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Seongmin PYO Jae-Kwan LEE Min-Jae LEE Dae-Myoung IN Young-Sik KIM
A novel square patch antenna with reconfigurable circular polarization (CP) is presented in this letter. A circular slot with perturbation is placed beneath the patch. The circular slot that has an inner perturbation yields right-handed CP, but with an outer perturbation slot yields left-handed CP. Experiments show an antenna gain of 2.8 dBic and a 3-dB axial ratio bandwidth of 30 MHz which well match the corresponding simulation results.
Junho CHOI Seongmin PYO Sang-Min HAN Young-Sik KIM
In this letter, compact loop resonator type circular polarization (CP) antennas with a square ring and an X-shaped meander loop are presented. Both antennas are fed to a microstrip line with electromagnetic coupling. By adjusting the gap and length of a coupled microstrip line, the magnitude and phase conditions of two orthogonal modes for CP can be determined. The proposed antennas show good axial ratios and also good agreements between experimented and simulated results.
Seongmin PYO Min-Jae LEE Kyoung-Joo LEE Young-Sik KIM
A novel dual-band magnetic loop antenna is proposed using slot-loaded composite right/left-handed (SL-CRLH) structures. Since each radiating element consists of a symmetrically-array of unit-cells, a dual-band magnetic loop source is obtained with unchanged beam patterns. Simulations and measurements show its good radiation performance with monopole-like radiation patterns in both operating bands.
Seongmin PYO Dae-Myoung IN In-Chul SHIN Young-Sik KIM
A new linearly tapered slot antenna (LTSA) with defected sides is proposed in this letter. Both sides are defected with half-dumbbell shape slots that may alter the surface current intensities on both sides. As the half-dumbbell size is increased, the 3-dB beamwidth of the proposed antenna is 4° and 6° lower in the E/H-plane, respectively, than these of the LTSA without defects. Accordingly, the measured gain is improved by up to 3.75 dB and the first side lobe level is lowered by about -10.8 dB and -5.8 dB in the E/H-planes, respectively.
Seongmin PYO Min-Jae LEE Young-Sik KIM
In this letter, a new design of a metamaterial-based microstrip antenna is presented using triangular slots embedded on the ground plane to enhance the impedance bandwidth. To improve the impedance bandwidth of the proposed antenna, two resonant mode frequencies are closely allocated using the slotted ground without changing the radiator element. The impedance bandwidth of VSWR < 2.5 is measured at 2.43 GHz (37.6%) centered on 6.46 GHz, from 5.24 GHz to 7.67 GHz in good agreements with the simulated results.
Tae-Hak LEE Jung-Woo BAIK Seongmin PYO Young-Sik KIM
A novel bandpass filter (BPF) for an ultra-wideband (UWB) system is proposed in this letter. The BPF consists of four coplanar stripline (CPS)-to-microstrip transitions. Each transition is employed for broad electromagnetic (EM) coupling between a short-circuited CPS and an open-circuited microstrip line. The equivalent circuit model of the proposed geometry is derived and utilized in the impedance and mode matching analysis. Measured results show good agreement with the analysis and simulated ones.
Seongmin PYO Jung-Woo BAIK Young-Sik KIM
In this letter, a novel design of a switchable microstrip antenna is proposed for circular polarization diversity. The proposed antenna has a simple construction of inner and outer corner-truncated radiating circular patches for switchable circular polarization. By controlling the state of two PIN diodes, left- and right-hand circular polarizations are easily alternated. The results of experiments show excellent switching radiation performances at the resonant frequency and good agreements with the simulated ones.