1-3hit |
Jian KANG Hiroshi ECHIGO Koichi OHNUMA Shigeo NISHIDA Risaburo SATO
The reception level of a round-trip signal from a VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal) was monitored continuously for three years starting October 1991.For these experimental measurements, a commercial satellite channel (up-link 14GHz/downlink 12GHz, bandwidth 100kHz) was used and rainfall was measured simultaneously. Data gathering time interval of 2 seconds was adopted to elucidate very rapid variation and lower percentage statistics. In this paper, attenuation due to rainfall is shown using the data obtained in this three-year period. It is shown that so far, the measured rain attenuation agrees very well with the values estimated using the CCIR model, and limits the range where the cumulative time exceeds 0.01%, even for our VSAT system in Tagajo, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan.
A novel type of NRD-guide PIN switch is developed for millimeter wave use. An emphasis is place on the design of a compact rigid and reliable diode mount structure. The fabricated switch exhibits 1.5 to 2.0 dB insertion loss and more than 25 dB isolation over 2 GHz bandwidth at center frequency of 35 GHz.
A higher mode tri-plate strip transmission line, in which the first higher mode propagates, was developed to realize mass production of millimeter-wave integrated circuits for application in intelligent transport systems, and its transmission characteristics were investigated. The design diagram of this guided mode was determined and a higher mode tri-plate strip transmission line was fabricated at 30 GHz. The dispersion curve was found to be similar to that of a rectangular waveguide and a low transmission loss of less than 10 dB/m was obtained. For construction of some functional devices, two types of basic reactance components, such as a gap and a slot, were expressed by equivalent circuits. The former was expressed by capacitive parameters, and the latter was expressed by an ideal transformer with inductive parameters. The gap-coupled circuit was successfully employed for a 3-pole 0.1 dB Chebyshev ripple band-pass filter with a small excess insertion loss of less than 1 dB at a center frequency of 32 GHz, as well as no spurious response in a bandwidth from 26.5 GHz to 40 GHz. The slot element acted as a matching circuit and a suppressor of the lowest mode, which is the TEM mode in the tri-plate strip transmission line. Moreover, this element was applied to a mode transformer between the lowest mode and the first higher mode.