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Hitoshi MIYATA Makoto OHKI Masaaki OHKITA
For a fuzzy control of manipulated variable so as to match a required output of a plant, tuning of fuzzy rules are necessary. For its purpose, various methods to tune their rules automatically have been proposed. In these method, some of them necessitate much time for its tuning, and the others are lacking in the generalization capability. In the fuzzy control by the steepest descent method, a use of piecewise linear membership functions (MSFs) has been proposed. In this algorithm, MSFs of the premise for each fuzzy rule are tuned having no relation to the other rules. Besides, only the MSFs corresponding to the given input and output data for the learning can be tuned efficiently. Comparing with the conventional triangular form and the Gaussian distribution of MSFs, an expansion of the expressiveness is indicated. As a result, for constructing the inference rules, the training cycles can be reduced in number and the generalization capability to express the behavior of a plant is expansible. An effectiveness of this algorithm is illustrated with an example of a parallel parking of an autonomous mobile robot.
Nyakoe George NYAUMA Makoto OHKI Suichiro TABUCHI Masaaki OHKITA
The ultrasonic wave is widely used for acquiring perceptual information necessary for indoor/outdoor navigation of mobile robots, where the system is implemented as a sound navigation and ranging system (sonar). A robot equipped with multiple ultrasonic sonars is likely to exhibit undesirable operation due to erroneous measurements resulting from cross-talk among the sonars. Each sonar transmits and receives a pulse-modulated ultrasonic wave for measuring the range and identifying its own signal. We propose a technique for generating pulse patterns for multiple concurrently operated ultrasonic sonars. The approach considers pulse-pattern generation as a combinatorial optimization problem which can be solved by a genetic algorithm (GA). The aim is to acquire a pulse pattern satisfying certain conditions in order to avoid cross-talk or keep the probability of erroneous measurement caused by cross-talk low. We provide a method of genotype coding for the generation of the pulse pattern. Furthermore, in order to avoid a futile search encountered when the conventional technique is used, we propose an improved genotype coding technique that yields considerably different results from those of the conventional technique.
Analytical solutions have been obtained for the electromagnetic scattering by a modified Luneberg lens with the permittivity of arbitrary parabolic function. They are expressed by four spherical vector wave functions for radially stratified medium which were introduced for the Luneberg lens by C. T. Tai. They consist of the confluent hypergeometric function and a "generalized" confluent hypergeometric function, in which the parameters for the permittivity of arbitrary parabolic function are involved. The characteristics of the modified Luneberg lens are numerically investigated using exact solutions in comparison with that of the conventional Luneberg lens. The bistatic cross section, the forward cross section and the radar cross section are studied in detail. The near-field distribution is also investigated in order to study the focal properties of the Luneberg lens. The focal shifts defined by the distance between the geometrical focal point and the electromagnetic focal point are obtained for various ka (k is the wave number and a is the radius of the lens). The focal shift normalized to the radius of the sphere becomes larger as ka is smaller. However it drops down rapidly for ka5 when the peak of the electric field amplitude appears on the surface of sphere.
In this paper, we propose an effective mutation operators for Cooperative Genetic Algorithm (CGA) to be applied to a practical Nurse Scheduling Problem (NSP). The nurse scheduling is a very difficult task, because NSP is a complex combinatorial optimizing problem for which many requirements must be considered. In real hospitals, the schedule changes frequently. The changes of the shift schedule yields various problems, for example, a fall in the nursing level. We describe a technique of the reoptimization of the nurse schedule in response to a change. The conventional CGA is superior in ability for local search by means of its crossover operator, but often stagnates at the unfavorable situation because it is inferior to ability for global search. When the optimization stagnates for long generation cycle, a searching point, population in this case, would be caught in a wide local minimum area. To escape such local minimum area, small change in a population should be required. Based on such consideration, we propose a mutation operator activated depending on the optimization speed. When the optimization stagnates, in other words, when the optimization speed decreases, the mutation yields small changes in the population. Then the population is able to escape from a local minimum area by means of the mutation. However, this mutation operator requires two well-defined parameters. This means that user have to consider the value of these parameters carefully. To solve this problem, we propose a periodic mutation operator which has only one parameter to define itself. This simplified mutation operator is effective over a wide range of the parameter value.
This paper proposes a novel compressed sensing (CS) framework for reconstructing electroencephalogram (EEG) signals. A feature of this framework is the application of independent component analysis (ICA) to remove the interference from artifacts after undersampling in a data processing unit. Therefore, we can remove the ICA processing block from the sensing unit. In this framework, we used a random undersampling measurement matrix to suppress the Gaussian. The developed framework, in which the discrete cosine transform basis and orthogonal matching pursuit were used, was evaluated using raw EEG signals with a pseudo-model of an eye-blink artifact. The normalized mean square error (NMSE) and correlation coefficient (CC), obtained as the average of 2,000 results, were compared to quantitatively demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework. The evaluation results of the NMSE and CC showed that the proposed framework could remove the interference from the artifacts under a high compression ratio.
Kotaro NAGAI Daisuke KANEMOTO Makoto OHKI
This letter reports on the effectiveness of applying the K-singular value decomposition (SVD) dictionary learning to the electroencephalogram (EEG) compressed sensing framework with outlier detection and independent component analysis. Using the K-SVD dictionary matrix with our design parameter optimization, for example, at compression ratio of four, we improved the normalized mean square error value by 31.4% compared with that of the discrete cosine transform dictionary for CHB-MIT Scalp EEG Database.
Pei-Yuan WANG Shogo KOZAKI Makoto OHKI Takashi YABE
A new simple formulation of absorbing boundary conditions with higher order approximation is proposed for the solution of Maxwell's equations with the finite-difference time-domain (FD-TD) method. Although this higher order approximation is based on the third order approximation of the one-way wave equations, we have succeeded in reducing it to an equation in a form quite similar to the second order appoximation. Numerical tests exhibit smaller reflection errors than the prevalent second order approximation.