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[Author] Osami WADA(23hit)


  • Connector Model for Use in Common-Mode Antenna Model Used to Estimate Radiation from Printed Circuit Boards with Board-to-Board Connector

    Yuri WAKADUKI  Tetsushi WATANABE  Yoshitaka TOYOTA  Kengo IOKIBE  Liuji R. KOGA  Osami WADA  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Compatibility(EMC)

    E99-B No:3

    A connector model expressed as an inductance is proposed for use in a previously reported common-mode antenna model. The common-mode antenna model is an equivalent model for estimating only common-mode radiation from a printed circuit board (PCB) more quickly and with less computational resources than a calculation method that fully divides the entire structure of the PCB into elemental cells, such as narrow signal traces and thin dielectric layers. Although the common-mode antenna model can estimate the amount of radiation on the basis of the pin configuration of the connector between two PCBs, the calculation results do not show the peak frequency shift in the radiation spectrum when there is a change in the pin configuration. A previous study suggested that the frequency shift depends on the total inductance of the connector, which led to the development of the connector model reported here, which takes into account the effective inductance of the connector. The common-mode antenna model with the developed connector model accurately simulates the peak frequency shift caused by a change in the connector pin configuration. The results agree well with measured spectra (error of 3 dB).

  • Power-Sum Estimation of Electromagnetic Noise Radiated from High-Speed CMOS Printed Circuit Boards

    Osami WADA  Megumi KOSAKA  Hidemi OKA  Ryuji KOGA  Hiroya SANO  


    E75-B No:3

    A new approach is proposed to evaluate total electromagnetic noise radiated from a printed circuit board (PCB), and a result of experimental verification is given. The purpose is to represent the total radiation noise by summing up noises from elemental sources on a PCB, such as signal traces or ICs. Each of the elemental noise is calculated by an a priori noise model for each component of a PCB. Parameters of each noise model should be determined experimentally. Radiation sources on a digital PCB were found to be not only signal traces between ICs, but also package-side loops each of which is composed of an IC and a decoupling capacitor. Radiation noises from these two kinds of sources were evaluated separately. Experimental PCBs, which are two-layer PCBs mounting a few high-speed CMOS (HC) ICs, were prepared and radiation power from them was measured. Each PCB has a ground plane on one side, which simulates an internal ground plane in a multilayer PCB, and signal traces on it have a configuration of a microstrip transmission line. Electromagnetic noise caused by a high-speed CMOS gate is radiated impulsively during transition time as short as about 10ns. No significant interference was found between the noises from separate traces because each of the noise is impulsive and rarely overlaps each other. It is concluded that the total radiated power is represented by a simple sum of radiations from each traces without any interference to be taken into account.

  • Prediction of Far-Field EMI Spectrum of Differential Mode Emission from a Digital PCB by Near-Field Measurement

    Makoto TORIGOE  Takuya MIYASHITA  Osami WADA  Ryuji KOGA  Tetsushi WATANABE  


    E80-B No:11

    The purpose of this report is to predict far-field EMI spectrum emitted from a signal line on a digital PCB based on near-field EMI measurement. The relation between near magnetic field and far electric field is shown. A method of predicting far electric field from near magnetic field is proposed. Current flowing along a signal line is calculated from measured near magnetic field. Far electric field is estimated from the current. Measurement and prediction of EM emission are carried out using a simple PCB. The result of prediction and measurement of far-field EMI spectrum coincide within the error of 3 dB.

  • Calculation of Common-Mode Radiation from Single-Channel Differential Signaling System Using Imbalance Difference Model

    Tohlu MATSUSHIMA  Tetsushi WATANABE  Yoshitaka TOYOTA  Ryuji KOGA  Osami WADA  

    PAPER-PCB and Circuit Design for EMI Control

    E93-B No:7

    In a differential transmission line, a large common-mode radiation is excited due to its asymmetry. In this paper, the imbalance difference model, which was proposed by the authors for estimation of common-mode radiation, is extended to apply to the differential signaling systems. The authors focus on a differential transmission line with asymmetric property, which consists of an adjacent return plane and two signal lines which are placed close to an edge of the return plane. Three orthogonal transmission modes, a normal mode, a primary common mode and a secondary common mode, are defined. Among these transmission modes, the secondary common mode is dominant in radiation, and a mechanism of the secondary common-mode generation is explained. The radiated emission which was calculated using the imbalance difference model was in good agreement with that obtained by full wave calculation.

