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Bon-Jin KU Jong-Moon CHUNG Changeon KANG
The effects of hybrid concatenated space-time (HC-ST) codes applying iterative a posteriori probability (APP) decoding are investigated. The bit error rate (BER) and frame error rate (FER) performance of the iterative decoded hybrid Tarokh, Seshadri, Calderbank space-time (TSC ST) coded system under flat Rayleigh fading is analyzed. At the FER 10-2 level the results show that the serially concatenated space-time (SC-ST) codes provide a coding gain of 3 dB compared to the TSC ST codes, where an additional coding gain of 1 dB beyond the SC-ST code performance can be obtained applying the HC-ST coding topology.
Dong-Chul GO Jong-Moon CHUNG Su Young LEE
An adaptive algorithm to optimize the packet size in wireless mobile networks with Gauss-Markov mobility is presented. The proposed control algorithm conducts adaptive packet size control for mobile terminals that experience relatively fast changing channel conditions, which could be caused by fast mobility or other rapidly changing interference conditions. Due to the fast changing channel conditions, the packet size controller uses short channel history for channel status estimation and takes advantage of a pre-calculated probability density function (PDF) of the distance of the mobile nodes in the estimation process. The packet size is adapted to maximize the communication performance through automatic repeat request (ARQ). The adaptive packet size controlling algorithm is based on an estimation of the channel error rate and the link statistics obtained from the mobility pattern. It was found that the distribution of the link distance among mobile nodes following the Markov-Gauss mobility pattern in a circular communication range well fits the Beta PDF. By adapting the Beta PDF from the mobility pattern, the results show that it is possible to estimate the channel condition more accurately and thereby improve the throughput and utilization performance in rapidly changing wireless mobile networking systems.
Sung Kwon HONG Jong-Moon CHUNG
In this letter, two new network coding (NC) diversity enhancement schemes are introduced for wireless relay systems. Conventional diversity enhancement approaches for relay systems suffer from error propagation at each relay and exhibit second order diversity performance. In the proposed schemes, when a relay experiences a decoding failure, the relay makes a request to have the source transmit the NC frames to the destination in its time slot. Due to this operation, the proposed schemes prevent error propagation and achieve near third order diversity performance. The proposed schemes are compared to conventional schemes based on the derived mathematical error bounds and simulation performance, both of which demonstrate the superiority of the proposed schemes.
Bon-Jin KU Jong-Moon CHUNG Changeon KANG
In this letter, we investigate serially concatenated space-time codes (SC-STs) applying iterative decoding topologies in wideband code division multiple access (WCDMA) communication systems. In the decoding algorithm, an iterative (turbo) process is used, where a priori probability (APP) is exchanged between the symbol-by-symbol space-time (ST) decoder and the bit-by-bit convolutional decoder. The experimental results show that in a Rayleigh fading channel environment the serially concatenated interleaved space-time coding systems show significant error correction capability, and based on the applied system configurations, the nonrecursive ST code outperforms the recursive ST code.
Sung Kwon HONG Jong-Moon CHUNG
In this letter, a generalized extension of the linear Z4 space time (ST) code of [1] is conducted to obtain a linear Zw structure that can be flexibly used for various numbers of transmitter antennas, number of states, and modulation types. Additionally, the corresponding recursive systematic (RS) code structure is presented. The optimal code of the quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) and 8 phase shift keying (PSK) modulation with 2 transmit antenna case is obtained from a code search and analyzed in comparison to the codes of [5]. Additionally, the structure for the 8, 32, and other number of states that were not provided in are [1] presented in this paper.
Sooyong CHOI Jong-Moon CHUNG Wun-Cheol JEONG
A new blind adaptive equalization method for constant modulus signals based on minimizing the approximate negentropy of the estimation error for a finite-length equalizer is presented. We consider the approximate negentropy using nonpolynomial expansions of the estimation error as a new performance criterion to improve the performance of a linear equalizer using the conventional constant modulus algorithm (CMA). Negentropy includes higher order statistical information and its minimization provides improved convergence, performance, and accuracy compared to traditional methods, such as the CMA, in terms of the bit error rate (BER). Also, the proposed equalizer shows faster convergence characteristics than the CMA equalizer and is more robust to nonlinear distortion than the CMA equalizer.
Wun-Cheol JEONG Dongfang LIU Jong-Moon CHUNG
Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems applying macroscopic selection diversity (MSD) are analyzed in composite fading channels through derived expressions of capacity outage probability. The MSD system uses a maximum capacity MIMO base station (BS) selection algorithm, where the results show a significant improvement in outage capacity.
