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Based upon the Kerckhoffs' principle, illegal users can get to know the embedding and detection algorithms except for a secret key. Then, it is possible to access to a host signal which may be selected from frequency components of a digital content for embedding watermark signal. Especially for a fingerprinting scheme which embeds user's information as a watermark, the selected components can be easily found by the observation of differently watermarked copies of a same content. In this scenario, it is reported that some non-linear collusion attacks will be able to remove/modify the embedded signal. In this paper, we study the security analysis of our previously proposed spread-spectrum (SS) fingerprinting scheme[1], [2] under the Kerckhoffs' principle, and reveal its drawback when an SS sequence is embedded in a color image. If non-linear collusion attacks are performed only to the components selected for embedding, the traceability is greatly degraded while the pirated copy keeps high quality after the attacks. We also propose a simple countermeasure to enhance the robustness against non-linear collusion attacks as well as possible signal processing attacks for the underlying watermarking method.
The homomorphic property of the public key cryptosystem has been exploited in order to achieve asymmetric fingerprinting such that only a buyer can obtain fingerprinted content. However, this requires many computations and a wide-band network channel because the entire uncompressed content must be encrypted based on the public key cryptosystem. In this paper, instead of the homomorphic property, we introduce the management of the enciphering keys for the symmetric cryptosystem. Based on a buyer's identity, a trusted center issues the buyer a partial sequence which is one of the two elements in the entire sequence. Although a merchant shares the entire sequence with the center, he cannot extract the buyer's key sequence from it. Such an information gap enables our protocol to be asymmetric and efficient. For each packet of content, the merchant produces two marked packets that contains a "0" or "1" information bit, and they are enciphered using the two elements from the entire sequence. Subsequently, the buyer obtains the two ciphertexts (the encrypted marked packets) containing the information bits of his identity. Since the merchant does not know the ciphertext decrypted by the buyer, an asymmetric property is achieved. In our protocol, before trade between a buyer and a merchant, the merchant can produce and compress the marked packets; this enables the reduction of both the computational costs for the encryption and the amount of data for transmission. Since only the enciphering operation is performed by a merchant in the on-line protocol, real-time operation may be possible.
The spaces between words and paragraphs are popular places for embedding data in data hiding techniques for text documents. Due to the low redundancy in text documents, the payload is limited to be small. As each bit of data is independently inserted into specific spaces in conventional methods, a malicious party may be able to modify the data without causing serious visible distortions. In this paper, we regard a collection of space lengths as a one-dimensional feature vector and embed watermark into its frequency components. To keep the secrecy of the embedded information, a random permutation and dither modulation are introduced in the operation. Furthermore, robustness against additive noise is enhanced by controlling the payload. In the proposed method, through experiments, we evaluated the trade-off among payload, distortion, and robustness.
In conventional spread spectrum (SS) watermarking schemes, random sequences are used for the modulation of watermark information. However, because of the mutual interference among those sequences, it requires complicated removal operation to improve the performance. In this paper, we propose an efficient spread spectrum watermarking scheme by introducing the orthogonal frequency divisiion multiplexing (OFDM) technique at the modulation of watermark information. The SS sequences in the proposed method are the DCT basic vectors modulated by a pseudo-random number (PN) sequence. We investigate the SS-based method considering the host interference at the blind detection scenario and analyze the noise caused by attacks. Because every operation is invertible, the quantization index modulation (QIM)-based method is applicable for the OFDM modulated signals. We also consider the property of watermark extracting operation in SS-based and QIM-based method and formalize their models of noisy channel in order to employ an error correcting code. The performance of their methods with error correcting code is numerically evaluated under the constraints of same distortion level in watermarked content. The experimental results indicated a criteria for the selection of SS-based and QIM-based methods for given content, which is determined by the amount of host interference. In case that the host interference is 0.8 times smaller than a watermark signal, the SS-based method is suitable. When it is 1.0 times larger, the QIM-based method should be selected.
