1-3hit |
We present a new basis for discrete representation of stereo correspondence. This center referenced basis permits a more natural, complete and concise representation of constraints in stereo matching. In this context a MAP formulation for disparity estimation is derived and reduced to unconstrained minimization of an energy function. Incorporating natural constraints, the problem is simplified to the shortest path problem in a sparsely connected trellis structure which is performed by an efficient dynamic programing algorithm. The computational complexity is the same as the best of other dynamic programming methods, but a very high degree of concurrency is possible in the algorithm making it suitable for implementation with parallel procesors. Experimental results confirm the performance of this method and matching errors are found to degrade gracefully in exponential form with respect to noise.
In this paper, we present an efficient architecture for connected word recognition that can be implemented with field programmable gate array (FPGA). The architecture consists of newly derived two-level dynamic programming (TLDP) that use only bit addition and shift operations. The advantages of this architecture are the spatial efficiency to accommodate more words with limited space and the absence of multiplications to increase computational speed by reducing propagation delays. The architecture is highly regular, consisting of identical and simple processing elements with only nearest-neighbor communication, and external communication occurs with the end processing elements. In order to verify the proposed architecture, we have also designed and implemented it, prototyping with Xilinx FPGAs running at 33 MHz.
Tracking many targets simultaneously using a search radar has been one of the major research areas in radar signal processing. The primary difficulty in this problem arises from the noise characteristics of the incoming data. Hence it is crucial to obtain an accurate association between targets and noisy measurements in multi-target tracking. We introduce a new scheme for optimal data association, based on a MAP approach, and thereby derive an efficient energy function. Unlike the previous approaches, the new constraints between targets and measurements can manage the cases of target missing and false alarm. Presently, most algorithms need heuristic adjustments of the parameters. Instead, this paper suggests a mechanism that determines the parameters in an automated manner. Experimental results, including PDA and NNF, show that the proposed method reduces position errors in crossing trajectories by 32.8% on the average compared to NNF.