  • Suppression of Guard-Trace Resonance by Matched Termination for Reducing Common-Mode Radiation

    Tetsushi WATANABE  Tohlu MATSUSHIMA  Yoshitaka TOYOTA  Osami WADA  Ryuji KOGA  

    PAPER-PCB and Circuit Design for EMI Control

    E93-B No:7

    We propose a novel technique of matching at both ends of the guard trace to suppress resonance. This approach is derived from the viewpoint that the guard trace acts as a transmission line. We examined that matched termination suppresses guard-trace resonance through simulating a circuit and measuring radiation. We found from these results that the proposed method enables guard-trace voltages to remain low and hence avoids increases in radiation. In addition, we demonstrated that "matched termination at the far end of the guard trace" could suppress guard-trace resonance sufficiently at all frequencies. We eventually found that at least two vias at both ends of the guard trace and only one matching resistor at the far end could suppress guard-trace resonance. With respect to fewer vias, the method we propose has the advantage of reducing restrictions in the printed circuit board layout at the design stage.

  • Common-Mode-Current Generation Caused by Difference of Unbalance of Transmission Lines on a Printed Circuit Board with Narrow Ground Pattern

    Tetsushi WATANABE  Osami WADA  Takuya MIYASHITA  Ryuji KOGA  

    PAPER-EMC Design of PCB

    E83-B No:3

    This paper explains a mechanism of common-mode generation on a printed circuit board with a narrow ground pattern. A transmission line has its value of degree of unbalance. At a connection point of two transmission lines having different degrees of unbalance, common mode voltage is generated proportional to the difference, and it drives common mode current. The authors propose a method to evaluate common mode current distribution and verify it by measurement. Although calculated common mode current is larger than measured one by a few dBs, both of them are proportional to the degree of unbalance. An EMI reduction technique, 'unbalance matching,' is also proposed.

  • Power Current Model of LSI/IC Containing Equivalent Internal Impedance for EMI Analysis of Digital Circuits

    Yukihiro FUKUMOTO  Yasuo TAKAHATA  Osami WADA  Yoshitaka TOYOTA  Takuya MIYASHITA  Ryuji KOGA  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Compatibility(EMC)

    E84-B No:11

    This paper investigates a device model of the power current used for an LSI/IC. The model is proposed to analyze the power bus noise in digital circuit boards. This model is defined in the frequency domain and constructed with an equivalent internal impedance and an equivalent internal current source. Accordingly, the output current of the model is affected by power bus impedance, such as the capacitance of bypass capacitors and the parasitic inductance of power bus wiring. Therefore, the model is useful for analyzing the effectiveness of bypass capacitors and power bus wiring. The structure of equivalent internal impedance for a simple logic IC, such as 74HCXX, can be represented as an RLC series circuit. These parameters are identified by applying the least square method. To demonstrate the validity of the model, an experimental study was conducted. As a result, it was shown that the output current of the model corresponds to the measured current under a variety of power bus impedance levels within 6 dB.

  • Modeling of Bulk Current Injection Setup for Automotive Immunity Test Using Electromagnetic Analysis

    Yosuke KONDO  Masato IZUMICHI  Kei SHIMAKURA  Osami WADA  


    E98-B No:7

    This paper provides a method based on electromagnetic (EM) analysis to predict conducted currents in the bulk current injection (BCI) test system for automotive components. The BCI test system is comprised of an injection probe, equipment under test (EUT), line impedance stabilization networks (LISNs), wires and an electric load. All components are modeled in full-wave EM analysis. The EM model of the injection probe enables us to handle multi wires. By using the transmission line theory, the BCI setup model is divided into several parts in order to reduce the calculation time. The proposed method is applied to an actual BCI setup of an automotive component and the simulated common mode currents at the input terminals of EUT have a good accuracy in the frequency range of 1-400MHz. The model separation reduces the calculation time to only several hours.

