1-5hit |
Ki-Seong LEE Byung-Woo HONG Youngmin KIM Jaeyeop AHN Chan-Gun LEE
Most previous approaches on comparing the results for software architecture recovery are designed to handle only flat decompositions. In this paper, we propose a novel distance called Split-Jaccard Distance of Hierarchical Decompositions. It extends the Jaccard coefficient and incorporates the concept of the splits of leaves in a hierarchical decomposition. We analyze the proposed distance and derive its properties, including the lower-bound and the metric space.
Modularity is an effective evaluation approach for understanding the structural quality of evolutionary software. However, there are many diverse ways to measure it. In this paper, we analyze and compare various modularity metrics that have been studied in different domains to assess their applicability to evolutionary software analysis. Through extensive experiments with artificial DSMs and open-source software, we find that the correlations of those metrics are generally high despite their differences. However, our experiments show that a certain metric can be more sensitive to particular modular factors, hence applying of comprehensive modularity metrics must be taken into consideration.
Mohsin SHAIKH Ki-Seong LEE Chan-Gun LEE
Packages are re-usable components for faster and effective software maintenance. To promote the re-use in object-oriented systems and maintenance tasks easier, packages should be organized to depict compact design. Therefore, understanding and assessing package organization is primordial for maintenance tasks like Re-usability and Changeability. We believe that additional investigations of prevalent basic design principles such as defined by R.C. Martin are required to explore different aspects of package organization. In this study, we propose package-organization framework based on reachable components that measures re-usability index. Package re-usability index measures common effect of change taking place over dependent elements of a package in an object-oriented design paradigm. A detailed quality assessment on different versions of open source software systems is presented which evaluates capability of the proposed package re-usability index and other traditional package-level metrics to predict fault-proneness in software. The experimental study shows that proposed index captures different aspects of package-design which can be practically integrated with best practices of software development. Furthermore, the results provide insights on organization of feasible software design to counter potential faults appearing due to complex package dependencies.
Jae-Chul UM Ki-Seong LEE Chan-Gun LEE
Software architecture recovery techniques are often adopted to derive a module view of software from its source code in case software architecture documents are unavailable or outdated. The module view is one of the most important perspectives of software architecture. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to derive a module view by adaptively integrating structural dependency and textual similarity. Our approach utilizes Newman modularity and Shannon information entropy to determine the appropriate weights of the dependencies during the integration. We apply our approach to various open-source projects and show the experimental results validating the effectiveness of the approach.
Youngmin KIM Ki-Seong LEE Byunghak KWAK Chan-Gun LEE
We propose an energy-efficient real-time scheduling algorithm based on T-L Plane abstraction. The algorithm is designed to exploit Dynamic Power Management and generates a new event called event-s to render longer idle intervals, which increases the chances of switching a processor to the sleep mode. We compare the proposed algorithm with previous work and show that it is effective for energy management.