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[Author] Kazuo TAKARAGI(9hit)

  • On Differential Cryptanalysis



    E74-A No:8

    The differential cryptanalysis method developed by E. Biham et al. presented a new index of cryptographic strength, i.e. signal to noise ratio (S/N). Their paper estimates S/N only for DES-like functions, i.e., cryptographic function based on iterating the same weak function n times. Other types such as including both stronger and weaker functions have not yet been examined. This paper examines the N-stage MULTI2 cipher algorithm to calculate S/N and shows there are many fast cipher algorithms having small S/N property.

  • Group Cipher System for Intranet Security

    Hiromichi ITO  Seiichi SUSAKI  Masato ARAI  Minoru KOIZUMI  Kazuo TAKARAGI  


    E81-A No:1

    A group-oriented cipher communication method is developed and implemented on a WWW-based (World Wide Web) network system. In this method, a group key common to all entities of the group is generated based on the group name or the identities of entities belonging to the group. The group key, in turn, is used for encrypting the data being shared among the group via the WWW server. The data theft at the WWW cache sites on the intermediate communication line is prevented, establishing a unified feature of the good WWW cache performance and security. A prototype of our method proved the feasibility and the efficiency.

  • Integrity-Aware Mode of Stream Cipher

    Soichi FURUYA  Dai WATANABE  Yoichi SETO  Kazuo TAKARAGI  


    E85-A No:1

    In many cryptographic protocols, a common-key encryption is used to provide a secure data-transmission channel. More precisely, the general idea of protocols is to have an encryption provide data authenticity as well as data confidentiality. In fact, there are known to be quite a few ways to provide both forms of security, however none of them are optimized enough to be efficient. We present a new encryption mode that uses a random number generator (RNG). Assuming the security of the RNG, we can prove not only perfect secrecy, but also message authentication. The proven probability of a successful forgery is (n-1)/(2b-1), where b is the number of bits in a block and n is the number of ciphertext blocks. The proposed scheme achieves very high practicality due to the potential advantages in efficiency. When we use a computationally secure RNG, such as instance a pseudorandom number generator PRNG, we have advantages in efficiency; in addition to the PRNG parallel computation, the scheme requires only a single-path process on the data stream so that even a limited hardware resource can operate an encryption of a very long data stream. We demonstrate the practicality of our scheme, by showing a realistic parameter set and the evaluations of its performance.

  • A Threshold Digital Signature Scheme for a Smart Card Based System

    Kunihiko MIYAZAKI  Kazuo TAKARAGI  


    E84-A No:1

    This paper describes an efficient k-out-of-n threshold digital signature scheme for a smart card based system where a signer uses multiple cards so that the signature can be issued in a dependable manner. The main feature of our method is that it does not require a secret communication path among these cards in the signature issuing protocol, and that it requires low communication and computational complexity. Former is an advantage under the current export control regulation which makes hard to export more than 56-bit cipher techniques, and latter is advantage over so-called robust signature.

  • A New Keystream Generator MUGI


    PAPER-Symmetric Cipher

    E87-A No:1

    We present a new keystream generator (KSG) MUGI, which is a variant of PANAMA proposed at FSE '98. MUGI has a 128-bit secret key and a 128-bit initial vector as parameters and generates a 64-bit string per round. The design is particularly suited for efficient hardware implementations, but the software performance of MUGI is excellent as well. A speed optimized implementation in hardware achieves about 3 Gbps with 26 Kgates, which is several times faster than AES. On the other hand, the security of MUGI has been evaluated by analyzing the applicability of re-synchronization attacks, related-key attacks, and attacks that exploit the linear correlation of an output sequence. Our analysis confirms that MUGI is a secure KSG.

  • Privacy-Enhancing Trust Infrastructure for Process Mining



    E101-A No:1

    Threats to a society and its social infrastructure are inevitable and endanger human life and welfare. Resilience is a core concept to cope with such threats in strengthening risk management. A resilient system adapts to an incident in a timely manner before it would result in a failure. This paper discusses the secondary use of personal data as a key element in such conditions and the relevant process mining in order to reduce IT risk on safety. It realizes completeness for such a proof on data breach in an acceptable manner to mitigate the usability problem of soundness for resilience. Acceptable soundness is still required and realized in our scheme for a fundamental privacy-enhancing trust infrastructure. Our proposal achieves an IT baseline protection and properly treats personal data on security as Ground Truth for deriving acceptable statements on data breach. An important role plays reliable broadcast by means of the block chain. This approaches a personal IT risk management with privacy-enhancing cryptographic mechanisms and Open Data without trust as belief in a single-point-of-failure. Instead it strengthens communities of trust.


    Kazuo TAKARAGI  


    E93-A No:1
  • Generalized Powering Functions and Their Application to Digital Signatures

    Hisayoshi SATO  Tsuyoshi TAKAGI  Satoru TEZUKA  Kazuo TAKARAGI  

    PAPER-Digital Signature

    E89-A No:1

    This paper investigates some modular powering functions suitable for cryptography. It is well known that the Rabin encryption function is a 4-to-1 mapping and breaking its one-wayness is secure under the factoring assumption. The previously reported encryption schemes using a powering function are variants of either the 4-to-1 mapping or higher n-to-1 mapping, where n > 4. In this paper, we propose an optimized powering function that is a 3-to-1 mapping using a p2q-type modulus. The one-wayness of the proposed powering function is as hard as the infeasibility of the factoring problem. We present an efficient algorithm for computing the decryption for a p2q-type modulus, which requires neither modular inversion nor division. Moreover, we construct new provably secure digital signatures as an application of the optimized functions. In order to achieve provable security in the random oracle model, we usually randomize a message using random hashing or padding. However, we have to compute the randomization again if the randomized message is a non-cubic residue element--it is inefficient for long messages. We propose an algorithm that can deterministically find the unique cubic residue element for a randomly chosen element.

  • Secure Revocation Features in eKYC - Privacy Protection in Central Bank Digital Currency

    Kazuo TAKARAGI  Takashi KUBOTA  Sven WOHLGEMUTH  Katsuyuki UMEZAWA  Hiroki KOYANAGI  


    E106-A No:3

    Central bank digital currencies require the implementation of eKYC to verify whether a trading customer is eligible online. When an organization issues an ID proof of a customer for eKYC, that proof is usually achieved in practice by a hierarchy of issuers. However, the customer wants to disclose only part of the issuer's chain and documents to the trading partner due to privacy concerns. In this research, delegatable anonymous credential (DAC) and zero-knowledge range proof (ZKRP) allow customers to arbitrarily change parts of the delegation chain and message body to range proofs expressed in inequalities. That way, customers can protect the privacy they need with their own control. Zero-knowledge proof is applied to prove the inequality between two time stamps by the time stamp server (signature presentation, public key revocation, or non-revocation) without disclosing the signature content and stamped time. It makes it possible to prove that the registration information of the national ID card is valid or invalid while keeping the user's personal information anonymous. This research aims to contribute to the realization of a sustainable financial system based on self-sovereign identity management with privacy-enhanced PKI.

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