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Content-based image retrieval has been a hot topic among computer vision researchers for a long time. There have been many advances over the years, one of the recent ones being deep metric learning, inspired by the success of deep neural networks in many machine learning tasks. The goal of metric learning is to extract good high-level features from image pixel data using neural networks. These features provide useful abstractions, which can enable algorithms to perform visual comparison between images with human-like accuracy. To learn these features, supervised information of image similarity or relative similarity is often used. One important issue in deep metric learning is how to define similarity for multi-label or multi-object scenes in images. Traditionally, pairwise similarity is defined based on the presence of a single common label between two images. However, this definition is very coarse and not suitable for multi-label or multi-object data. Another common mistake is to completely ignore the multiplicity of objects in images, hence ignoring the multi-object facet of certain types of datasets. In our work, we propose an approach for learning deep image representations based on the relative similarity of both multi-label and multi-object image data. We introduce an intuitive and effective similarity metric based on the Jaccard similarity coefficient, which is equivalent to the intersection over union of two label sets. Hence we treat similarity as a continuous, as opposed to discrete quantity. We incorporate this similarity metric into a triplet loss with an adaptive margin, and achieve good mean average precision on image retrieval tasks. We further show, using a recently proposed quantization method, that the resulting deep feature can be quantized whilst preserving similarity. We also show that our proposed similarity metric performs better for multi-object images than a previously proposed cosine similarity-based metric. Our proposed method outperforms several state-of-the-art methods on two benchmark datasets.
Jonathan MOJOO Yu ZHAO Muthu Subash KAVITHA Junichi MIYAO Takio KURITA
The task of image annotation is becoming enormously important for efficient image retrieval from the web and other large databases. However, huge semantic information and complex dependency of labels on an image make the task challenging. Hence determining the semantic similarity between multiple labels on an image is useful to understand any incomplete label assignment for image retrieval. This work proposes a novel method to solve the problem of multi-label image annotation by unifying two different types of Laplacian regularization terms in deep convolutional neural network (CNN) for robust annotation performance. The unified Laplacian regularization model is implemented to address the missing labels efficiently by generating the contextual similarity between labels both internally and externally through their semantic similarities, which is the main contribution of this study. Specifically, we generate similarity matrices between labels internally by using Hayashi's quantification method-type III and externally by using the word2vec method. The generated similarity matrices from the two different methods are then combined as a Laplacian regularization term, which is used as the new objective function of the deep CNN. The Regularization term implemented in this study is able to address the multi-label annotation problem, enabling a more effectively trained neural network. Experimental results on public benchmark datasets reveal that the proposed unified regularization model with deep CNN produces significantly better results than the baseline CNN without regularization and other state-of-the-art methods for predicting missing labels.