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Hongwu LIU Ruiliang GUAN Nairui YIN Xinyi XIE Degui CHEN
The influence of the splitter plates on the high-current arc roots formation in low voltage circuit breaker is investigated. One arc quenching chamber model is designed, where the shape of the splitter plates can be changed. The capacitor bank circuit is used to provide the test power supply, and the effective value of the prospective short circuit current is fixed to 10kA. High speed CCD camera is adopted to record the arc images during the arcing duration. Arc current and voltage are also measured to analyze the arc characteristics. In addition, a simplified 1-D thermal-electric model is developed to investigate the influence of the splitter plates on the distribution of the current density of the arc plasma with the assumption of local thermal equilibrium (LTE). It shows that the distance between the arc initial ignition location and the splitter plates is crucial to the arc root formation.
Ruiliang GUAN Hongwu LIU Nairui YIN Yanfeng HE Degui CHEN
With measuring the arc current, arc voltage and arc images, the high-current air arc commutation process across the separated electrodes was investigated. It shows that the existence of a short stable arc in the gap may increase the current commutation time. According to the energy balance of the arc column, the conditions to maintain the short stable arc were introduced and the effects of the current limiting resistance on the current commutation process were discussed.
Zhipeng LI Degui CHEN Hongwu LIU Xingwen LI
To measure the arc motion in interruption process of low voltage molded case circuit breakers (MCCBs) more precisely, a set of novel 2-D optical fiber system is developed. To improve the spatial resolution of optical fibers, lens with inhomogeneous dielectric is fixed on the top of each fiber. Furthermore, the full hardware control logic facilitates the real-time, synchronous and high-speed processing and breaks through the restricted bus operation frequency range and data stream capacity of microprocessor. The Publisher-Subscribe behavioral design pattern is applied to the software and the loosely coupled relationship between glyph and experimental data is once established, the graphic configuration can be implemented for simulation analysis, and the flexibility and applicability of the whole system are obviously improved. It demonstrates that the system provides a better research technique especially for new generation MCCB with gas driven arc.
Degui CHEN Hongwu LIU Haitao SUN Qingjiang LIU Jingshu ZHANG
The interrupting characteristics of low voltage current limiting circuit breakers have directly relationship with the magnitude and distribution of magnetic field produced by contact system and splitter plates. In order to analyze the influence of configuration of contact system on current limiting characteristics, 3D magnetic field of arc chamber (including contact system, arc, splitter plates) is calculated. Furthermore, the electromagnetic repulsion force of movable contact is also calculated. The results can be used to improve configuration of arc quenching chamber. The cooperation between operating mechanism and electromagnetic repulsion force is also analyzed in this paper.
Degui CHEN Zhipeng LI Hongwu LIU
In order to get the knowledge of gas dynamics in interruption process of molded case circuit breakers, a quenching chamber model with gas-driven arc is proposed. The two-dimensional optical fiber digital testing system has been used to measure the arc current, arc voltage, pressure in the quenching chamber, and the movement of the arc when interrupting the 10 kA prospective current in different conditions. The influence of venting conditions, the configuration of splitter plates and gassing material characteristics on the performance of gas-driven arc has investigated. It demonstrates that the performance can be improved effectively by the ways of closing the bottom venting, adopting shorter splitter plate configuration, and POM and Nylon gassing materials.