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[Author] Shinya TANAKA(11hit)

  • Experimental Evaluations on Array Antenna Configuration of Adaptive Antenna Array Diversity Receiver in W-CDMA Reverse Link

    Taisuke IHARA  Shinya TANAKA  Atsushi HARADA  Mamoru SAWAHASHI  Fumiyuki ADACHI  


    E83-A No:11

    This paper investigates the influence of the number of antennas, the angle difference between the direction of arrival (DOA) of the desired signal and those of interfering signals, and the antenna arrangement on the BER performance of the coherent adaptive antenna array diversity (CAAAD) receiver in the wideband DS-CDMA (W-CDMA) reverse link. Experiments assuming high-rate interfering users were conducted in a radio anechoic room using a three-sectored antenna with a 120-degree beam (maximum number of antennas was six). The experimental results showed that the degree to which the interference was suppressed from high-rate users of the CAAAD receiver was significantly increased by increasing the number of antennas, especially when the number of interfering users was larger than degree of freedom of the CAAAD. It was also verified that although the BER performance of the CAAAD receiver significantly improved compared to a single sectored antenna, the improvement remarkably decreased when the DOA difference between the desired signal and interfering signals was within approximately 10-15 degrees irrespective of the number of antennas. Finally, we show that the BER performance difference between the linear and conformal arrangements was small when using the three-sectored antenna.

  • Investigation of Channel Estimation Method for Adaptive Antenna Array Transmit Diversity in W-CDMA Forward Link

    Shinya TANAKA  Mamoru SAWAHASHI  Heiichi YAMAMOTO  


    E85-B No:12

    This paper investigates an accurate channel estimation method using the common pilot channel (CPICH) in addition to a dedicated pilot channel (PICH) when the fading correlation between the dedicated PICH and CPICH is high, and clarifies the area in which the proposed channel estimation method is effective for adaptive antenna array transmit diversity (AAA-TD) in the forward link. Computer simulation results elucidate that although a more precise channel estimation is possible by using the primary-CPICH (P-CPICH) transmitted from an omni-directional antenna in addition to the dedicated PICH for the area where the distance, d, between a base station and a mobile terminal is longer than approximately 200 m, no improvement is obtained for the area where the value of d is shorter than approximately 200 m. Meanwhile, by employing the secondary-CPICH (S-CPICH) transmitted with several directional beams in addition to the dedicated PICH, the required average received Eb/N0 at the average BER of 10-3 is decreased by approximately 0.4 (0.2-0.4) dB compared to the channel estimation method using only the dedicated PICH regardless of the value of d when the number of antennas is 4 (8).

  • Pilot Symbol-Assisted Decision-Directed Coherent Adaptive Array Diversity for DS-CDMA Mobile Radio Reverse Link

    Shinya TANAKA  Mamoru SAWAHASHI  Fumiyuki ADACHI  


    E80-A No:12

    Pilot symbol-assisted (PSA) decision-directed coherent adaptive array diversity (CAAD) is proposed for increasing the reverse link capacity of DS-CDMA mobile radio systems. In the proposed scheme, PSA channel estimation is applied to coherent Rake combining, and the weights of the antenna array are adaptively updated using both pilot symbols and decision-directed data symbols after Rake combining as references for minimum mean squared error (MMSE) criteria. The reverse link capacity of a 3-sectored base station is evaluated by computer simulation when fast transmit power control (TPC) based on singal-to-interference plus backgound noise power ratio (SIR) measurement is applied under nultipath Rayleigh fading environments. It is shown that a 6-element (sector) CAAD receiver can increase the capacity to about 4.2 times that with a single antenna (per sector) receiver when links are interference-limited. The link capacity achievable with the 6-element CAAD receiver is 1.2 times that with a 6-branch antenna diversity reciever with antenna spacing of 10 carrier wavelengths, while significantly reducing the strong interference from high bit rate transmission (high transmit power) users.

