Mitsuyoshi KISHIHARA Kuniyoshi YAMANE Isao OHTA Tadashi KAWAI
This paper treats multi-way microstrip power dividers composed of multi-step, multi-furcation, and corners. Since the design procedure is founded on the planar circuit approach in combination with the segmentation method, optimization of the circuit configuration can be performed in a reasonable short computation time when applying the Powell's optimization algorithm. Actually, broadband 3- and 4-way power dividers with mitered bends are designed, and fractional bandwidths of about 90% and 100% are realized for the power-split imbalance less than 0.2 dB and the return loss better than -20 dB, respectively. The validity of the design results is confirmed by an EM-simulator (HFSS) and experiments.
A planar-circuit-type 3 dB hybrid consisting of a four-port disk-shaped resonator is reinvestigated. A great improvement in the characteristics is obtained by rearranging the four ports upon consideration of the higher order resonator modes without loss in simplicity of the structure.
Mitsuyoshi KISHIHARA Hiroaki IKEUCHI Yuichi UTSUMI Tadashi KAWAI Isao OHTA
The metallic waveguide is one of many effective media for millimeter- and submillimeter-waves because of the advantage of its low-loss nature. This paper describes the fabrication method of PTFE-filled waveguide components with the use of the SR (synchrotron radiation) direct etching process of PTFE, sputter deposition of metal, and electroplating. PTFE is known as a difficult material to process with high precision. However, it has been reported that PTFE microstructures can be fabricated by the direct exposure to SR. First, an iris-coupled waveguide BPF with 5-stage Chebyshev response is designed and fabricated for the Q-band. It is demonstrated that the present process is applicable for the fabrication of the practical components inclusive of narrow patterns. Then, a cruciform 3 dB coupler with air-filled posts is designed and fabricated for the Q-band. Directivity and matched state of the coupler can be realized by “holes” in the dielectric material. The measurement results are also shown.
Kensuke OKUBO Mitsuyoshi KISHIHARA Akifumi IKEDA Jiro YAMAKITA Isao OHTA
A composite right/left-handed transmission line (CRLH-TL) using substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) with floating-conductor (SIW-type CRLH-TL) for microwave and millimeter wave frequencies has been proposed by the authors. This paper proposes a new configuration that is shield type of the SIW-type CRLH-TL, which can suppress the radiation from the exposed floating-conductors, and shows that even if the shielded structure is used, the SIW-type CRLH-TL supports the LH mode as well as the prototype. Proposed CRLH-TL consists of a SIW with slot apertures (part 1), a dielectric film with floating-conductors (part 2) and a SIW without lower conductor (part 3). A shielded SIW-type CRLH-TL for X--K band (with wide LH mode bandwidth of 6 GHz and transition frequency of 16 GHz) that satisfies the balance condition is designed. Dispersion diagram and S-parameters are derived numerically, and typical field distributions of RH and LH transmission and the zeroth-order resonance are shown. Measured result agrees well with theoretical result, by considering the accuracy performance and loss factors of the fabricated CRLH-TL. Proposed CRLH-TL has advantage of simple manufacturing, because the parts 1--3 are composed of simple planar periodic structure. It is expected to be one of the basic structure of CRLH-TL or components such as LH coupler above 10 GHz or millimeter wave frequency.
A 5λ/2 rat-race-type directional coupler for arbitrary power divisions with high isolation and a method of improvement on its matching bandwidth are described. A close agreement between the theoretical and measured scattering parameters is observed also.
In this paper, we suggest a method of analyzing the post-wall waveguide (PWW) or the substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) by applying the analytical technique of the H-plane waveguide discontinuities based on the planar circuit approach. The analytical procedure consists of the derivation of the mode impedance matrices for regular-shaped circuits and the short-circuiting operation on fictitious ports arranged at the peripheries of the metallic posts. First, a straight section of the PWW is treated as an example and the analytical method for the calculation of the S-parameters is described in detail. Then the attenuation and phase constants of the PWW are computed with the aid of the Thru-Reflect Line (TRL) calibration technique. Next, the analytical method is applied to the design of two types of right-angled corners. The analysis and the design results are verified using an em-simulator (HFSS).
