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This letter yields a security evaluation of certain broadcast encryption (BE) schemes regarding the generic vulnerability of the textbook BE schemes. The considered vulnerability can be effectively explored assuming known plaintext attacks which in a realistic scenario, corresponding to a legitimate user being the attacker, appears as a ciphertext only attack. Employing the birthday paradox, a dedicated time-data trade-off based algorithm for cryptanalysis is proposed. The developed algorithm is applied to cryptanalysis of particular recently reported class of BE schemes, implying additional insights regarding motivations for their security improvements.
Motohiko ISAKA Philippa A. MARTIN Marc P.C. FOSSORIER
In this paper we look at the serial concatenation of short linear block codes with a rate-1 recursive convolutional encoder, with a goal of designing high-rate codes with low error floor. We observe that under turbo-style decoding the error floor of the concatenated codes with extended Hamming codes is due to detectable errors in many cases. An interleaver design addressing this is proposed in this paper and its effectiveness is verified numerically. We next examine the use of extended BCH codes of larger minimum distance, resulting in an improved weight spectrum of the overall code. Reduced complexity list decoding is used to decode the BCH codes in order to obtain low decoding complexity for a negligible loss in performance.
We consider a soft-decision iterative bounded distance decoding algorithm for binary linear block codes. In the decoding algorithm, bounded distance decodings are carried out with respect to successive input words, called the search centers. A search center is the sum of the hard-decision sequence of a received sequence and a sequence in a set of test patterns which are generated beforehand. This set of test patterns has influence on the error performance of the decoding algorithms as simulation results show. In this paper, we propose a construction method of a set of candidate test patterns and a selection method of test patterns based on an introduced measure of effectiveness of test patterns. For several BCH codes of lengths 127, 255 and 511, we show the effectiveness of the proposed method by simulation.
Tomoyuki MANDAI Ikuo OKA Marc P.C. FOSSORIER Shingo ATA Chikato FUJIWARA
Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is a possible candidate for the modulation used in mobile multimedia communications because of its robustness to fading and flexibility of transmission rate. Partial transmit sequence (PTS) is an effective technique for reducing the peak power of OFDM signals by means of phase rotation. In PTS, side information (SI) is transmitted to correct the effects of the phase rotation. We propose a new method based on rotationally invariant trellis coded modulation for coded OFDM with PTS. In this method, no SI is required and the few information bits affected by the phase rotation are not used as data. (They are regarded as dummy bits). It is shown that the proposed method yields better bit error rate (BER) performance than other methods using side information under the condition of almost the same transmission rate.
In this paper, we investigate the smallest value of p for which a (J,L,p)-QC LDPC code with girth 6 exists for J=3 and J=4. For J=3, we determine the smallest value of p for any L. For J=4, we determine the smallest value of p for L ≤ 301. Furthermore we provide examples of specific constructions meeting these smallest values of p.