  • Comparison of Coherent Adaptive Antenna Array Diversity and Multi-Beam Receivers for Packet Transmission in W-CDMA Reverse Link

    Naoki NAKAMINAMI  Shinya TANAKA  Taisuke IHARA  Mamoru SAWAHASHI  

    PAPER-Application to CDMA

    E84-B No:7

    This paper compares the path detection probability for Rake combining and the BER performance of packet transmission with the length of TPKT = 10 (20) msec using the coherent adaptive antenna array diversity (CAAAD) receiver with those using a multi-beam receiver employing fixed antenna weights both with four antennas in a multipath fading channel in the W-CDMA reverse link. Laboratory experimental results elucidate that the required average received signal energy per bit-to-background noise spectrum density (Eb/N0) at the detection probability of 90% of at least one path and of two paths for the fading maximum Doppler frequency of fD = 5 (80) Hz using a multi-beam receiver with the number of beams equal to NBeam = 12 was decreased by approximately 1.0 (1.0) dB and 2.0 (2.0) dB, respectively, compared to that using the CAAAD receiver with the step size of µ= 10-2 for the average received SIR of the desired user of -12 dB in a 2-path Rayleigh fading channel with average equal power in a 5-user environment. We also found that the required average received Eb/N0 at the average BER of 10-3 using the multi-beam receiver was decreased by approximately 5.0 (2.5) dB compared to that of the CAAAD receiver with µ= 10-2, and the loss of the required average received Eb/N0 compared to that of CAAAD with sufficiently converged receiver antenna weights was approximately 2.0 (1.0) dB for TPKT = 10 (20) msec when the average received SIR = -12 dB in a 5-user environment.

  • Fast Two-Step Beam Tracking Algorithm of Coherent Adaptive Antenna Array Diversity Receiver in W-CDMA Reverse Link

    Taisuke IHARA  Shinya TANAKA  Mamoru SAWAHASHI  Fumiyuki ADACHI  

    PAPER-Application to CDMA

    E84-B No:7

    In wideband direct sequence code division multiple access (W-CDMA), employing an adaptive antenna array is a very promising technique to reduce severe multiple access interference (MAI) especially from high rate users. This paper proposes a fast and accurate two-step beam tracking algorithm implemented in a pilot symbol-assisted coherent adaptive antenna array diversity (CAAAD) receiver and evaluates its performance both by computer simulation and laboratory experiments. In the proposed scheme, the receiver antenna weights are updated by using both the signal-to-interference power ratio (SIR) measurements employing multiple sets of antenna weights (MSAW) and an adaptive algorithm based on the minimum mean square error (MMSE) criterion, in which other sets except for a original set of antenna weights are simply generated by a original set. Computer simulation results show that antenna weights of a four-antenna CAAAD receiver using the proposed beam tracking algorithm tracks changes in the direction of arrival (DOA) of the desired user at up to 34.3 degrees/sec, which corresponds to 215 km/h at 100 m from a base station. We also confirm based on the experiments in a radio anechoic room that the generated antenna weights track the DOA changes up to 12.3 degrees/sec.

  • Experiments on Decision Feedback Type Coherent Adaptive Antenna Array Diversity Receiver in W-CDMA Reverse Link

    Shinya TANAKA  Hidekazu TAOKA  Taisuke IHARA  Mamoru SAWAHASHI  

    PAPER-Application to CDMA

    E84-B No:7

    This paper proposes a receiver antenna weight-updating algorithm using I/Q-code multiplexed pilot and decision feedback data symbols after channel decoding for both reference signal generation of the mean squared error (MSE) calculation and channel estimation (also for Rake combining) in the coherent adaptive antenna array diversity (CAAAD) receiver and investigates its performance, in order to decrease further the transmit power of a mobie station, thereby increasing system capacity in the wideband direct sequence code division multiple access (W-CDMA) reverse link. Experimental results show that the required transmit Eb/N0 for the average BER of 10-3 with the CAAAD receiver using pilot and decision feedback data symbols after channel decoding both for reference signal generation and for channel estimation can be decreased by approximately 0.8 dB compared to when using only pilot symbols with convolutional coding or turbo coding, when the ratio of the target Eb/I0 for fast transmit power control of the desired to interfering users is Δ Eb/I0 = -12 dB. The results also elucidate that the required transmit Eb/N0 at the average BER of 10-6 with turbo coding using the proposed decision feedback antenna weight-updating and channel estimation is smaller by approximately 0.5 dB than that using convolutional coding when the channel interleaving length is 20 msec for Δ Eb/I0 = -12 dB.