  • A Prediction Method of Common-Mode Excitation on a Printed Circuit Board Having a Signal Trace near the Ground Edge

    Tetsushi WATANABE  Hiroshi FUJIHARA  Osami WADA  Ryuji KOGA  Yoshio KAMI  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Compatibility(EMC)

    E87-B No:8

    Common-mode excitation caused by an imperfect ground plane on a printed circuit board (PCB) has been conventionally explained with the 'current driven' scheme, in which the common-mode current is driven by the ground voltage across the unintentional inductance of the ground plane. We have developed an alternative method for estimating common-mode excitation that is driven by the difference of the common-mode voltages for two connected transmission lines. A parameter called current division factor (CDF) that represents the degree of imbalance of a transmission line explains the common-mode voltage. In this paper, we calculate the CDF with two-dimensional (2-D) static electric field analysis by using the boundary element method (BEM) for asymmetric transmission lines with an arbitrary cross-section. The proposed 2-D method requires less time than three-dimensional simulations. The EMI increase due to a signal line being close to the edge of the ground pattern was evaluated through CDF calculation. The estimated increase agreed well--within 2 dB--with the measured one.

  • Prediction of Peak Frequencies on Electromagnetic Emission from a Signal Line on a Printed Circuit Board

    Takuya MIYASHITA  Osami WADA  Ryuji KOGA  Hiroya SANO  


    E78-B No:2

    Concerned is a spectral profile of electromagnetic (EM) emission from a signal line on a high-speed digital circuit. The authors have proposed and examined an a priori method to predict the peak frequencies on spectral profile of EM emission from printed circuit boards (PCBs). Profile of an EM spectrum is determined by the resonance of digital circuits. It is the purpose of this paper to investigate the parameters that determine the spectral profile of EM emission from a signal line on a PCS. In this paper, measurements and calculations of EM spectra were carried out for different load capacitances. EM emissions were measured with a small loop antenna at a 50mm from the surface of the PCB. Measured EM spectra had two peaks. Calculated EM spectra, which was based on transient current given by the analog simulator SPICE, had two peaks too. Results of calculations of EM spectra for different internal capacitances of an IC tell that lower peak frequency is determined by the resonance frequency of the resonant loop which is composed of an IC package and a decoupling capacitor. Comparison with measured EM spectra and calculated EM spectra for different load resistances tell that sharpness of the other peak depends on Q factor of a resonant loop which includes a signal line. Therefore the peak frequencies of EM emission spectrum can be predicted as two resonance frequencies of two resonant circuits.

  • De-Embedding Technique for the Extraction of Parasitic and Stray Capacitances from 1-Port Measurements

    Umberto PAOLETTI  Osami WADA  

    PAPER-Printed Circuit Board

    E90-B No:6

    A de-embedding technique for the measurement of very small parasitic capacitances of package or small module interconnects is presented. At high frequencies small parasitic capacitances become important, and measurement probes can strongly affect measurement results. The present technique is based on additional measurements with only one tip of the probe touching one conductor, while the second tip is kept floating on the substrate. A necessary condition for its application is that the measured capacitance does not depend on the position of the floating probe tip. Measurements with inverted probe tip polarities are also used. In this way, the capacitances between probe tips and DUT can be estimated together with the parasitic capacitances of interest. Depending on the required accuracy, de-embedding of different orders have been introduced, which consider capacitance configurations of increasing complexity. The technique requires the solution of one or more systems of non-linear equations. In the present example the minimization of the norm of the residual of the system has been treated as a least squares problem, and has been solved numerically with MATLAB. The accuracy of the measurement can be also approximately estimated with the residual. As application example, a small module with power and ground planes has been considered. Two different probes have been used. Even though the stray capacitances of the probes are very different, the values of the extracted parasitic capacitances are in agreement with each other. The accuracy has been verified also with simulation results. To this purpose, a combination of known formulas from the literature, a 2D Finite Element Method (FEM) tool and a 3D Boundary Element Method (BEM) tool have been used. A high accuracy can be obtained, even when a strong capacitive coupling between probe ground and DUT is present. The technique can be applied also when only a subset of measurement results are available.

