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The effects of an intermediate layer of carbon on the structural and magnetic properties of a CoCrPtTa recording layer were investigated in double-layered perpendicular magnetic recording media with either amorphous CoTaZr or crystalline FeAlSi as soft magnetic backlayers. Introducing a thin layer of carbon enhanced the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy with both soft magnetic backlayers. This result suggests that the introduction of a non-magnetic intermediate layer is useful in improving the basic magnetic properties of the CoCr-alloy recording layer even when an amorphous soft magnetic backlayers is used.
Takahiro HANDA Mitsuru OHTAKE Masaaki FUTAMOTO
Fe thin films were deposited directly and via Ag underlayer on glass and MgO(100) substrates by MBE. Polycrystal Fe films grew on the glass substrate while single crystal films grew on the MgO(100) substrate. Fe film growth followed the Volmer-Weber mode for both cases. The Fe film structure was influenced by the surface roughness of Ag underlayer at the early stage of film growth. The relationships between the Fe thin film morphology and the magnetic properties are discussed.
Masaaki FUTAMOTO Yoshiyuki HIRAYAMA Nobuyuki INABA Yukio HONDA Atsushi KIKUKAWA
Microstructures of CoCr-alloy thin film media were investigated by cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy focussing on the initial growth region of the magnetic layer grown on nonmagnetic underlayers. An introduction of nonmagnetic hcp-CoCrRu layer between an hcp-CoCrPt recording layer and an hcp- or a bcc-underlayer improved the crystallographic quality of the initial growth region. Sharp compositional distributions of alloying elements at the interfaces of a CoCrPt/CoCrRu/CrTi perpendicular medium and a CoCrPt/CoCrRu/CrTi longitudinal medium were respectively confirmed by electron energy loss spectroscopy employing a finely focussed electron beam. Coercivity and squareness of the thin film media increased by realizing good hetero-epitaxy between the nonmagnetic and the magnetic hcp-layers.
Nobuyuki INABA Masaaki FUTAMOTO
Magnetic layer thickness dependences of magnetic properties are investigated for Co-Cr-Pt polycrystalline thin films with different Cr-alloy underlayers (Cr-Ti, Cr-W, Cr-Mo, Cr-V, Cr-Mo-V). The specimens with Cr-Ti, Cr-V, and Cr-Mo-V underlayers show higher coercivities by about 30% and lower activation magnetic moments than those with Cr-Mo underlayer. The effective diameter of activation volume increases by 10-20% when the magnetic layer thickness is decreased from 12 to 8 nm. Temperature dependences of magnetic properties are also determined and discussed by referring to the data obtained using single crystal magnetic thin films with similar composition.
Masaaki FUTAMOTO Kouta TERAYAMA Katsuaki SATO Yoshiyuki HIRAYAMA
The effect of a nonmagnetic hcp-underlayer on the epitaxial growth of CoCr19Pt10 magnetic layers on substrates of Al2O3(0001) single-crystal has been investigated. Thin films of (0001)-oriented single-crystal CoCr19Pt10 were obtained by employing non-magnetic underlayers of CoCr25Ru25 and CoCr25Ru25/Ti, while thin films of polycrystalline CoCr19Pt10 were grown after the deposition of underlayers of TiCr10 and CoCr40. The growth of thin film CoCr19Pt10 on a Ti(0001) underlayer was interpreted as quasi-hetero-epitaxial where the continuity of the lattice across the interface is disturbed while the overall crystallographic relationship between the two layers is maintained. A thin film of epitaxially grown CoCr19Pt10 has a compositional variation of a few percent across the film plane in terms of elements that forms the alloy.
Mitsuru OHTAKE Kousuke TOBARI Masaaki FUTAMOTO
Co/Pd multilayer films are prepared on fcc-Pd underlayers of (001), (011), and (111) orientations hetero-epitaxially grown on MgO single-crystal substrates at room temperature. The effects of underlayer orientation, Co and Pd layer thicknesses, and repetition number of Co/Pd bi-layer on the structure and the magnetic properties are investigated. fcc-Co/fcc-Pd multilayer films of (001), (011), and (111) orientations epitaxially grow on the Pd underlayers of (001), (011), and (111) orientations, respectively. Flatter and sharper Co/Pd interface is formed in the order of (011) < (111) < (001) orientation. Atomic mixing around the Co/Pd interface is enhanced by deposition of thinner Co and Pd layers, and Co-Pd alloy phase is formed. With increasing the repetition number (decreasing the thicknesses of Co and Pd layers), perpendicular magnetic anisotropy is promoted. Stronger perpendicular anisotropy is observed in the order of film orientation of (001) < (011) < (111). Perpendicular anisotropy of Co/Pd multilayer film is considered to be originated from the two sources; the interface anisotropy and the magnetocrystalline anisotropy associated with Co-Pd lattice shrinkage along the perpendicular direction. In order to enhance the perpendicular anisotropy of Co/Pd multilayer film, it is important to align the film orientation to be (111) and to enhance the lattice distortion along the perpendicular direction.
Mitsuru OHTAKE Daisuke SUZUKI Fumiyoshi KIRINO Masaaki FUTAMOTO
CoPt and Co3Pt alloy thin films are prepared on MgO(111), SrTiO3(111), and Al2O3(0001) single-crystal substrates by varying the substrate temperature in a range from room temperature to 600°C by using an ultra-high vacuum radio-frequency magnetron sputtering system. The formation of metastable ordered phase and the structural thermal stability are briefly investigated. CoPt and Co3Pt films with the close-packed plane parallel to the substrate surface grow epitaxially on these oxide single-crystal substrates. CoPt epitaxial films are also formed by employing Pt, Pd, Cu, Cr, Ti, and Ru underlayers hetero-epitaxially grown on MgO(111) substrates. The crystal structure is evaluated by considering the order degree and the atomic stacking sequence of close-packed plane. Metastable ordered phases of L11, Bh, and D019 are preferentially formed in the CoPt and the Co3Pt films deposited around 300°C. Metastable ordered phase formation is influenced by the substrate temperature, the film composition, and the underlayer material. With increasing the substrate temperature up to around 300°C, the order degree increases. As the substrate temperature further increases, the order degree decreases. Annealing a disordered film at 300°C does not effectively enhance ordering. The CoPt and the Co3Pt films which include metastable ordered phases have flat surfaces and show strong perpendicular magnetic anisotropies reflecting the magnetocrystalline anisotropies of ordered crystals.
Toshiyuki SUZUKI Masaaki FUTAMOTO