1-2hit |
Dong-Hyun LIM Minook KIM Hyung-Min PARK
This letter presents a method for active noise cancelation (ANC) for headphone application. The method improves the performance of ANC by deriving a flexible independent component analysis (ICA) algorithm in a hybrid structure combining feedforward and feedback configurations with correlation-based wind detection. The effectiveness of the method is demonstrated through simulation.
Minook KIM Tae-Jun LEE Hyung-Min PARK
This letter presents a two-stage method to extend the degenerate unmixing estimation technique (DUET) for reverberant speech separation. First, frequency-bin-wise attenuation and delay parameters are introduced and estimated by online update rules, to handle early reflections. Next, a mask reestimation algorithm based on the precedence effect is developed to detect and fix the errors on binary masks caused by late reflections. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method improves separation performance significantly.