Takao FUJII Isao OHTA Tadashi KAWAI Yoshihiro KOKUBO
This paper presents some structures of artificial coplanar waveguide with very slow phase velocity and their applications to a design of compact 3-dB branch-line couplers. The slow-wave structure is constructed by periodically loading both of series inductance and shunt capacitance. First, a basic miniature branch-line coupler is designed and consequently considerable size-reduction of about 1/4 is obtained. Next, a broadband design technique is described using open-circuited quarter-wavelength series-stubs added at each port as a matching network. By size-reducing the series-stubs and branchline sections, a very compact broadband coupler with a good hybrid performance over a wide bandwidth of 31 percent or more is realized. The design concepts and procedures are verified both numerically and experimentally.
Mitsuyoshi KISHIHARA Isao OHTA Kuniyoshi YAMANE
This paper presents a design method of multi-stage, multi-way microstrip power dividers with the aim of constructing a compact low-loss power divider with numbers of outputs. First, an integration design technique of power dividers composed of multi-step, multi-furcation and mitered bends is described. Since the analytical technique is founded on the planar circuit approach combined with the segmentation method, the optimization of the circuit patterns can be performed in a reasonable short computation time. Next, the present method is applied to the design of broadband Nn-way power dividers such as 32-way power divider consisting of 3-way dividers in two-stage structures, respectively. In addition, a 12-way power divider constructed from a series connection of a 3-way and three 4-way dividers is designed. The dividers equivalently contain a 3-section Chebyshev transformer to realize broadband properties. As a result, the fractional bandwidths of nearly 85% and 66.7% for the power-split imbalance less than 0.2 dB and the return loss better than -20 dB are obtained for the 9- and 12-way power dividers, respectively. The validity of these design results is confirmed by a commercial em-simulator (Ansoft HFSS) and experiments.
This paper treats a band-broadening design technique of a dual-band branch-line coupler with matching networks composed of an impedance step and a short-circuited stub based on the equivalent admittance approach. By replacing each right-handed transmission line (RH-TL) with a composite right/left-handed transmission line (CRLH-TL), very flat couplings over a relative bandwidth of about 10% can be obtained at two arbitrary operating frequencies in comparison with previous CRLH-TLs branch-line couplers. Furthermore, by adding periodical open-circuited stubs into RH-TLs of the designed CRLH-TLs branch-line coupler with matching networks, the entire size of the coupler can be reduced to about 50%. Verification of these band-broadening and size-reduction design techniques can be also shown by an electromagnetic simulation and experiment.
Mitsuyoshi KISHIHARA Isao OHTA Tadashi KAWAI Kuniyoshi YAMANE
Directional couplers with flat coupling are designed by using an asymmetrical coupled-HNRD-guide consisting of two HNRD guides of different cross sections arranged closely. First, propagation characteristics of the asymmetrical coupled-HNRD-guide are analyzed by the transverse resonance technique. Next, the whole directional couplers including tapered sections are designed from the S-parameters of the coupled HNRD guides derived from a superposition of the even-like and odd-like modes. Finally, the validity of the design procedure is confirmed by an em-simulator (HFSS).
Mitsuyoshi KISHIHARA Tadashi KAWAI Yoshihiro KOKUBO Isao OHTA
This paper suggests a new type of 180-degree 3 dB hybrid, which consists of a cylindrical cavity and four E-plane rectangular waveguides radially coupled with it, and shows that good hybrid properties are realized by modifying the positions of the four input/output waveguides and the radius of the cylindrical cavity that are determined by the field distribution of the TE111 resonant mode. Moreover, a method of broadening the bandwidth with additional impedance steps is described. The present hybrid is marked by simple structure, and hence is useful for applications at millimeter wave frequencies and to high-power microwave systems. Experimental verification is additionally shown.
This paper presents a miniaturized reverse-phase hybrid ring by the use of shunt capacitors, and successfully designs a very miniature hybrid ring of a 0.28-wavelength circumference with a wide bandwidth comparable to the regular reverse-phase hybrid ring based on the equivalent admittance approach. Moreover, a method of broadening the bandwidth with adding a matching network consisting of a very short transmission line and two shunt capacitors at each port is also described. The validity of the proposed design is demonstrated by electromagnetic simulator (Sonnet em) for a uniplanar hybrid ring.
This letter presents formulae by means of which AM and PM noise in mutually synchronized oscillators with asymmetrical locking forces can be estimated directly from parameters of the oscillators system. In particular, coupling phase dependence of PM noise conservation rates is studied in detail.
