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One of the performance bottlenecks of a processor is the front-end that supplies instructions. Various techniques, such as cache replacement algorithms and hardware prefetching, have been investigated to facilitate smooth instruction supply at the front-end and to improve processor performance. In these approaches, one of the most important factors has been the reduction in the number of instruction cache misses. By using the number of instruction cache misses or derived factors, previous studies have explained the performance improvements achieved by their proposed methods. However, we found that the number of instruction cache misses does not always explain performance changes well in modern processors. This is because the front-end in modern processors handles subsequent instruction cache misses in overlap with earlier ones. Based on this observation, we propose a novel factor: the number of miss regions. We define a region as a sequence of instructions from one branch misprediction to the next, while we define a miss region as a region that contains one or more instruction cache misses. At the boundary of each region, the pipeline is flushed owing to a branch misprediction. Thus, cache misses after this boundary are not handled in overlap with cache misses before the boundary. As a result, the number of miss regions is equal to the number of cache misses that are processed without overlap. In this paper, we demonstrate that the number of miss regions can well explain the variation in performance through mathematical models and simulation results. The results show that the model explains cycles per instruction with an average error of 1.0% and maximum error of 4.1% when applying an existing prefetcher to the instruction cache. The idea of miss regions highlights that instruction cache misses and branch mispredictions interact with each other in processors with a decoupled front-end. We hope that considering this interaction will motivate the development of fast performance estimation methods and new microarchitectural methods.
Rin OISHI Junichiro KADOMOTO Hidetsugu IRIE Shuichi SAKAI
As more and more programs handle personal information, the demand for secure handling of data is increasing. The protocol that satisfies this demand is called Secure function evaluation (SFE) and has attracted much attention from a privacy protection perspective. In two-party SFE, two mutually untrustworthy parties compute an arbitrary function on their respective secret inputs without disclosing any information other than the output of the function. For example, it is possible to execute a program while protecting private information, such as genomic information. The garbled circuit (GC) — a method of program obfuscation in which the program is divided into gates and the output is calculated using a symmetric key cipher for each gate — is an efficient method for this purpose. However, GC is computationally expensive and has a significant overhead even with an accelerator. We focus on hardware acceleration because of the nature of GC, which is limited to certain types of calculations, such as encryption and XOR. In this paper, we propose an architecture that accelerates garbling by running multiple garbling engines simultaneously based on the latest FPGA-based GC accelerator. In this architecture, managers are introduced to perform multiple rows of pipeline processing simultaneously. We also propose an optimized implementation of RAM for this FPGA accelerator. As a result, it achieves an average performance improvement of 26% in garbling the same set of programs, compared to the state-of-the-art (SOTA) garbling accelerator.
Junji YAMADA Ushio JIMBO Ryota SHIOYA Masahiro GOSHIMA Shuichi SAKAI
The region that includes the register file is a hot spot in high-performance cores that limits the clock frequency. Although multibanking drastically reduces the area and energy consumption of the register files of superscalar processor cores, it suffers from low IPC due to bank conflicts. Our skewed multistaging drastically reduces not the bank conflict probability but the pipeline disturbance probability by the second stage. The evaluation results show that, compared with NORCS, which is the latest research on a register file for area and energy efficiency, a proposed register file with 18 banks achieves a 39.9% and 66.4% reduction in circuit area and in energy consumption, while maintaining a relative IPC of 97.5%.
Ryota SHIOYA Daewung KIM Kazuo HORIO Masahiro GOSHIMA Shuichi SAKAI
A security-tagged architecture is one that applies tags on data to detect attack or information leakage, tracking data flow. The previous studies using security-tagged architecture mostly focused on how to utilize tags, not how the tags are implemented. A naive implementation of tags simply adds a tag field to every byte of the cache and the memory. Such a technique, however, results in a huge hardware overhead. This paper proposes a low-overhead tagged architecture. We achieve our goal by exploiting some properties of tag, the non-uniformity and the locality of reference. Our design includes the use of uniquely designed multi-level table and various cache-like structures, all contributing to exploit these properties. Under simulation, our method was able to limit the memory overhead to 0.685%, where a naive implementation suffered 12.5% overhead.
