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Chin-Sean SUM Mohammad Azizur RAHMAN Zhou LAN Ryuhei FUNADA Junyi WANG Tuncer BAYKAS Hiroshi HARADA Shuzo KATO
In this paper, throughput and error performance analysis is conducted on the proposed space-time resource management (STRM) scheme to realize a multi-Gbps millimeter-wave wireless personal area network (WPAN) system. The proposed STRM allows multiple peer-to-peer communication links to occupy the same time-division-multiple-access (TDMA) time slot, in contrary to the conventional TDMA system that allocates only one time slot to one communication link. Theoretical analysis is performed to investigate the achievable system throughput in the presence of co-channel interference (CCI) generated by communication links co-sharing the same time slot. To increase accuracy, the analysis results are validated by Monte Carlo simulations. Firstly, it is found that the upper bound of the achievable throughput increases linearly with the number of communication links sharing the same time slot. However, optimum throughput exists corresponding to the CCI present in the system. Secondly, by manipulating a parameter that controls the allowable CCI in the network, the system throughput can be optimized. Lastly, it is also found that in a millimeter-wave band system, a victim system with transmitter-receiver separation of 1-meter can achieve bit error rate (BER) of 10-6 provided that the interferer is at least 6-meters away.
This paper describes a novel pilot symbol aided up-link channel estimation scheme for a multi-user MIMO-OFDM system. A novel pilot-symbol pattern is proposed in order to overcome the interference from the multiple antennas of each user. Based on these periodically inserted pilot symbols, the channel state information (CSI) for each entire OFDM data sequence is reconstructed by using the maximum a-posteriori probability (MAP) estimation algorithm. The MAP estimation algorithm exploits channel correlations in time, frequency and space domains, which are obtained from a frequency-selective and time-variant Rayleigh fading channel model with multiple clusters and a defined complex direction of arrival (DOA). Simulation results demonstrate that it achieves almost the same performance as the ideal case by using the MAP-based estimation scheme with the well designed pilot-symbol pattern. Moreover, this model-based estimation scheme is also robust to errors in the estimation of its parameters. It will become one of the strong candidates for use in next generation mobile communication systems.
Chin-Sean SUM Gabriel Porto VILLARDI Mohammad Azizur RAHMAN Junyi WANG Zhou LAN Chunyi SONG Hiroshi HARADA
This paper presents the analysis on hidden node due to multiple transmission power level and its potential impact to system performance of White Space radio operating in the TV bands, a.k.a TV white space (TVWS). For this purpose, a generic interference model for determining the hidden node occurrence probability based on realistic physical (PHY) layer model is developed. Firstly, the generic hidden node interference model is constructed considering typical TVWS radio network deployment scenario. Emphasis is given on cases where the hidden node scenario involves multiple transmission power level. Secondly, the PHY layer design and channel propagation are modeled to analyze the realistic operating range of the TVWS radio. By combining the hidden node interference model and the PHY layer/propagation models, the realistic probability of hidden node occurrence is calculated. Finally, the performance degradation in the victim receiver due to interference generated by the potential hidden node is quantified. As a result, for urban environment, it is found that for networks consisting of devices with multiple transmit power level, the probability of hidden node occurrence is similar to that of networks consisting of devices with uni-transmit power level, provided that the interferer-victim separation distance in the former is 800 m farther apart. Furthermore, this number may increase to a maximum of 1.1 km in a suburban environment. Also, it is found that if the hidden node actually occurs, a co-channel interference (CCI) of -15 dB typically causes a degradation of 2 dB in the victim receiver.
Junyi WANG Stanislav FILIN Tuncer BAYKAS Mohammad Azizur RAHMAN Chunyi SONG Hiroshi HARADA
In this paper, we present a coexistence protocol design for a coexistence information service to provide coexistence solutions among dissimilar or independently operated autonomous decision-making networks in a wireless communication environment over, specifically but not limited to, TV white space (TVWS) frequency bands. The designed coexistence protocol for the coexistence information service has three main functionalities: (1) To collect basic information of subscribed TVWS networks; (2) To support generating neighbor lists for the TVWS networks based on the geography information and/or propagation parameters; (3) To provide necessary information for TVWS networks to make coexistence decisions. Both theoretical analysis and simulation results show that the designed coexistence information service ensures harmonious communications among dissimilar networks and is able to achieve coexistence over an area with the limited number of available channels in white space.
Mohammad Azizur RAHMAN Chin-Sean SUM Ryuhei FUNADA Shigenobu SASAKI Tuncer BAYKAS Junyi WANG Hiroshi HARADA Shuzo KATO
An exact expression of error rate is developed for maximal ratio combining (MRC) in an independent but not necessarily identically distributed frequency selective Nakagami fading channel taking into account inter-symbol, co-channel and adjacent channel interferences (ISI, CCI and ACI respectively). The characteristic function (CF) method is adopted. While accurate analysis of MRC performance cannot be seen in frequency selective channel taking ISI (and CCI) into account, such analysis for ACI has not been addressed yet. The general analysis presented in this paper solves a problem of past and present interest, which has so far been studied either approximately or in simulations. The exact method presented also lets us obtain an approximate error rate expression based on Gaussian approximation (GA) of the interferences. It is shown, especially while the channel is lightly faded, has fewer multipath components and a decaying delay profile, the GA may be substantially inaccurate at high signal-to-noise ratio. However, the exact results also reveal an important finding that there is a range of parameters where the simpler GA is reasonably accurate and hence, we don't have to go for more involved exact expression.
