1-2hit |
Khalid Mahmood AAMIR Mohammad Ali MAUD Arif ZAMAN Asim LOAN
Power Spectral Density (PSD) computed by taking the Fourier transform of auto-correlation functions (Wiener-Khintchine Theorem) gives better result, in case of noisy data, as compared to the Periodogram approach in case the signal is Gaussian. However, the computational complexity of Wiener-Khintchine approach is more than that of the Periodogram approach. For the computation of short time Fourier transform (STFT), this problem becomes even more prominent where computation of PSD is required after every shift in the window under analysis. This paper presents a recursive form of PSD to reduce the complexity. If the signal is not Gaussian, the PSD approach is insufficient and we estimate the higher order spectra of the signal. Estimation of higher order spectra is even more time consuming. In this paper, recursive versions for computation of bispectrum has been presented as well. The computational complexity of PSD and bispectrum for a window size of N, are O(N) and O(N2) respectively.
Khalid Mahmood AAMIR Mohammad Ali MAUD Asim LOAN
If the signal is not Gaussian, then the power spectral density (PSD) approach is insufficient to analyze signals and we resort to estimate the higher order spectra of the signal. However, estimation of the higher order spectra is even more time consuming, for example, the complexity of trispectrum is O(N 4). This problem becomes even more serious when short time Fourier transform (STFT) is computed - computation of the trispectrum is required after every shift of the window. In this paper, a method to recursively compute trispectrum has been presented and it is shown that the computational complexity, for a window size of N, is reduced to be O(N 3) and is the same as the space complexity.