Hiroshi MATSUOKA Kazuaki OKAMOTO Hideo HIRONO Mitsuhisa SATO Takashi YOKOTA Shuichi SAKAI
In this paper we describe the pipeline design and enhanced hardware for fast message handling in a RICA-1 processor, a processing element (PE) in the RWC-1 multiprocessor. The RWC-1 is based on the reduced inter-processor communication architecture (RICA), in which communications are combined with computation in the processor pipeline. The pipeline is enhanced with hardware mechanisms to support fine-grain parallel execution. The data paths of the RICA-1 super-scalar processor are commonly used for communication as well as instruction execution to minimize its implementation cost. A 128-PE system has been built on January 1998, and it is currently used for hardware debugging, software development and performance evaluation.
MinSeong CHOI Takashi FUKUDA Masahiro GOSHIMA Shuichi SAKAI
The time taken for processor simulation can be drastically reduced by selecting simulation points, which are dynamic sections obtained from the simulation result of processors. The overall behavior of the program can be estimated by simulating only these sections. The existing methods to select simulation points, such as SimPoint, used for selecting simulation points are deductive and based on the idea that dynamic sections executing the same static section of the program are of the same phase. However, there are counterexamples for this idea. This paper proposes an inductive method, which selects simulation points from the results obtained by pre-simulating several processors with distinctive microarchitectures, based on assumption that sections in which all the distinctive processors have similar istructions per cycle (IPC) values are of the same phase. We evaluated the first 100G instructions of SPEC 2006 programs. Our method achieved an IPC estimation error of approximately 0.1% by simulating approximately 0.05% of the 100G instructions.
Shuichi SAKAI Masahiro GOSHIMA Hidetsugu IRIE
This paper presents the processor architecture which provides much higher level dependability than the current ones. The features of it are: (1) fault tolerance and secure processing are integrated into a modern superscalar VLSI processor; (2) light-weight effective soft-error tolerant mechanisms are proposed and evaluated; (3) timing errors on random logic and registers are prevented by low-overhead mechanisms; (4) program behavior is hidden from the outer world by proposed address translation methods; (5) information leakage can be avoided by attaching policy tags for all data and monitoring them for each instruction execution; (6) injection attacks are avoided with much higher accuracy than the current systems, by providing tag trackings; (7) the overall structure of the dependable processor is proposed with a dependability manager which controls the detection of illegal conditions and recovers to the normal mode; and (8) an FPGA-based testbed system is developed where the system clock and the voltage are intentionally varied for experiment. The paper presents the fundamental scheme for the dependability, elemental technologies for dependability and the whole architecture of the ultra dependable processor. After showing them, the paper concludes with future works.
Yuetsu KODAMA Hirohumi SAKANE Mitsuhisa SATO Hayato YAMANA Shuichi SAKAI Yoshinori YAMAGUCHI
Communication latency is central to multiprocessor design. This study presents the design principles of the EM-X distributed-memory multiprocessor towards tolerating communication latency. The EM-X overlaps computation with communication for latency tolerance by multithreading. In particular, we present two types of hardware support for remote memory access: (1) priority-based packet scheduling for thread invocation, and (2) direct remote memory access. The priority-based scheduling policy extends a FIFO ordered thread invocation policy to adopt to different computational needs. The direct remote memory access is designed to overlap remote memory operations with thread execution. The 80-processor prototype of EM-X is developed and is operational since December 1995. We execute several programs on the machine and evaluate how the EM-X effectively overlaps computation with communication toward tolerating communication latency for high performance parallel computing.
Takashi YOKOTA Hiroshi MATSUOKA Kazuaki OKAMOTO Hideo HIRONO Shuichi SAKAI
This paper discusses a massively parallel interconnection scheme for multithreaded architecture and introduces a new class of direct interconnection networks called the hierarchical Multidimensional Directed Cycles Ensemble (hMDCE). Its suitability for massively parallel systems is discussed. The network is evolved from the Multidimensional Directed Cycles Ensemble (MDCE) network, where each node is substituted by lower-level sub-networks. The new network addresses some serious problems caused by the increasing scale of parallel systems, such as longer latency, limited throughput and high implementation cost. This paper first introduces the MDCE network and then presents and examines in detail the hierarchical MDCE network. Bisection bandwidth of hMDCE is considerably reduced from its ancestor MDCE and the network performs significantly higher throughput and lower latency under some practical implementation constraints. The gate count and delay time of the compiled circuit for the routing function are insignificant. These results reveal that the hMDCE network is an important candidate for massively parallel systems interconnection.