The study of universal detector for fingerprinting code is strongly dependent on the design of scoring function. The optimal detector is known as MAP detector that calculates an optimal correlation score for a given single user's codeword. However, the knowledge about the number of colluders and their collusion strategy are inevitable. In this paper, we propose a new scoring function that equalizes the bias between symbols of codeword, which is called bias equalizer. We further investigate an efficient scoring function based on the bias equalizer under the relaxed marking assumption such that white Gaussian noise is added to a pirated codeword. The performance is compared with the MAP detector as well as some state-of-the-art scoring functions.
Currently, the IEEE 802.11n wireless local-area network (WLAN) has been extensively deployed world-wide. For the efficient channel assignment to access-points (APs) from the limited number of partially overlapping channels (POCs) at 2.4GHz band, we have studied the throughput drop estimation model for concurrently communicating links using the channel bonding (CB). However, non-CB links should be used in dense WLANs, since the CB links often reduce the transmission capacity due to high interferences from other links. In this paper, we examine the throughput drop estimation model for concurrently communicating links without using the CB in 802.11n WLAN, and its application to the POC assignment to the APs. First, we verify the model accuracy through experiments in two network fields. The results show that the average error is 9.946% and 6.285% for the high and low interference case respectively. Then, we verify the effectiveness of the POC assignment to the APs using the model through simulations and experiments. The results show that the model improves the smallest throughput of a host by 22.195% and the total throughput of all the hosts by 22.196% on average in simulations for three large topologies, and the total throughput by 12.89% on average in experiments for two small topologies.
Quick Response (QR) code is a two dimensional barcode widely used in many applications. A standard QR code consists of black and white square modules, and it appears randomized patterns. By modifying the modules using certain rule, it is possible to display a logo image on the QR code. Such a QR code is called an aesthetic QR code. In this paper, we change the encoding method of the Reed-Solomon (RS) code to produce an aesthetic QR code without sacrificing its error correcting capability. The proposed method randomly produces candidates of RS blocks and finds the best one during encoding. Considering an image to be displayed, we also introduce a weighting function during random selection that classifies the visually important regions in the image. We further investigate the shape of modules which represents the image and consider the trade-off between the visual quality and its readability. As a result, we can produce a beautiful aesthetic QR code, which still can be decoded by standard QR code reader.
One of the important topics of watermarking technique is a robustness against geometrical transformations. In the previous schemes, a template matching is performed or an additional signal is embedded for the recovery of a synchronization loss. However, the former requires the original template, and the latter degrades the quality of image because both a watermark and a synchronization signal must be embedded. In the proposed scheme only a synchronization signal is embedded for the recovery of both a watermark and a synchronization loss. Then the embedded information depends on the distance between two embedded signal positions. The distance is not changed seriously by random geometrical transformations like StirMark attack unless the embedded signal is disturbed. Therefore, a watermark can be extracted correctly from such geometrically transformed image if the synchronization signal can be recovered.
Digital fingerprinting is used to trace back illegal users, where unique ID known as digital fingerprints is embedded into a content before distribution. On the generation of such fingerprints, one of the important properties is collusion-resistance. Binary codes for fingerprinting with a code length of theoretically minimum order were proposed by Tardos, and the related works mainly focused on the reduction of the code length were presented. In this paper, we present a concrete and systematic construction of the Tardos's fingerprinting code using a chaotic map. Using a statistical model for correlation scores, the actual number of true-positive and false-positive detection is measured. The collusion-resistance of the generated fingerprinting codes is evaluated by a computer simulation.
Shinnosuke HIRATA Minoru Kuribayashi KUROSAWA Takashi KATAGIRI
Ultrasonic distance measurement using the pulse-echo method is based on the determination of the time of flight of ultrasonic waves. The pulse-compression technique, in which the cross-correlation function of a detected ultrasonic wave and a transmitted ultrasonic wave is obtained, is the conventional method used for improving the resolution of distance measurement. However, the calculation of a cross-correlation operation requires high-cost digital signal processing. This paper presents a new method of sensor signal processing within the pulse-compression technique using a delta-sigma modulated single-bit digital signal. The proposed sensor signal processing method consists of a cross-correlation operation employing single-bit signal processing and a smoothing operation involving a moving average filter. The proposed method reduces the calculation cost of the digital signal processing of the pulse-compression technique.
