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A GaAs multilayer microwave integrated circuit(MuMIC) power amplifier with a harmonic rejection filter has been developed for 1.9-GHz digital European cordless telecommunication system. Adoption of the MuMIC structure has auccessfully ended up with Q-factor of 462 harmonic rejection filter. As a result, power-added efficiency of 62.2% and P1dB of 27 dBm have been obtained at drain supply voltage of 3.6V.
Kunihiko KANAZAWA Masahiro HAGIO Masaru KAZUMURA Gota KANO
A 12-GHz-band GaAs monolithic dual-gate FET mixer using a novel circuit configuration has been demonstrated. Adoption of a negative feedback circuit has reduced the output impedance of the mixing dual-gate FET down to 330 Ω, which is approximately one fourth that of conventional dual-gate FET mixers, resulting in good matching to the next state. An experimental MMIC mixer, which included an IF buffer amplifier, exhibited a 3.4-4.2-dB conversion gain with a 11.3-11.6-dB SSB noise figure in the 11.7-12.2-GHz RF band.
A high efficiency and low voltage operation GaAs power amplifier module has been developed for the application to 1.5 GHz Japanese digital cellular phones. This paper summarizes the design method to increase efficiency and to reduce adjacent channel leakage power. Operated at a low drain bias voltage of 4.6 V, the power amplifier module delivers an output power of 1.5 W with 46% power-added efficiency and -52 dBs adjacent channel leakage power.
Kunihiko KANAZAWA Masahiro HAGIO Masaru KAZUMURA
Nonlinear operation of an analog frequency divider using a GaAs dual-gate FET has been studied theoretically and experimentally. It is shown that the log-log plot for basic input/output characteristics of the divider shows straight lines in the second, third, and fourth regions adjacent to the first narrow threshold region in the increasing order of input power magnitude. It is suggested from theoretical consideration that universality of the exponent K appearing in the PoutPinK relation holds at least approximately. The value of K in the second region is found to be about 3.0 theoretically and experimentally and is in agreement with the value reported in an earlier paper. The strict but obvious universality of K holds in the third and fourth region with K=1 and 0, respectively.
Hiroshi TSUKADA Kunihiko KANAZAWA Yoshiro OISHI Hiroshi TAKENAKA Masahiro NISHIUMA Masahiro HAGIO Masaru KAZUMURA
We have fabricated a 12 GHz-band monolithic microwave integrated circuit amplifier of which the noise level has been reduced down to 1.18-1.35 dB in the frequency range from 11.7 GHz to 12.7 GHz. The excellent characteristics come from the use of low-gate-resistance, low-equivalent-noise-resistance HEMT's which were obtained by using T-getes, and a hi-lo doping profile in an AlGaAs layer.