1-2hit |
Bag-of-Visual-Words representation has recently become popular for scene classification. However, learning the visual words in an unsupervised manner suffers from the problem when faced these patches with similar appearances corresponding to distinct semantic concepts. This paper proposes a novel supervised learning framework, which aims at taking full advantage of label information to address the problem. Specifically, the Gaussian Mixture Modeling (GMM) is firstly applied to obtain "semantic interpretation" of patches using scene labels. Each scene induces a probability density on the low-level visual features space, and patches are represented as vectors of posterior scene semantic concepts probabilities. And then the Information Bottleneck (IB) algorithm is introduce to cluster the patches into "visual words" via a supervised manner, from the perspective of semantic interpretations. Such operation can maximize the semantic information of the visual words. Once obtained the visual words, the appearing frequency of the corresponding visual words in a given image forms a histogram, which can be subsequently used in the scene categorization task via the Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier. Experiments on a challenging dataset show that the proposed visual words better perform scene classification task than most existing methods.
Xu YANG De XU Songhe FENG Yingjun TANG Shuoyan LIU
This paper presents an efficient yet powerful codebook model, named classified codebook model, to categorize natural scene category. The current codebook model typically resorts to large codebook to obtain higher performance for scene categorization, which severely limits the practical applicability of the model. Our model formulates the codebook model with the theory of vector quantization, and thus uses the famous technique of classified vector quantization for scene-category modeling. The significant feature in our model is that it is beneficial for scene categorization, especially at small codebook size, while saving much computation complexity for quantization. We evaluate the proposed model on a well-known challenging scene dataset: 15 Natural Scenes. The experiments have demonstrated that our model can decrease the computation time for codebook generation. What is more, our model can get better performance for scene categorization, and the gain of performance becomes more pronounced at small codebook size.