cost and the power consumption are lower than the TCAM-based system. The system loaded 1,290,617 ClamAV virus patterns. As for the area and throughput, this system outperforms existing two-stage matching systems using FPGAs.

  • Multilayer Perceptron Training Accelerator Using Systolic Array

    Takeshi SENOO  Akira JINGUJI  Ryosuke KURAMOCHI  Hiroki NAKAHARA  


    E105-D No:12

    Multilayer perceptron (MLP) is a basic neural network model that is used in practical industrial applications, such as network intrusion detection (NID) systems. It is also used as a building block in newer models, such as gMLP. Currently, there is a demand for fast training in NID and other areas. However, in training with numerous GPUs, the problems of power consumption and long training times arise. Many of the latest deep neural network (DNN) models and MLPs are trained using a backpropagation algorithm which transmits an error gradient from the output layer to the input layer such that in the sequential computation, the next input cannot be processed until the weights of all layers are updated from the last layer. This is known as backward locking. In this study, a weight parameter update mechanism is proposed with time delays that can accommodate the weight update delay to allow simultaneous forward and backward computation. To this end, a one-dimensional systolic array structure was designed on a Xilinx U50 Alveo FPGA card in which each layer of the MLP is assigned to a processing element (PE). The time-delay backpropagation algorithm executes all layers in parallel, and transfers data between layers in a pipeline. Compared to the Intel Core i9 CPU and NVIDIA RTX 3090 GPU, it is 3 times faster than the CPU and 2.5 times faster than the GPU. The processing speed per power consumption is 11.5 times better than that of the CPU and 21.4 times better than that of the GPU. From these results, it is concluded that a training accelerator on an FPGA can achieve high speed and energy efficiency.

  • Power Efficient Object Detector with an Event-Driven Camera for Moving Object Surveillance on an FPGA

    Masayuki SHIMODA  Shimpei SATO  Hiroki NAKAHARA  


    E102-D No:5

    We propose an object detector using a sliding window method for an event-driven camera which outputs a subtracted frame (usually a binary value) when changes are detected in captured images. Since sliding window skips unchanged portions of the output, the number of target object area candidates decreases dramatically, which means that our system operates faster and with lower power consumption than a system using a straightforward sliding window approach. Since the event-driven camera output consists of binary precision frames, an all binarized convolutional neural network (ABCNN) can be available, which means that it allows all convolutional layers to share the same binarized convolutional circuit, thereby reducing the area requirement. We implemented our proposed method on the Xilinx Inc. Zedboard and then evaluated it using the PETS 2009 dataset. The results showed that our system outperformed BCNN system from the viewpoint of detection performance, hardware requirement, and computation time. Also, we showed that FPGA is an ideal method for our system than mobile GPU. From these results, our proposed system is more suitable for the embedded systems based on stationary cameras (such as security cameras).

  • A Memory-Based IPv6 Lookup Architecture Using Parallel Index Generation Units

    Hiroki NAKAHARA  Tsutomu SASAO  Munehiro MATSUURA  Hisashi IWAMOTO  Yasuhiro TERAO  


    E98-D No:2

    In the era of IPv6, since the number of IPv6 addresses rapidly increases and the required speed is more than Giga lookups per second (GLPS), an area-efficient and high-speed IP lookup architecture is desired. This paper shows a parallel index generation unit (IGU) for memory-based IPv6 lookup architecture. To reduce the size of memory in the IGU, we use a linear transformation and a row-shift decomposition. A single-memory realization requires O(2l log k) memory size, where l denotes the length of prefix, while the realization using IGU requires O(kl) memory size, where k denotes the number of prefixes. In IPv6 prefix lookup, since l is at most 64 and k is about 340 K, the IGU drastically reduces the memory size. Also, to reduce the cost, we realize the parallel IGU by using both on-chip and off-chip memories. We show a design algorithm for the parallel IGU to store given off-chip and on-chip memories. The parallel IGU has a simple architecture and performs lookup by using complete pipelines those insert the pipeline registers in all the paths. We loaded more than 340 K IPv6 pseudo prefixes on the Xilinx Virtex 6 FPGA with off-chip DDRII+ Static RAMs (SRAMs). Its lookup speed is 1.100 giga lookups per second (GLPS) which is sufficient for the required speed for a next generation 400 Gbps link throughput. As for the normalized area and lookup speed, our implementation outperforms existing FPGA implementations.

  • Weight Sparseness for a Feature-Map-Split-CNN Toward Low-Cost Embedded FPGAs

    Akira JINGUJI  Shimpei SATO  Hiroki NAKAHARA  


    E104-D No:12

    Convolutional neural network (CNN) has a high recognition rate in image recognition and are used in embedded systems such as smartphones, robots and self-driving cars. Low-end FPGAs are candidates for embedded image recognition platforms because they achieve real-time performance at a low cost. However, CNN has significant parameters called weights and internal data called feature maps, which pose a challenge for FPGAs for performance and memory capacity. To solve these problems, we exploit a split-CNN and weight sparseness. The split-CNN reduces the memory footprint by splitting the feature map into smaller patches and allows the feature map to be stored in the FPGA's high-throughput on-chip memory. Weight sparseness reduces computational costs and achieves even higher performance. We designed a dedicated architecture of a sparse CNN and a memory buffering scheduling for a split-CNN and implemented this on the PYNQ-Z1 FPGA board with a low-end FPGA. An experiment on classification using VGG16 shows that our implementation is 3.1 times faster than the GPU, and 5.4 times faster than an existing FPGA implementation.

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