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We consider wireless secure communications between a source and a destination aided by a multi-antenna relay, in the presence of an eavesdropper. In particular, two cooperation schemes of the relay are explored: cooperative relaying (CR) and cooperative jamming (CJ). We first investigate the transmit weight optimization of CR and CJ, for both cases with and without the eavesdropper's channel state information (ECSI). Then, for the case with ECSI, we derive the conditions under which CR achieves a higher secrecy rate than CJ; for the case without ECSI, we compare the secrecy rates of CR and CJ in high transmit power regimes. Building on this, we propose a novel hybrid scheme in which the relay utilizes both CR and CJ, and study the power allocation of the relay between CR and CJ for maximizing the secrecy rate under individual power constraints. Further, we study the case with imperfect channel state information (CSI) for both CR and CJ. At last, extensive numerical results are provided.
We consider secure wireless communications, where a source is communicating to a destination in the presence of K (K > 1) eavesdroppers. The source and destination both are equipped with multiple antennas, while each eavesdropper has a single antenna. The source aims to maximize the communication rate to the destination, while concealing the message from all the eavesdroppers. Combined with selective diversity, we propose a heuristic secrecy transmission scheme where the multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) secrecy channel is simplified into a multiple-input-single-output (MISO) one with the highest orthogonality to the eavesdropper channels. Then convex optimization is applied to obtain the optimal transmit covariance matrix for this selected MISO secrecy channel. Numerical results are provided to illustrate the efficacy of the proposed scheme.