1-2hit |
Kohei WATABE Norinosuke MURAI Shintaro HIRAKAWA Kenji NAKAGAWA
End-to-end loss and delay are both fundamental metrics in network performance evaluation, and accurate measurements for these end-to-end metrics are one of the keys to keeping delay/loss-sensitive applications (e.g., audio/video conferencing, IP telephony, or telesurgery) comfortable on networks. In our previous work [1], we proposed a parallel flow monitoring method that can provide accurate active measurements of end-to-end delay. In this method, delay samples of a target flow increase by utilizing the observation results of other flows sharing the source/destination with the target flow. In this paper, to improve accuracy of loss measurements, we propose a loss measurement method by extending our delay measurement method. Additionally, we improve the loss measurement method so that it enables to fully utilize information of all flows including flows with different source and destination. We evaluate the proposed method through theoretical and simulation analyses. The evaluations show that the accuracy of the proposed method is bounded by theoretical upper/lower bounds, and it is confirmed that it reduces the error of loss rate estimations by 57.5% on average.
In this paper, a parallel flow monitoring technique that achieves accurate measurement of end-to-end delay of networks is proposed. In network monitoring tasks, network researchers and practitioners usually monitor multiple probe flows to measure delays on multiple paths in parallel. However, when they measure an end-to-end delay on a path, information of flows except for the flow along the path is not utilized in the conventional method. Generally, paths of flows share common parts in parallel monitoring. In the proposed method, information of flows on paths that share common parts, utilizes to measure delay on a path by partially converting the observation results of a flow to those of another flow. We perform simulations to confirm that the observation results of 72 parallel flows of active measurement are appropriately converted between each other. When the 99th-percentile of the end-to-end delay for each flow are measured, the accuracy of the proposed method is doubled compared with the conventional method.