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For measuring the similarity of biological sequences and structures such as DNA sequences, protein sequences, and tertiary structures, several compression-based methods have been developed. However, they are based on compression algorithms only for sequential data. For instance, protein structures can be represented by two-dimensional distance matrices. Therefore, it is expected that image compression is useful for measuring the similarity of protein structures because image compression algorithms compress data horizontally and vertically. This paper proposes series of methods for measuring the similarity of protein structures. In the methods, an original protein structure is transformed into a distance matrix, which is regarded as a two-dimensional image. Then, the similarity of two protein structures is measured by a kind of compression ratio of the concatenated image. We employed several image compression algorithms, JPEG, GIF, PNG, IFS, and SPC. Since SPC often gave better results among the other image compression methods, and it is simple and easy to be modified, we modified SPC and obtained MSPC. We applied the proposed methods to clustering of protein structures, and performed Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) analysis. The results of computational experiments suggest that MSPC has the best performance among existing compression-based methods. We also present some theoretical results on the time complexity and Kolmogorov complexity of image compression-based protein structure comparison.
Tatsuya AKUTSU Morihiro HAYASHIDA Dukka Bahadur K.C. Etsuji TOMITA Jun'ichi SUZUKI Katsuhisa HORIMOTO
The protein threading problem with profiles is known to be efficiently solvable using dynamic programming. In this paper, we consider a variant of the protein threading problem with profiles in which constraints on distances between residues are given. We prove that protein threading with profiles and constraints is NP-hard. Moreover, we show a strong hardness result on the approximation of an optimal threading satisfying all the constraints. On the other hand, we develop two practical algorithms: CLIQUETHREAD and BBDPTHREAD. CLIQUETHREAD reduces the threading problem to the maximum edge-weight clique problem, whereas BBDPTHREAD combines dynamic programming and branch-and-bound techniques. We perform computational experiments using protein structure data in PDB (Protein Data Bank) using simulated distance constraints. The results show that constraints are useful to improve the alignment accuracy of the target sequence and the template structure. Moreover, these results also show that BBDPTHREAD is in general faster than CLIQUETHREAD for larger size proteins whereas CLIQUETHREAD is useful if there does not exist a feasible threading.
Tatsuya AKUTSU Yang ZHAO Morihiro HAYASHIDA Takeyuki TAMURA
The Boolean network (BN) can be used to create discrete mathematical models of gene regulatory networks. In this paper, we consider three problems on BNs that are known to be NP-hard: detection of a singleton attractor, finding a control strategy that shifts a BN from a given initial state to the desired state, and control of attractors. We propose integer programming-based methods which solve these problems in a unified manner. Then, we present results of computational experiments which suggest that the proposed methods are useful for solving moderate size instances of these problems. We also show that control of attractors is -hard, which suggests that control of attractors is harder than the other two problems.