1-2hit |
Pablo Rosales TEJADA Jae-Yoon JUNG
Ubiquitous technologies such as sensor network and RFID have enabled companies to realize more rapid and agile manufacturing and service systems. In this paper, we addresses how the huge amount of real-time events coming from these devices can be filtered and integrated to business process such as manufacturing, logistics, and supply chain process. In particular, we focus on complex event processing of sensor and RFID events in order to integrate them to business rules in business activities. We also illustrate a ubiquitous event processing system, named ueFilter, which helps to filter and aggregate sensor event, to detect event patterns from sensors and RFID by means of event pattern languages (EPL), and trigger event-condition-action (ECA) in logistics processes.
Pablo Rosales TEJADA Jae-Yoon JUNG
A variety of ubiquitous computing devices, such as radio frequency identification (RFID) and wireless sensor network (WSN), are generating huge and significant events that should be rapidly processed for business excellence. In this paper, we describe how complex event processing (CEP) technology can be applied to ubiquitous process management based on context-awareness. To address the issue, we propose a method for context-aware event processing using event processing language (EPL) statement. Specifically, the semantics of a situation drive the transformation of EPL statement templates into executable EPL statements. The proposed method is implemented in the domain of ubiquitous cold chain logistics management. With the proposed method, context-aware event processing can be realized to enhance business performance and excellence in ubiquitous computing environments.