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To achieve highly efficient spectrum usage, dynamic sharing of scarce spectrum resources has recently become the subject of intense discussion. The technologies of dynamic spectrum sharing (DSS) have already been adopted or are scheduled to be adopted in a number of countries, and Japan is no exception. The authors and organizations collaborating in the research and development project being undertaken in Japan have studied a novel DSS system positioned between the fifth-generation mobile communication system (5G system) and different incumbent radio systems. Our DSS system has three characteristics. (1) It detects dynamically unused sharable spectrums (USSs) of incumbent radio systems for the space axis by using novel propagation models and estimation of the transmitting location with radio sensor information. (2) It manages USSs for the time axis by interference calculation with propagation parameters, fair assignment and future usage of USSs. (3) It utilizes USSs for the spectrum axis by using methods that decrease interference for lower separation distances. In this paper, we present an overview and the technologies of our DSS system and its applications in Japan.