  • Optimum Weight Generation Method for Adaptive Antenna Array Transmit Diversity in W-CDMA Forward Link

    Shinya TANAKA  Taisuke IHARA  Mamoru SAWAHASHI  


    E84-A No:12

    This paper investigates the optimum transmit-antenna-weight generation method for adaptive antenna array transmit diversity (AAA-TD) in the W-CDMA forward link: AAA-TD with beam and null steering (BNST), AAA-TD with beam steering (BST), or switched beam transmit diversity with fixed weights (SBTD-FW). The achievable BER performance after carrier frequency calibration in the transmit beam pattern is compared among the three methods assuming a different carrier frequency in a 2-GHz band with the carrier separation of 184.5 MHz based on computer simulations. The simulation results show that the achievable BER performance in the forward link using AAA-TD with BNST is almost identical to that using AAA-TD with BST when there are many more interfering users than there are array antennas, except for the special case when a small number of higher rate users exists in the reverse link. This is because by performing carrier frequency calibration, the directions of the beam nulls are shifted from the real directions of arrival (DOAs) of the interfering users. However, we also show that the required transmit Eb/N0 at the average BER of 10-3 using AAA-TD with BST is decreased by approximately 1.0 to 1.2 dB compared to that using SBTD-FW with 12 beams.

  • Combined Effect of Coherent Adaptive Antenna Array Diversity and SINR-Based Fast Transmit Power Control in W-CDMA Reverse Link

    Shinya TANAKA  Atsushi HARADA  Taisuke IHARA  Mamoru SAWAHASHI  Fumiyuki ADACHI  


    E84-B No:3

    This paper evaluates through laboratory and field experiments the combined effect of the coherent adaptive antenna array diversity (CAAAD) receiver and signal-to-interference plus background noise ratio (SINR)-based fast transmit power control (TPC) in order to improve performance beyond that of space diversity (SD) with maximal ratio combining (MRC) in all low-to-high signal-to-interference power ratio (SIR) channels in the W-CDMA reverse link. Although the previously proposed CAAAD receiver comprising an adaptive antenna array based on the minimum mean square error (MMSE) criterion and a coherent Rake combiner was very effective in suppressing interference in low SIR (interference is severe) channels, SD employing MRC in noise limited channels (high SIR) outperformed the CAAAD because of its uncorrelated reception of fading variation due to its large antenna separation. The laboratory experimental results showed that the required average transmit signal energy per bit-to-background noise spectrum density (Eb/N0) with the CAAAD receiver using fast TPC is lower than that with an SD receiver over a wide range of maximum Doppler frequency values from fD = 5 Hz to 500 Hz in a low-to-high SIR channel. The results of the field experiments also showed that combining CAAAD and fast TPC is a powerful means to reduce severe multiple access interference (MAI) from high rate users in a low-to-high SIR environment and is more effective than using the SD receiver with the same number of antennas, i.e., the measured BER was improved by approximately one order of magnitude, when the relative transmit power of the desired user was 8 dB with two antennas at the average received SIR at the antenna input of -12 dB.

  • Experiments on HSDPA Throughput Performance in W-CDMA Systems

    Hiroyuki ISHII  Tomoki SAO  Shinya TANAKA  Shinsuke OGAWA  Yousuke IIZUKA  Takeshi NAKAMORI  Takehiro NAKAMURA  


