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Jin-Ping HE Kun GAO Guo-Qiang NI Guang-Da SU Jian-Sheng CHEN
Considering the real existent fact of the ideal edge and the learning style of image analogy without reference parameters, a blind image recovery algorithm using a self-adaptive learning method is proposed in this paper. We show that a specific local image patch with degradation characteristic can be utilized for restoring the whole image. In the training process, a clear counterpart of the local image patch is constructed based on the ideal edge assumption so that identification of the Point Spread Function is no longer needed. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method on remote sensing images.
Hao YIN Chuang LIN Jin-jun ZHUANG Bo LI Qiang NI
With the rapid growth of wireless networks and great success of Internet video, wireless video services are expected to be widely deployed in the near future. As different types of wireless networks are converging into all IP networks, i.e., the Internet, it is important to study video delivery over the wireless Internet. This paper proposes a novel end-system based adaptation protocol called Wireless Hybrid Adaptation Layered Multicast (WHALM) protocol for layered video multicast over wireless Internet. In WHALM the sender dynamically collects bandwidth distribution from the receivers and uses an optimal layer rate allocation mechanism to reduce the mismatches between the coarse-grained layer subscription levels and the heterogeneous and dynamic rate requirements from the receivers, thus maximizing the degree of satisfaction of all the receivers in a multicast session. Based on sampling theory and theory of probability, we reduce the required number of bandwidth feedbacks to a reasonable degree and use a scalable feedback mechanism to control the feedback process practically. WHALM is also tuned to perform well in wireless networks by integrating an end-to-end loss differentiation algorithm (LDA) to differentiate error losses from congestion losses at the receiver side. With a series of simulation experiments over NS platform, WHALM has been proved to be able to greatly improve the degree of satisfaction of all the receivers while avoiding congestion collapse on the wireless Internet.
Bin TANG Jianxin LUO Guiqiang NI Weiwei DUAN Yi GAO
This letter proposes a Light Space Partitioned Shadow Maps (LSPSMs) algorithm which implements shadow rendering based on a novel partitioning scheme in light space. In stead of splitting the view frustum like traditional Z-partitioning methods, we split partitions from the projection of refined view frustum in light space. The partitioning scheme is performed dual-directionally while limiting the wasted space. Partitions are created in dynamic number corresponding to the light and view directions. Experiments demonstrate that high quality shadows can be rendered in high efficiency with our algorithm.
Jingsong SHAN Jianxin LUO Guiqiang NI Yinjin FU Zhaofeng WU
Estimating the cardinality of flows over sliding windows on high-speed links is still a challenging work under time and space constrains. To solve this problem, we present a novel data structure maintaining a summary of data and propose a constant-time update algorithm for fast evicting expired information. Moreover, a further memory-reducing schema is given at a cost of very little loss of accuracy.
Bin TANG Jianxin LUO Guiqiang NI Weiwei DUAN Yi GAO
Vector data differs in the rasterized height field by data type. It is difficult to render dynamic vectors on height field because their shapes and locations may change at any time. This letter proposes a novel method: View-dependent Projective Atlases (VdPAs). As an intermediate data source, VdPAs act as rendering targets which enable height field and vectors to be rasterized at the same resolution. Then, VdPAs can be viewed as super-tiles. State of art height field rendering algorithms can be used for scenario rendering. Experimental results demonstrate that atlases are able to make dynamic vectors to be rendered on height field with real-time performance and high quality.
Lei ZHOU Qiang NI Yuanhua ZHOU
An automatic and efficient algorithm for removal of intensity flicker is proposed. The novel repair process is founded on the block-based estimation and restoration algorithm with regard to luminance variation. It is easily realized and controlled to remove most intensity flicker and preserve the wanted effects, like fade in and fade out.