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This paper addresses the problem of view invariant action recognition using 2D trajectories of landmark points on human body. It is a challenging task since for a specific action category, the 2D observations of different instances might be extremely different due to varying viewpoint and changes in speed. By assuming that the execution of an action can be approximated by dynamic linear combination of a set of basis shapes, a novel view invariant human action recognition method is proposed based on non-rigid matrix factorization and Hidden Markov Models (HMMs). We show that the low dimensional weight coefficients of basis shapes by measurement matrix non-rigid factorization contain the key information for action recognition regardless of the viewpoint changing. Based on the extracted discriminative features, the HMMs is used for temporal dynamic modeling and robust action classification. The proposed method is tested using real life sequences and promising performance is achieved.
Chendra Hadi SURYANTO Kazuhiro FUKUI Hideitsu HINO
Many methods have been proposed for measuring the structural similarity between two protein folds. However, it is difficult to select one best method from them for the classification task, as each method has its own strength and weakness. Intuitively, combining multiple methods is one solution to get the optimal classification results. In this paper, by generalizing the concept of the large margin nearest neighbor (LMNN), a method for combining multiple distance metrics from different types of protein structure comparison methods for protein fold classification task is proposed. While LMNN is limited to Mahalanobis-based distance metric learning from a set of feature vectors of training data, the proposed method learns an optimal combination of metrics from a set of distance metrics by minimizing the distances between intra-class data and enlarging the distances of different classes' data. The main advantage of the proposed method is the capability in finding an optimal weight coefficient for combination of many metrics, possibly including poor metrics, avoiding the difficulties in selecting which metrics to be included for the combination. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated on classification experiments using two public protein datasets, namely, Ding Dubchak dataset and ENZYMES dataset.
Yasuhiro OHKAWA Kazuhiro FUKUI
This paper proposes a method for recognizing hand-shapes by using multi-viewpoint image sets. The recognition of a hand-shape is a difficult problem, as appearance of the hand changes largely depending on viewpoint, illumination conditions and individual characteristics. To overcome this problem, we apply the Kernel Orthogonal Mutual Subspace Method (KOMSM) to shift-invariance features obtained from multi-viewpoint images of a hand. When applying KOMSM to hand recognition with a lot of learning images from each class, it is necessary to consider how to run the KOMSM with heavy computational cost due to the kernel trick technique. We propose a new method that can drastically reduce the computational cost of KOMSM by adopting centroids and the number of images belonging to the centroids, which are obtained by using k-means clustering. The validity of the proposed method is demonstrated through evaluation experiments using multi-viewpoint image sets of 30 classes of hand-shapes.
Shunsuke YAMAKI Kazuhiro FUKUI Masahide ABE Masayuki KAWAMATA
This paper proposes statistical analysis of phase-only correlation (POC) functions under the phase fluctuation of signals due to additive Gaussian noise. We derive probability density function of phase-spectrum differences between original signal and its noise-corrupted signal with additive Gaussian noise. Furthermore, we evaluate the expectation and variance of the POC functions between these two signals. As the variance of Gaussian noise increases, the expectation of the peak of the POC function monotonically decreases and variance of the POC function monotonically increases. These results mathematically guarantee the validity of the POC functions used for similarity measure in matching techniques.
This paper proposes a robust method for detecting step and ramp edges. In this method, an edge is defined not as a point where there is a large change in intensity, but as a region boundary based on the separability of image features which can be calculated by linear discriminant analysis. Based on this definition of an edge, its intensity can be obtained from the separability, which depends only on the shape of an edge. This characteristic enables easy selection of the optimum threshold value for the extraction of an edge, and this method can be applied to color and texture edge extraction. Experimental results have demonstrated that this proposed method is robust to noise and dulled edges, and, in addition, allows easy selection of the optimum threshold value.
We propose a new method to precisely detect pupil contours in face images. Pupil contour detection is necessary for various applications using face images. It is, however, difficult to detect pupils precisely because of their weak edges or lack of edges. The proposed method is based on minimizing the energy of pattern and edge. The basic idea of this method is that the energy, which consists of the pattern and the edge energy, has to be minimized. An efficient search method is also introduced to overcome the underlying problem of efficiency in energy minimization methods. "Guide patterns" are introduced for this purpose. Moreover, to detect pupils more precisely we use an ellipse model as pupil shape in this paper. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Face recognition provides an important means for realizing a man-machine interface and security. This paper presents "Smartface," a PC-based face recognition system using a temporal image sequence. The face recognition engine of the system employs a robust facial parts detection method and a pattern recognition algorithm which is stable against variations of facial pose and expression. The functions of Smartface include (i) screensaver with face recognition, (ii) customization of PC environment, and (iii) real-time disguising, an entertainment application. The system is operable on a portable PC with a camera and is implemented only with software; no image processing hardware is required.