In this letter, we introduce a new adaptive beamforming assisted receiver based on minimizing the approximate negentropy (NEGMIN) of the estimation error. We consider the approximate negentropy by using a nonpolynomial expansion of the estimation error as a new performance criterion to improve the performance of adaptive beamforming receivers based on the minimizing minimum mean squared error (MMSE) criteria. Negentropy includes higher order statistical information and its minimization provides improved converge, performance, and accuracy compared to traditional methods such as MMSE in terms of bit error rate (BER).
Hyung-Weon CHO Jong-Moon CHUNG Myunghwan SEO Jongho PARK Jihyoung AHN Bumkwi CHOI Tae-Jin LEE
In OLSR, only selected multipoint relays (MPRs) are allowed to forward broadcast data during the flooding process, which reduces the message propagation overhead compared to the classical flooding mechanism. Since every node in a network selects its own MPRs independently, many nodes may be MPRs of other nodes, which results in many collisions in the medium access control (MAC) layer under heavy traffic conditions. In this paper, we propose an MPR candidate selection mechanism for broadcast data aggregation in mobile ad-hoc networks. The proposed MPR candidate selection scheme can reduce the number of MPR candidates and appropriately spread MPR candidates over the whole network area. The performance of the proposed MPR candidate selection mechanism is investigated via mathematical analysis and simulations. We also propose a broadcast data aggregation mechanism to achive efficient resource utilization. Performance evaluation indicates that the proposed MPR candidate selection and broadcast data aggregation mechanism is efficient under heavy broadcast traffic load conditions.
Sung Kwon HONG Jong-Moon CHUNG
In this letter, a circulation-based distributed space time trellis code (DSTTC) technique for amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying is proposed. The proposed circulation technique is a method of configuring new protocols from the existing protocols of which the performance is dependent on specific source to relay links. The simulation results show that the newly developed protocol is less dependent on weak conditions of specific links and a performance gain in frame error rate (FER) can be obtained over the original protocol.
Sungjin SHIN Donghyuk HAN Hyoungjun CHO Jong-Moon CHUNG
Due to the rapid growth of applications that are based on Internet of Things (IoT) and real-time communications, mobile traffic growth is increasing exponentially. In highly populated areas, sudden concentration of numerous mobile user traffic can cause radio resource shortage, where traffic offloading is essential in preventing overload problems. Vertical handover (VHO) technology which supports seamless connectivity across heterogeneous wireless networks is a core technology of traffic offloading. In VHO, minimizing service interruption is a key design factor, since service interruption deteriorates service performance and degrades user experience (UX). Although 3GPP standard VHO procedures are designed to prevent service interruption, severe quality of service (QoS) degradation and severe interruption can occur in real network environments due to unintended disconnections with one's base station (BS) or access point (AP). In this article, the average minimum handover interruption time (HIT) (i.e., the guaranteed HIT influence) between LTE and Wi-Fi VHO is analyzed and measured based on 3GPP VHO access and decision procedures. In addition, the key parameters and procedures which affect HIT performance are analyzed, and a reference probability density function (PDF) for HIT prediction is derived from Kolmogorov-Smirnov test techniques.
Sung Kwon HONG Jong-Moon CHUNG Daehwan KIM
In this letter, an M-ary extension to the soft information relaying (SIR) scheme is derived for distributed turbo codes (DTCs) to enable higher data rate wireless communications with extended ranges. The M-ary based SIR design for DTCs is based on constructing a revised mapping constellation of the signals for calculating metrics from the soft mapping symbols. The numerical results show that DTCs using the proposed M-ary SIR with gray mapped quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) provides a significant 5 dB performance gain over hard information relaying (HIR) DTCs at the 10-3 bit error rate (BER) level.
Sung-Woong JO Taeyoung HA Taehyun KYONG Jong-Moon CHUNG
Dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) is an essential mechanism for power saving in smartphones and mobile devices. Central processing unit (CPU) load based DVFS algorithms are widely used due to their simplicity of implementation. However, such algorithms often lead to a poor response time, which is one of the most important factors of user experience, especially for interactive applications. In this paper, the response time is mathematically modeled by considering the CPU frequency and characteristics of the running applications based on the Linux kernel's completely fair scheduler (CFS), and a Response time constrained Frequency & Priority (RFP) control scheme for improved power efficiency of smartphones is proposed. In the RFP algorithm, the CPU frequency and priority of the interactive applications are adaptively adjusted by estimating the response time in real time. The experimental results show that RFP can save energy up to 24.23% compared to the ondemand governor and up to 7.74% compared to HAPPE while satisfying the predefined threshold of the response time in Android-based smartphones.