1-4hit |
Sixia LI Shogo OKADA Jianwu DANG
Zero-shot slot filling is a domain adaptation approach to handle unseen slots in new domains without training instances. Previous studies implemented zero-shot slot filling by predicting both slot entities and slot types. Because of the lack of knowledge about new domains, the existing methods often fail to predict slot entities for new domains as well as cannot effectively predict unseen slot types even when slot entities are correctly identified. Moreover, for some seen slot types, those methods may suffer from the domain shift problem, because the unseen context in new domains may change the explanations of the slots. In this study, we propose intrinsic representations to alleviate the domain shift problems above. Specifically, we propose a multi-relation-based representation to capture both the general and specific characteristics of slot entities, and an ontology-based representation to provide complementary knowledge on the relationships between slots and values across domains, for handling both unseen slot types and unseen contexts. We constructed a two-step pipeline model using the proposed representations to solve the domain shift problem. Experimental results in terms of the F1 score on three large datasets—Snips, SGD, and MultiWOZ 2.3—showed that our model outperformed state-of-the-art baselines by 29.62, 10.38, and 3.89, respectively. The detailed analysis with the average slot F1 score showed that our model improved the prediction by 25.82 for unseen slot types and by 10.51 for seen slot types. The results demonstrated that the proposed intrinsic representations can effectively alleviate the domain shift problem for both unseen slot types and seen slot types with unseen contexts.
Hongcui WANG Shanshan LIU Di JIN Lantian LI Jianwu DANG
Recognizing the different segments of speech belonging to the same speaker is an important speech analysis task in various applications. Recent works have shown that there was an underlying manifold on which speaker utterances live in the model-parameter space. However, most speaker clustering methods work on the Euclidean space, and hence often fail to discover the intrinsic geometrical structure of the data space and fail to use such kind of features. For this problem, we consider to convert the speaker i-vector representation of utterances in the Euclidean space into a network structure constructed based on the local (k) nearest neighbor relationship of these signals. We then propose an efficient community detection model on the speaker content network for clustering signals. The new model is based on the probabilistic community memberships, and is further refined with the idea that: if two connected nodes have a high similarity, their community membership distributions in the model should be made close. This refinement enhances the local invariance assumption, and thus better respects the structure of the underlying manifold than the existing community detection methods. Some experiments are conducted on graphs built from two Chinese speech databases and a NIST 2008 Speaker Recognition Evaluations (SREs). The results provided the insight into the structure of the speakers present in the data and also confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed new method. Our new method yields better performance compared to with the other state-of-the-art clustering algorithms. Metrics for constructing speaker content graph is also discussed.
Jianguo WEI Xugang LU Jianwu DANG
Machine learning techniques have long been applied in many fields and have gained a lot of success. The purpose of learning processes is generally to obtain a set of parameters based on a given data set by minimizing a certain objective function which can explain the data set in a maximum likelihood or minimum estimation error sense. However, most of the learned parameters are highly data dependent and rarely reflect the true physical mechanism that is involved in the observation data. In order to obtain the inherent knowledge involved in the observed data, it is necessary to combine physical models with learning process rather than only fitting the observations with a black box model. To reveal underlying properties of human speech production, we proposed a learning process based on a physiological articulatory model and a coarticulation model, where both of the models are derived from human mechanisms. A two-layer learning framework was designed to learn the parameters concerned with physiological level using the physiological articulatory model and the parameters in the motor planning level using the coarticulation model. The learning process was carried out on an articulatory database of human speech production. The learned parameters were evaluated by numerical experiments and listening tests. The phonetic targets obtained in the planning stage provided an evidence for understanding the virtual targets of human speech production. As a result, the model based learning process reveals the inherent mechanism of the human speech via the learned parameters with certain physical meaning.
Dongwen YING Masashi UNOKI Xugang LU Jianwu DANG
How to reduce noise with less speech distortion is a challenging issue for speech enhancement. We propose a novel approach for reducing noise with the cost of less speech distortion. A noise signal can generally be considered to consist of two components, a "white-like" component with a uniform energy distribution and a "color" component with a concentrated energy distribution in some frequency bands. An approach based on noise eigenspace projections is proposed to pack the color component into a subspace, named "noise subspace". This subspace is then removed from the eigenspace to reduce the color component. For the white-like component, a conventional enhancement algorithm is adopted as a complementary processor. We tested our algorithm on a speech enhancement task using speech data from the Texas Instruments and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (TIMIT) dataset and noise data from NOISEX-92. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm efficiently reduces noise with little speech distortion. Objective and subjective evaluations confirmed that the proposed algorithm outperformed conventional enhancement algorithms.