    E89-A No:7

    In this paper, we present laboratory and field experimental results using High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) test-beds in order to reveal the actual HSDPA performance based on key technologies such as base station (BS) scheduling, adaptive modulation and coding, hybrid automatic repeat request, and advanced receiver design. First, this paper evaluates the effects of advanced user equipment capabilities such as the maximum number of multi-codes, transmit diversity, receive diversity, and a chip equalizer. Increases in throughput of 60% and 85% due to using 10 and 15 codes were observed compared to 5 codes, respectively. The gain of 22% was obtained by applying closed-loop transmit diversity to the HSDPA network. Receive diversity improves the throughput in the region from low to high signal-to-interference ratio, and the gain of 45% was obtained by applying receive diversity to the conventional RAKE receiver. A throughput gain of approximately 17% due to the use of the chip equalizer was obtained and it was observed mainly in the high Ior/Ioc region and under multi-path conditions. Second, field experiments are conducted to elucidate the effects of multi-user diversity using a BS scheduling algorithm, and reveal that proportional fairness scheduling provides both the increase in sector throughput of 18% and a sufficient degree of fairness among users. The transmit control protocol (TCP)-level throughput performance is also investigated in order to reveal the actual end-user throughput. The results show that the throughput rate of approximately 90% of the throughput of the MAC-hs layer is achieved in the TCP layer in the laboratory experiments and in the field experiments.

  • Experiments on Adaptive Antenna Array Transmit Diversity in W-CDMA Forward Link

    Atsushi HARADA  Shinya TANAKA  Mamoru SAWAHASHI  Fumiyuki ADACHI  


    E85-A No:7

    This paper proposes adaptive antenna array transmit diversity (AAA-TD) in the W-CDMA forward link with frequency division duplexing (FDD), based on adaptively-generated receiver antenna weights in the reverse link, which only track the changes in the average signal-to-interference power ratio (SIR) and direction of arrival (DOA) but with the calibration of the phase/amplitude variations of the parallel RF receiver/transmitter circuits corresponding to the number of array antennas. The laboratory and field experimental results exploiting AAA-TD are presented to show the strong multipath interference (MPI) suppression effect especially from high-rate users with large transmission power. Laboratory experiments elucidate that by using AAA-TD with four antennas, the required transmitted SIR before multiplying the transmitter antenna weights at the average BER of 10-3 is decreased by approximately 13 dB compared to that with one omni-directional antenna transmitter. Field experiments also show that although an error floor above 10-2 is observed with one omni-directional antenna transmitter when the transmitted SIR is -12 dB due to severe MPI, no error floor is observed when employing 4-antenna AAA-TD and the loss of the required received signal power at the average BER of 10-3 from the single-user case is suppressed to below approximately 5 dB. Therefore, we show that AAA-TD is very effective in suppressing severe MPI especially from high rate users with large transmission power due to its adaptive main lobe and null steering.

  • Experiments on Coherent Adaptive Antenna Array Diversity Receiver Based on Antenna-Weight Generation Common to Paths in W-CDMA Reverse Link

    Hidekazu TAOKA  Shinya TANAKA  Taisuke IHARA  Kenichi HIGUCHI  Mamoru SAWAHASHI  


    E86-B No:1

    This paper presents laboratory and field experimental results of the coherent adaptive antenna array diversity (CAAAD) receiver employing receiver antenna-weight generation common to all Rake-combined paths (hereafter path-common weight generation method) in the W-CDMA reverse link, in order to elucidate the suitability of the path-common weight generation method in high-elevation antenna environments such as cellular systems with a macrocell configuration. Laboratory experiments using multipath fading simulators and RF phase shifters elucidate that even when the ratio of the target Eb/I0 of the desired to interfering users is Δ Eb/I0=-12 dB, the increase in the average transmit Eb/N0 employing the CAAAD receiver coupled with fast transmission power control (TPC) using outer-loop control from that for Δ Eb/I0=0 dB is within only 1.0 dB owing to the accurate beam and null steering associated with fast TPC. Furthermore, field experiments demonstrate that the required transmission power at the average block error rate (BLER) of 10-2 employing the CAAAD receiver with four antennas is reduced by more than 2 dB compared to that using a four-branch space diversity receiver using maximum ratio combining (MRC) with the fading correlation between antennas of 0 when Δ Eb/I0=-15 dB and that the loss in the required transmission power of the CAAAD receiver in the same situation as that in a single-user environment is approximately 1 dB. The field experimental results in an actual propagation environment suggest that the CAAAD receiver is effective in suppressing multiple access interference, thus decreasing the required transmission power when the gap in the direction of arrival between the desired user and interfering users is greater than approximately 20 degrees.

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