1-4hit |
Hongku KANG Wooncheol HWANG Kiseon KIM
We propose a subchannel power control scheme in the OFDM system, which transmits data with a variable power level for each subchannel based on the received SNR. The OFDM system, employing the D-QPSK modulation and the proposed subchannel power control with a grouping coefficient equal to 3, gives about 2.3 dB gain in Eb/N0 comparing with the conventional OFDM system, under the two-ray multipath channel with the mean value of the second-ray's attenuation coefficient equal to 0.25, for the required BER equal to 10-5.
Hongku KANG Yeyun KHO Kanghee KIM Kiseon KIM
In this letter, we propose a robust IFDD scheme employing an interference canceller, which is used for mitigating interferences from the transmitting signal instead of complex filter bank to reduce the complexity, for the OFDM system using feedback information. According to simulation results, the proposed IFDD OFDM system does not show significant performance degradation but maintains the robustness against the fast time-varying multipath channel, while the TDD OFDM system estimating feedback information from receiving block makes serious performance degradation.
Wooncheol HWANG Hongku KANG Kiseon KIM
In this letter, a concise formula for the SNR degradation of OFDM caused by carrier frequency offset is derived by approximations over a shadowed two-path channel, which explicitly shows the sensitivity of SNR degradation to various parameters including the frequency offset. It is shown that, for small frequency offset, the SNR degradation is proportional to the square of the frequency offset and the square of the number of subcarriers. It is also shown that, if Es/N0 is reasonably large, the SNR degradation becomes insensitive to Es/N0, which is contrary to the case of the AWGN channel.
Hongku KANG Hyunjae KIM Wooncheol HWANG Kiseon KIM
We evaluate the BER performance of the OFDM system with the one-tap equalizer bank under the two-ray multipath channel with the frequency offset by the simple Gaussian analysis method and by a proposed modified Gaussian analysis method. The proposed analysis method considers two adjacent inter-channel interferences, separately, and models the other inter-channel interferences as a Gaussian noise. It is shown that the proposed analysis method affords much closer results to the simulations than those by the simple Gaussian analysis method, when the frequency offset exists.