This letter describes two low complexity receiver structures over a multi-broadcast channel of an orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) multi-user system. The first is a one-group occupied receiver structure, whose complexity is much lower than that of a conventional OFDMA receiver structure. The other one, a multi-group occupied receiver structure, exploits multiple groups for one user, by which users' down-link data rate can be adaptively controlled by a base station (BS). Unlike unchangeable complexity of an OFDMA receiver structure that performs full-size of a fast Fourier transform (FFT) operation although only a few subcarriers are taken, its complexity linearly increases with the number of occupied subcarrier groups. The proposed receiver structures can meet the possible high-rate demand in the down-link and will become one of the strong candidates in next generation mobile communication systems.
Junyi WANG Yuyuan CHANG Chuyu ZHENG Kiyomichi ARAKI ZhongZhao ZHANG
The low complexity tree-structure based user scheduling algorithm is extended into up-link MLD-based multi-user multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) orthogonal frequency division multiplexing access (OFDMA) wireless systems. The system sum capacity is maximized by careful user selection on a defined tree structure. The calculation load is reduced by selecting the M most possible best branches and sampling in frequency dimension. The performances of the proposed scheduling algorithm are analyzed within three kinds of OFDMA systems and compared with conventional throughput-based algorithm. Both the theoretical analysis and simulation results show that the proposed algorithm obtains better performance with much low complexity.
Chin-Sean SUM Zhou LAN Junyi WANG Hiroshi HARADA Shuzo KATO
This paper investigates the communication range and interference range of millimeter-wave wireless personal area networks (WPAN) based on realistic system design. Firstly, the effective communication range of the millimeter-wave networks are calculated based on realistic physical (PHY) layer design and 60 GHz channel obtained from actual measurements. Secondly, an interference model is developed to facilitate the analysis of the impact of interferer-to-victim range on the victim link performance. It is found that system with BPSK modulation is able to support use cases with higher number of portable devices within a 3 m range, while system with 16QAM modulation is more suitable for fixed high speed data streaming devices within a shorter range of 1 m. Also, the interferer-to-victim range that causes no interference in all conditions is found to be approximately 40 m, while a 25 m range causes a typical bit error rate (BER) degradation of 1-digit (e.g. BER = 10-6 to 10-5).
Junyi WANG Kiyomichi ARAKI Zhongzhao ZHANG Yuyuan CHANG Houtao ZHU Tsuyoshi KASHIMA
The paper describes a low complexity tree-structure based user scheduling algorithm in an up-link transmission of MLD-based multi-user multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless systems. An M-branch selection algorithm, which selects M most-possible best branches at each step, is proposed to maximize the whole system sum-rate capacity. To achieve the maximum capacity in multi-user MIMO systems, antennas configuration and user selection are preformed simultaneously. Then according to the selected number of antennas for each user, different transmission schemes are also adopted. Both the theoretical analysis and simulation results show that the proposed algorithms obtain near optimal performance with far low complexity than the full search procedure.
Shengyu LI Wenjun XU Zhihui LIU Junyi WANG Jiaru LIN
This paper studies the multi-link multi-antenna amplify-and-forward (AF) relay system, in which multiple source-destination pairs communicate with the aid of an energy harvesting (EH)-enabled relay and the relay utilizes the power splitting (PS) protocol to accomplish simultaneous EH and information forwarding (IF). Specifically, independent PS, i.e., allow each antenna to have an individual PS factor, and cooperative power allocation (PA) i.e., adaptively allocate the harvested energy to each channel, are proposed to increase the signal processing degrees of freedom and energy utilization. Our objective is to maximize the minimum rate of all source-destination pairs, i.e., the max-min rate, by jointly optimizing the PS and PA strategies. The optimization problem is first established for the ideal channel state information (CSI) model. To solve the formulated non-convex problem, the optimal forwarding matrix is derived and an auxiliary variable is introduced to remove the coupling of transmission rates in two slots, following which a bi-level iteration algorithm is proposed to determine the optimal PS and PA strategy by jointly utilizing the bisection and golden section methods. The proposal is then extended into the partial CSI model, and the final transmission rate for each source-destination pair is modified by treating the CSI error as random noise. With a similar analysis, it is proved that the proposed bi-level algorithm can also solve the joint PS and PA optimization problem in the partial CSI model. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm works well in both ideal CSI and partial CSI models, and by means of independent PS and cooperative PA, the achieved max-min rate is greatly improved over existing non-EH-enabled and EH-enabled relay schemes, especially when the signal processing noise at the relay is large and the sources use quite different transmit powers.
Zhou LAN Chin Sean SUM Junyi WANG Hiroshi HARADA Shuzo KATO
This paper proposes a prioritized aggregation method that supports compressed video transmission on millimeter wave wireless personal area network (mmWave WPAN) systems. Frame aggregation is an effective means to improve system efficiency and throughput for wide band systems such as mmWave WPAN. It is required by the applications that the mmWave WPAN systems should provide Gbps or multiGbps transmission capability. The proposed scheme targets not only transmission efficiency but also support of compressed video transmission which currently is very popular. The proposal combines MAC layer aggregation with PHY layer skew modulation to facilitate the video transmission in a way that more important data is better protected. Simulation results show that the average peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) performance is improved by 5 dB compared to conventional method, while the Gbps transmission requirement is fulfilled.