Within information hiding technology, digital watermarking is one of the most important technologies for copyright protection of digital content. Many digital watermarking schemes have been proposed in academia. However, these schemes are not used, because they are not practical; one reason for this is that the evaluation criteria are loosely defined. To make the evaluation more concrete and improve the practicality of digital watermarking, watermarking schemes must use common evaluation criteria. To realize such criteria, we organized the Information Hiding and its Criteria for Evaluation (IHC) Committee to create useful, globally accepted evaluation criteria for information hiding technology. The IHC Committee improves their evaluation criteria every year, and holds a competition for digital watermarking based on state-of-the-art evaluation criteria. In this paper, we describe the activities of the IHC Committee and its evaluation criteria for digital watermarking of still images, videos, and audio.
Generally, the wavelet transform is applied for watermarking, where a whole image is transformed to the frequency domain. However, many schemes which adopt the wavelet transform are weak for StirMark attack designed to affect locally such as rotation, extension, reduction, etc. In this paper, we propose a new scheme which applies the wavelet transform locally and has a tolerance for StirMark attack. How to maintain the quality of the watermarked image is also shown.
Deep neural networks (DNNs) have achieved excellent performance on several tasks and have been widely applied in both academia and industry. However, DNNs are vulnerable to adversarial machine learning attacks in which noise is added to the input to change the networks' output. Consequently, DNN-based mission-critical applications such as those used in self-driving vehicles have reduced reliability and could cause severe accidents and damage. Moreover, adversarial examples could be used to poison DNN training data, resulting in corruptions of trained models. Besides the need for detecting adversarial examples, correcting them is important for restoring data and system functionality to normal. We have developed methods for detecting and correcting adversarial images that use multiple image processing operations with multiple parameter values. For detection, we devised a statistical-based method that outperforms the feature squeezing method. For correction, we devised a method that uses for the first time two levels of correction. The first level is label correction, with the focus on restoring the adversarial images' original predicted labels (for use in the current task). The second level is image correction, with the focus on both the correctness and quality of the corrected images (for use in the current and other tasks). Our experiments demonstrated that the correction method could correct nearly 90% of the adversarial images created by classical adversarial attacks and affected only about 2% of the normal images.
Minoru KURIBAYASHI Masakatu MORII Hatsukazu TANAKA
A reversible watermark algorithm with large capacity has been developed by applying the difference expansion of a generalized integer transform. In this algorithm, a watermark signal is inserted in the LSB of the difference values among pixels. In this paper, we apply the prediction errors calculated by a predictor in JPEG-LS for embedding watermark, which contributes to increase the amount of embedded information with less degradation. As one of the drawbacks discovered in the above conventional method is the large size of the embedded location map introduced to make it reversible, we decrease the large size of the location map by vectorization, and then modify the composition of the map using the local characteristics. We also exclude the positions such that the modification in the embedding operation cannot increase the capacity but merely degrade the image quality, which can be applicable to the conventional methods.
For the construction of a large fingerprinting system, conventional protocols need many computations to provide each fingerprinted contents to each user. In order to reduce the computational cost, we introduce a new concept of distributed providers in the fingerprinting protocol. Before a sale, our practical fingerprinting protocol using a concept of secure oblivious transfer is performed between a contents supplier and each provider. Then each provider obtains fingerprinted contents such that each bit of fingerprinting information is embedded in each segment of the contents. When a user orders some contents to the supplier, each segment of the contents is distributed from each provider specified by the supplier. The selection of providers who distribute the segments of contents is executed based on the user's identity so that the sequence of embedded bits in the collected segments may indicate the user's identity.