In this paper, we consider a parallel ring-line rat-race circuit realized by replacing some parts of the ring-lines with composite right-/left-handed transmission lines (CRLH-TLs). For a conventional rat-race circuit, the minimum coupling factor is limited by the highest impedance of the ring-lines that can be manufactured by general printed circuit board (PCB) technologies. However, the coupling factor of the parallel ring-line type rat-race circuit proposed in this paper is determined by the difference between the admittances of the parallel ring-lines. As a result of designing parallel ring-line rat-race circuits having coupling factors of $-20$ and $-30$,dB for an operation frequency of 4,GHz, the proposed rat-race circuit realizes broadband characteristics of about 35.5% according to the numerical results for the $-20$,dB circuit. Furthermore, broadband characteristics including reflection, isolation, and couplings can be maintained for the fabricated $-20$,dB rat-race circuit up to an input power of 40,dBm.
Tadashi KAWAI Yasuaki NAKASHIMA Yoshihiro KOKUBO Isao OHTA
This paper describes a novel Wilkinson power divider operating at two arbitrary different frequencies. The proposed divider consists of two-section transmission lines and a series RLC circuit connected between two output ports. The circuit parameters for a dual-band operation are derived by the even/odd mode analysis. Equal power split, complete matching, and good isolation between two output ports are numerically demonstrated. Dual-band and broadband Wilkinson power dividers can be successfully designed. Finally, verification of this design method is also shown by electromagnetic simulations and experiments.
Mitsuyoshi KISHIHARA Isao OHTA
Recently, a multi-way TE10 mode power divider based on the TE10-TEp0 mode transducers consisting of a linearly arranged single-mode waveguide (SMWG) and an over-moded waveguide (OMWG) has been reported. However, the multi-way power divider based on the present mode transducer results in poor isolation and output matching characteristics. In this paper, an improvement of the isolation and the output matching characteristics is attempted by inserting the resistive sheets in the OMWG. It is shown that the isolation characteristics of about 20 dB are achieved by adjusting the dimensions of the resistive sheets. The validity of the design results is confirmed by an experiment.
Isao OHTA Tadashi KAWAI Yoshihiro KOKUBO
This paper treats a new-type power combining system of four oscillators equally coupled to one another through an eight-port hybrid. This system is marked by easy analyzability and adjustability from its symmetrical construction. In addition, a combined power from the four oscillators is distinguishably delivered to an arbitrary port of four output ports, and hence can be switched in four ways. Experimental corroboration is presented also.
Mitsuyoshi KISHIHARA Isao OHTA Kuniyoshi YAMANE
This paper proposes a new type of compact waveguide directional coupler, which is constructed from two crossed E-plane rectangular waveguide with two metallic posts in the square junction and one metallic post at each port. The metallic posts in the square junction are set symmetrically along a diagonal line to obtain the directivity properties. The metallic post inserted at each input/output waveguide port can realize a matched state. Tight-coupling properties 0.79-6 dB are realized by optimizing the dimension of the junction and the positions/radii of the posts. The design results are verified by an em-simulator (Ansoft HFSS) and experiments.
Hiroaki IKEUCHI Tadashi KAWAI Mitsuyoshi KISHIHARA Isao OHTA
This paper proposes a novel waveguide intersection separating two H-plane waveguide systems from each other. If a four-port network in a four-fold rotational symmetry is completely matched, it has necessarily intersection properties. The proposed waveguide intersection consists of a square H-plane waveguide planar circuit connected four input/output waveguide ports in a four-fold rotational symmetry, and several metallic posts inserted at the junction without destroying the symmetry to realize a perfect matching. By optimizing the circuit parameters, high isolation properties are obtained in a relatively wide frequency band of about 8.6% for return loss and isolation better than 20 and 30 dB, respectively, for a circuit designed at 10 GHz. The proposed waveguide intersection can be analyzed by H-plane planar circuit approach, and possess advantages of compactness, simplicity, and high-power handling capability. Furthermore, an SIW intersection is designed by applying H-plane planar circuit approach to a waveguide circuit filled with dielectric material, and high isolation properties similar to H-plane waveguide intersection can be realized. The validity of these design concepts is confirmed by em-simulations and experiments.
We attempt to design and fabricate of a 4×4 Butler matrix for short-millimeter-wave frequencies by using the microfabrication process for a polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) substrate-integrated waveguide (SIW) by the synchrotron radiation (SR) direct etching of PTFE and the addition of a metal film by sputter deposition. First, the dimensions of the PTFE SIW using rectangular through-holes for G-band (140-220 GHz) operation are determined, and a cruciform 90 ° hybrid coupler and an intersection circuit are connected by the PTFE SIW to design the Butler matrix. Then, a trial fabrication is performed. Finally, the validity of the design result and the fabrication process is verified by measuring the radiation pattern.