Naruki KURATA Ryota SHIOYA Masahiro GOSHIMA Shuichi SAKAI
To eliminate CAMs from the load/store queues, several techniques to detect memory access order violation with hash filters composed of RAMs have been proposed. This paper proposes a technique with parallel counting Bloom filters (PCBF). A Bloom filter has extremely low false positive rates owing to multiple hash functions. Although some existing researches claim the use of Bloom filters, none of them make mention to multiple hash functions. This paper also addresses the problem relevant to the variety of access sizes of load/store instructions. The evaluation results show that our technique, with only 2720-bit Bloom filters, achieves a relative IPC of 99.0% while the area and power consumption are greatly reduced to 14.3% and 22.0% compared to a conventional model with CAMs. The filter is much smaller than usual branch predictors.
Yoshinori YAMAGUCHI Shuichi SAKAI Yuetsu KODAMA
This paper presents the synchronization mechanisms of the highly parallel dataflow machine EM-4 with some results of measurement. First, various synchronization mechanisms of parallel computers are surveyed and compared, including dataflow synchronization. Then, the fundamental synchronization mechanisms of the EM-4 are shown, examining the reason why they are adopted. There are three types of synchronizations: (1) strongly connected instruction sequencing, (2) instruction level direct matching, and (3) function level synchronization. These mechanisms are preliminary evaluated on the EM-4 prototype, and the results are reported and analyzed. Next, synchronization mechanisms for resource managements are described.
Junji YAMADA Ushio JIMBO Ryota SHIOYA Masahiro GOSHIMA Shuichi SAKAI
An 8-issue superscalar core generally requires a 24-port RAM for the register file. The area and energy consumption of a multiported RAM increase in proportional to the square of the number of ports. A register cache can reduce the area and energy consumption of the register file. However, earlier register cache systems suffer from lower IPC caused by register cache misses. Thus, we proposed the Non-Latency-Oriented Register Cache System (NORCS) to solve the IPC problem with a modified pipeline. We evaluated NORCS mainly from the viewpoint of microarchitecture in the original article, and showed that NORCS maintains almost the same IPC as conventional register files. Researchers in NVIDIA adopted the same idea for their GPUs. However, the evaluation was not sufficient from the viewpoint of LSI design. In the original article, we used CACTI to evaluate the area and energy consumption. CACTI is a design space exploration tool for cache design, and adopts some rough approximations. Therefore, this paper shows design of NORCS with FreePDK45, an open source process design kit for 45nm technology. We performed manual layout of the memory cells and arrays of NORCS, and executed SPICE simulation with RC parasitics extracted from the layout. The results show that, from a full-port register file, an 8-entry NORCS achieves a 75.2% and 48.2% reduction in area and energy consumption, respectively. The results also include the latency which we did not present in our original article. The latencies of critical path is 307ps and 318ps for an 8-entry NORCS and a conventional multiported register file, respectively, when the same two cycles are allocated to register file read.
Object-oriented languages have recently become common, making register indirect jumps more important than ever. In object-oriented languages, virtual functions are heavily used because they improve programming productivity greatly. Virtual function calls usually consist of register indirect jumps, and consequently, programs written in object-oriented languages contain many register indirect jumps. The prediction of the targets of register indirect jumps is more difficult than the prediction of the direction of conditional branches. Many predictors have been proposed for register indirect jumps, but they cannot predict the jump targets with high accuracy or require very complex hardware. We propose a method that resolves jump targets by forwarding execution results. Our proposal dynamically finds the producers of register indirect jumps in virtual function calls. After the execution of the producers, the execution results are forwarded to the processor's front-end. The jump targets can be resolved by the forwarded execution results without requiring prediction. Our proposal improves the performance of programs that include unpredictable register indirect jumps, because it does not rely on prediction but instead uses actual execution results. Our evaluation shows that the IPC improvement using our proposal is as high as 5.4% on average and 9.8% at maximum.