1-2hit |
Kyusuk HAN Taeshik SHON Kwangjo KIM
The VoIP-based Internet Phonesystem is now seen as one of the killer applications in the high speed and broadband internet environment. Given the wide-spread use of the Internet Phone, it is necessary to provide security services for guaranteeing users' privacy. However, providing security service in Internet Phone has the possibility of incurring additional overheads such as call setup delay time. In this paper, we present a one-way key agreement model based on VoIP in order to reduce call setup time as well as protecting user privacy. The proposed approach decreases the delay time of the call setup in comparison with the previous models because our model enables the key generation in caller side without waiting the response from the receiver.
Kyusuk HAN Kwangjo KIM Taeshik SHON
Recent Location Based Services (LBS) extend not only information services such as car navigation services, but supporting various applications such as augmented reality and emergency services in ubiquitous computing environments. However location based services in the ubiquitous computing environment bring several security issues such as location privacy and forgery. While the privacy of the location based service is considered as the important security issue, security against location forgery is less considered. In this paper, we propose improved Han et al.'s protocol [1] that provides more lightweight computation. Our proposed model also improves the credibility of LBS by deploying multiple location sensing technologies.