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Bumsoon JANG Seokjoo DOO Soojin LEE Hyunsoo YOON
Due to the periodic recovery of virtual machines regardless of whether malicious intrusions exist, proactive recovery-based Intrusion Tolerant Systems (ITSs) are being considered for mission-critical applications. However, the virtual replicas can easily be exposed to attacks during their working period, and additionally, proactive recovery-based ITSs are ineffective in eliminating the vulnerability of exposure time, which is closely related to service availability. To address these problems, we propose a novel hybrid recovery-based ITS in this paper. The proposed method utilizes availability-driven recovery and dynamic cluster resizing. The availability-driven recovery method operates the recovery process by both proactive and reactive ways for the system to gain shorter exposure times and higher success rates. The dynamic cluster resizing method reduces the overhead of the system that occurs from dynamic workload fluctuations. The performance of the proposed ITS with various synthetic and real workloads using CloudSim showed that it guarantees higher availability and reliability of the system, even under malicious intrusions such as DDoS attacks.
Seondong HEO Soojin LEE Bumsoon JANG Hyunsoo YOON
Research on intrusion-tolerant systems (ITSs) is being conducted to protect critical systems which provide useful information services. To provide services reliably, these critical systems must not have even a single point of failure (SPOF). Therefore, most ITSs employ redundant components to eliminate the SPOF problem and improve system reliability. However, systems that include identical components have common vulnerabilities that can be exploited to attack the servers. Attackers prefer to exploit these common vulnerabilities rather than general vulnerabilities because the former might provide an opportunity to compromise several servers. In this study, we analyze software vulnerability data from the National Vulnerability Database (NVD). Based on the analysis results, we present a scheme that finds software combinations that minimize the risk of common vulnerabilities. We implement this scheme with CSIM20, and simulation results prove that the proposed scheme is appropriate for a recovery-based intrusion tolerant architecture.
GunWoo PARK SungHoon SEO SooJin LEE SangHoon LEE
Question and Answering (Q&A) sites are recently gaining popularity on the Web. People using such sites are like a community-anyone can ask, anyone can answer, and everyone can share, since all of the questions and answers are public and searchable immediately. This mechanism can reduce the time and effort to find the most relevant answer. Unfortunately, the users suffer from answer quality problem due to several reasons including limited knowledge about the question domain, bad intentions (e.g. spam, making fun of others), limited time to prepare good answers, etc. In order to identify the credible users to help people find relevant answer, in this paper, we propose a ranking algorithm, InfluenceRank, which is basis of analyzing relationship in terms of users' activities and their mutual trusts. Our experimental studies show that the proposed algorithm significantly outperforms the baseline algorithms.