1-2hit |
Keiichiro OURA Heiga ZEN Yoshihiko NANKAKU Akinobu LEE Keiichi TOKUDA
A technique for reducing the footprints of HMM-based speech synthesis systems by tying all covariance matrices of state distributions is described. HMM-based speech synthesis systems usually leave smaller footprints than unit-selection synthesis systems because they store statistics rather than speech waveforms. However, further reduction is essential to put them on embedded devices, which have limited memory. In accordance with the empirical knowledge that covariance matrices have a smaller impact on the quality of synthesized speech than mean vectors, we propose a technique for clustering mean vectors while tying all covariance matrices. Subjective listening test results showed that the proposed technique can shrink the footprints of an HMM-based speech synthesis system while retaining the quality of the synthesized speech.
Keiichiro OURA Heiga ZEN Yoshihiko NANKAKU Akinobu LEE Keiichi TOKUDA
In a hidden Markov model (HMM), state duration probabilities decrease exponentially with time, which fails to adequately represent the temporal structure of speech. One of the solutions to this problem is integrating state duration probability distributions explicitly into the HMM. This form is known as a hidden semi-Markov model (HSMM). However, though a number of attempts to use HSMMs in speech recognition systems have been proposed, they are not consistent because various approximations were used in both training and decoding. By avoiding these approximations using a generalized forward-backward algorithm, a context-dependent duration modeling technique and weighted finite-state transducers (WFSTs), we construct a fully consistent HSMM-based speech recognition system. In a speaker-dependent continuous speech recognition experiment, our system achieved about 9.1% relative error reduction over the corresponding HMM-based system.