Xiyang LI Pingzhi FAN Dianhua WU
Optical code-division multiple-access (OCDMA) is a promising technique for multimedia transmission in fiber-optic local-area networks (LANs). Variable-weight optical orthogonal codes (OOCs) can be used for OCDMA networks supporting multiple quality of services (QoS). Most constructions for optimal variable-weight OOCs have focused on the case where the number of distinct Hamming weights of all codewords is equal to two, and the codewords of weight 3 are normally included. In this letter, four explicit constructions of optimal (υ,{4,5,6},1,Q)-OOCs are presented, and more new optimal (υ,{4,5,6},1,Q)-OOCs are obtained via recursive constructions. These improve the existing results on optimal variable-weight OOCs with at least three distinct Hamming weights and minimum Hamming weight 4.
Xiyang LI Pingzhi FAN Naoki SUEHIRO Dianhua WU
Variable-weight optical orthogonal codes (OOCs) have application in multimedia optical code division multiple access (OCDMA) systems supporting multiple quality of services (QoS). In this paper, several combinatorial constructions for optimal variable-weight OOCs are presented explicitly. A useful recursive construction for optimal variable-weight OOCs is proposed as well. Based on these results, two new infinite classes of optimal variable-weight OOCs with Hamming weights 3 and 4 are obtained.
Hao LI Changqing XU Pingzhi FAN
In this paper we investigate designing optimal linear transmit/receive processing filters for multiuser MIMO downlinks with imperfect channel state information (CSI) and spatial fading correlation between antenna array at BS. A robust scheme is proposed to obtain the optimal linear transmit/receive filters in the sense of minimizing the average sum mean square error (SMSE) conditional on noisy channel estimates under a per-user transmit power constraint. Using an iterative procedure, the proposed scheme extends the existing optimization algorithm for uncorrelated single-user MIMO systems with perfect CSI to solve the problem of minimizing SMSE in spatially correlated MIMO downlinks with imperfect CSI. Comparing with non-robust scheme, we show that robust scheme efficiently mitigates the BER loss induced by imperfect CSI. In addition, the impact of fading correlation at BS on the performance of the proposed robust scheme is analyzed.
Hao LI Changqing XU Pingzhi FAN
Sum power iterative water-filling (SPIWF) algorithm provides sum-rate-optimal transmission scheme for wireless multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) broadcast channels (BC), whereas it suffers from its high complexity. In this paper, we propose a new transmission scheme based on a novel block zero-forcing dirty paper coding (Block ZF-DPC) strategy and multiuser-diversity-achieving user selection procedure. The Block ZF-DPC can be considered as an extension of existing ZF-DPC into MIMO BCs. Two user selection algorithms having linear increasing complexity with the number of users have been proposed. One aims at maximizing the achievable sum rate directly and the other is based on Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization (GSO) and Frobenius norm. The proposed scheme is shown to achieve a sum rate close to the sum capacity of MIMO BC and obtain optimal multiplexing and multiuser diversity gain. In addition, we also show that both selection algorithms achieve a significant part of the sum rate of the optimal greedy selection algorithm at low computation expenditure.
By using multiple repeated signal replicas to formulate the accumulative observed noisy signal sequence (AONSS) or the differential observed noisy signal sequence (DONSS) in the hybrid ARQ system, a novel data-aided maximum likelihood (DA ML) SNR estimation and a blind ML SNR estimation technique are proposed for the AWGN channel. It is revealed that the conventional DA ML estimate is a special case of the novel DA ML estimate, and both the proposed DA ML and the proposed blind ML SNR estimation techniques can offer satisfactory SNR estimation without introducing significant additional complexity to the existing hybrid ARQ scheme. Based on the AONSS, both the generalized deterministic and the random Cramer-Rao lower bounds (GCRLBs), which include the traditional Cramer-Rao lower bounds (CRLBs) as special cases, are also derived. Finally, the applicability of the proposed SNR estimation techniques based on the AONSS and the DONSS are validated through numerical analysis and simulation results.
Li LI Changqing XU Pingzhi FAN Jian HE
In this paper, the resource allocation problem for proportional fairness in hybrid Cognitive Radio (CR) systems is studied. In OFDMA-based CR systems, traditional resource allocation algorithms can not guarantee proportional rates among CR users (CRU) in each OFDM symbol because the number of available subchannels might be smaller than that of CRUs in some OFDM symbols. To deal with this time-varying nature of available spectrum resource, a hybrid CR scheme in which CRUs are allowed to use subchannels in both spectrum holes and primary users (PU) bands is adopted and a resource allocation algorithm is proposed to guarantee proportional rates among CRUs with no undue interference to PUs.
Daiyuan PENG Pingzhi FAN Naoki SUEHIRO
In order to judge the goodness of zero correlation zone sequence sets, a new concept, called ZCZ characteristic, is proposed. Then by defining a sequence operation, i.e. correlation product, and establishing its basic properties, a new approach to construct sets of sequences with a large zero correlation zone is presented.
Factorization of Hadamard matrices can provide fast algorithm and facilitate efficient hardware realization. In this letter, constructions of factorizable multilevel Hadamard matrices, which can be considered as special case of unitary matrices, are inverstigated. In particular, a class of ternary Hadamard matrices, together with its application, is presented.
This paper presents a ZCZ code which are combinedly used for spreading sequences and a synchronization symbol in quasi-synchronous CDMA systems using PSK, ASK or BFSK. Furthermore a simple matched filter is presented, which simultaneously calculates correlations with any sequences in the ZCZ code.
In synchronous CDMA system, the orthogonal spreading sequences are employed to reduce the multiple access interference. However, as the frequency selectivity of the propagation channel strengthens, the orthogonality among different users tends to diminish because of increasing inter-path interference. In this paper, various binary and nonbinary orthogonal sequences are discussed. In order to maintain the orthogonality among different users, a new concept of generalized orthogonality is defined and the corresponding sequences are presented, including binary, quadriphase and nonbinary code sequences. Based on a simplified synchronous CDMA system model, the related system performance is also analyzed and compared for different orthogonal and generalized orthogonal spreading sequences. Our analytical and simulation results show that the generalized orthogonal code sequences are indeed more robust in the multipath propagation channels, compared with the traditional orthogonal code sequences.
Yifeng TU Pingzhi FAN Li HAO Xiyang LI
Sequences with good correlation properties are of substantial interest in many applications. By interleaving a perfect array with shift sequences, a new method of constructing binary array set with zero correlation zone (ZCZ) is presented. The interleaving operation can be performed not only row-by-row but also column-by-column on the perfect array. The resultant ZCZ binary array set is optimal or almost optimal with respect to the theoretical bound. The new method provides a flexible choice for the rectangular ZCZ and the set size.
Xiaorun ZHONG Dianhua WU Pingzhi FAN
Variable-weight optical orthogonal codes (OOCs) were introduced by Yang for multi-media optical CDMA systems with multiple quality of service (QoS) requirements. Some works had been done on the existence of optimal (υ,W,1,Q)-OOCs for W ∈ {{3,4}, {3,5}, {4,5}}. In this paper, by using quadratic residues, seven new infinite classes of optimal (υ,{k,6},1,Q)-OOCs for k ∈ {3,4} are constructed.