  • Modeling and Simulation of Via-Connected Power Bus Stacks in Multilayer PCBs

    Zhi Liang WANG  Osami WADA  Takashi HARADA  Takahiro YAGUCHI  Yoshitaka TOYOTA  Ryuji KOGA  

    PAPER-Printed Circuit Boards

    E88-B No:8

    Power bus noise problem has become a major concern for both EMC engineers and board designers. A fast algorithm, based on the cavity-mode model, was employed for analyzing resonance characteristics of multilayer power bus stacks interconnected by vias. The via is modeled as an inductance and its value is given by a simple expression. Good agreement between the simulated results and measurements demonstrates the effectiveness of the cavity-mode model, together with the via model.

  • Equivalent-Circuit Model for Meta-Atoms Consisting of Wired Metallic Spheres

    Takashi HISAKADO  Keisuke YOSHIDA  Tohlu MATSUSHIMA  Osami WADA  

    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E100-C No:3

    An equivalent-circuit model is an effective tool for the analysis and design of metamaterials. This paper describes a systematic and theoretical method for the circuit modeling of meta-atoms. We focus on the structures of wired metallic spheres and propose a method for deriving a sophisticated equivalent circuit that has the same topology as the wires using the partial element equivalent circuit (PEEC) method. Our model contains the effect of external electromagnetic coupling: excitation by an external field modeled by voltage sources and radiation modeled by the radiation resistances for each mode. The equivalent-circuit model provides the characteristics of meta-atoms such as the resonant frequencies and the resonant modes induced by the current distribution in the wires by an external excitation. Although the model is obtained by a very coarse discretization, it provides a good agreement with an electromagnetic simulation.

  • Equivalent-Circuit Model with Retarded Electromagnetic Coupling for Meta-Atoms of Wired Metallic Spheres

    Katsuya OHISHI  Takashi HISAKADO  Tohlu MATSUSHIMA  Osami WADA  

    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E101-C No:12

    This paper describes the equivalent-circuit model of a metamaterial composed of conducting spheres and wires. This model involves electromagnetic coupling between the conductors, with retardation. The lumped-parameter equivalent circuit, which imports retardation to the electromagnetic coupling, is developed in this paper from Maxwell's equation. Using the equivalent-circuit model, we clarify the relationship between the retardation and radiation loss; we theoretically demonstrate that the electromagnetic retardation in the near-field represents the radiation loss of the meta-atom in the far-field. Furthermore, this paper focuses on the retarded electromagnetic coupling between two meta-atoms; we estimate the changes in the resonant frequencies and the losses due to the distance between the two coupled meta-atoms. It is established that the dependence characteristics are significantly affected by electromagnetic retardation.

  • Importance and Limitations of Modeling Parasitic Capacitance between Package and PCB for Power Bus Noise and Radiation

    Umberto PAOLETTI  Takashi HISAKADO  Osami WADA  


    E92-B No:6

    Power and ground planes on multilayer PCBs can effectively radiate electromagnetic fields excited by the IC simultaneous switching noise. The high frequency electromagnetic radiation is often calculated from the electric field along the edge of the PCB, which can be estimated with a cavity model using magnetic walls. The excitation of the cavity modes is related to the via current passing through the power bus planes at the interconnection between IC package and PCB. Usually the attention is focused on the differential-mode current of the package pins, but in the present paper it is shown that the common-mode current flowing out from package pins plays a very important role in the excitation of cavity modes, and its neglect implies a fatal underestimation of the electromagnetic radiation from the power bus planes in some circumstances. A second important contribute to the radiation is given by the common mode current on the pins, together with the current flowing on the PCB ground plane. With the proposed equivalent circuit, the effectiveness of decoupling inductors depending on their location and on the value of the parasitic capacitance is studied.

