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Zhicheng SUI Qingji ZENG Shilin XIAO
Based on traffic prediction, a new reservation method is proposed to reduce delay and void filling ratio at edge node of optical burst switching networks. Simulation studies show that our method achieves an important improvement and has a dynamic optimum weight value in a certain offset time.
This letter provides a scalable slotted ring network architecture with nodes using one fixed transmitter, one tunable transmitter and multiple fixed receivers. Furthermore, the novel access protocol with efficient slot reuse is proposed. Theoretical analysis and simulation results show that protocol can achieve high node throughput and low queuing delay.
Fengqing LIU Qingji ZENG Xu ZHU
In this paper, we address the survivable routing problem with and without wavelength-continuity constraints by proposing a new Integer Linear Programming (ILP) algorithm, which is based on a simplified necessary and sufficient condition. Numerical results are given and discussed to show the efficiency of our algorithm and the impact of wavelength-continuity constraints.
Xudong YANG Qingji ZENG Xuan LUO
We develop a non-concurrent single-failure occurring model, a restoration scheme based on adaptively-decided sub-lightpath rerouting algorithm is then proposed, which aims to achieve better service guaranty with less network status information.
Hao CHI Qingji ZENG Huandong ZHAO Jiangtao LUO Zhizhong ZHANG
The conservative mode and the greedy mode scheduling algorithms for OBS switch with shared buffer are presented and discussed. Their performance is evaluated by computer simulations, as well as that of the greedy mode with void-filling algorithm. Simulation results show that the conservative mode and the greedy mode have different characteristics under different input load. The greedy mode and the conservative mode are more applicable in a real system than that with void-filling, owing to their lower computational complexity and FIFO characteristic. Finally, a composite algorithm integrated by the conservative mode and the greedy mode is proposed, which is adapted to the input load with the help of an input load monitor. The simulation results reveal that it has favorable performance under different load.
YiYun WANG Qingji ZENG Chen HE Lihua LU ZhiCheng SUI
We develop a new optical switching fabric with multi-granularity grooming based on our lambda-group model, as well as algorithms that can handle dynamic environments. The proposed fabric based on a new multi-granular grooming scheme presents the distinctive approach of assigning different contiguous groups of granularities to different paths for effective treatment. Results and figures from experiments show that the particular partitioning approach not only is helpful to port reduction significantly, but also improves the SNR of signal and blocking performance for dynamic connection requests.