  • Eigenmode Analysis of Whispering Gallery Modes of Pillbox-Type Optical Resonators Utilizing the FE-BPM Formulation

    Anis AHMED  Ryuichi KOYA  Osami WADA  Ming WANG  Ryuji KOGA  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E78-C No:11

    To evaluate the radial eigenmode field distributions and the resonance wavelengths of axially symmetric pillbox resonator, a numerical method is described which is based on the FE-BPM expression in cylindrical coordinates. Under the weakly guiding approximation, we solve Fresnel equation and can get a fairly accurate result. By using effective index method, 3-D pillbox guiding structure is reduced to 2-D one which is then used for the analysis. One advantage of this method is that it is applicable for the axially symmetric optical waveguides with arbitrary index distribution. The validity of this method is checked by comparing the results of this method with those of the analytical ones. This method is applied for the evaluation of the coupling properties of a coupled structure consisting of a pillbox resonator and a curved waveguide placed outside the pillbox. This coupled structure has a good prospect to be used as optical wavelength filter. By varying the separation distance between the pillbox and the outer curved waveguide, the power transfer due to coupling is determined near the resonance wavelength 0.9 µm.

  • Increase of Common-Mode Radiation due to Guard Trace Voltage and Determination of Effective Via-Location Open Access

    Tohlu MATSUSHIMA  Tetsushi WATANABE  Yoshitaka TOYOTA  Ryuji KOGA  Osami WADA  


    E92-B No:6

    A guard trace placed near a signal line reduces common-mode radiation from a printed circuit board. The reduction effect is evaluated by the imbalance difference model, which was proposed by the authors, when the guard trace has exactly the same potential as the return plane. However, depending on interval of ground connection of the guard trace, the radiation can increase when the guard trace resonates. In this paper, the authors show that the increase of radiation is caused by the common mode, and extend the imbalance difference model to explain a mechanism of increase of common-mode radiation. Additionally, the effective via location of the guard trace is proposed to reduce the number of vias. The guard trace voltage due to the resonance excites the common mode at the interface where the cross-sectional structure of the transmission line changes since the common-mode excitation is expressed by the product of the voltage and the difference of current division factors. To suppress the common-mode excitation, the guard trace should be grounded at the point where the cross-sectional structure changes. As a result, the common-mode radiation decreases even when the guard trace resonates.

  • Order Statistics Based Low-Power Flash ADC with On-Chip Comparator Selection

    Takehiro KITAMURA  Mahfuzul ISLAM  Takashi HISAKADO  Osami WADA  


    E105-A No:11

    High-speed flash ADCs are useful in high-speed applications such as communication receivers. Due to offset voltage variation in the sub-micron processes, the power consumption and the area increase significantly to suppress variation. As an alternative to suppressing the variation, we have developed a flash ADC architecture that selects the comparators based on offset voltage ranking for reference generation. Specifically, with the order statistics as a basis, our method selects the minimum number of comparators to obtain equally spaced reference values. Because the proposed ADC utilizes offset voltages as references, no resistor ladder is required. We also developed a time-domain sorting mechanism for the offset voltages to achieve on-chip comparator selection. We first perform a detailed analysis of the order statistics based selection method and then design a 4-bit ADC in a commercial 65-nm process and perform transistor-level simulation. When using 127 comparators, INLs of 20 virtual chips are in the range of -0.34LSB/+0.29LSB to -0.83LSB/+0.74LSB, and DNLs are in the range of -0.33LSB/+0.24LSB to -0.77LSB/+1.18LSB at 1-GS/s operation. Our ADC achieves the SNDR of 20.9dB at Nyquist-frequency input and the power consumption of 0.84mW.

  • Linear Equivalent Circuit of a Digital Gate for Characterization of Malfunction Mechanism

    Naoki KAGAWA  Osami WADA  Ryuji KOGA  


    E80-B No:11

    Time-related jitters caused by small noise voltage due to electromagnetic noise induce malfunction of digital equipment. The jitters increase with not only magnitude of the noise but also resonance of digital circuits in the equipment. In this report, we proposes a linear equivalent circuit model of a digital CMOS gate for analyzing circuit resonance and verifies the validity of the model.


    Takashi IWASAKI  Nobuo KUWABARA  Masao TAKI  Noboru SCHIBUYA  Osamu HASHIMOTO  Osami WADA  Takashi HARADA  Yukio YAMANAKA  


    E83-B No:3

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