1-2hit |
Jihoon YANG Venkat CHALASANI Sung-Yong PARK
A set of systematic experiments on intelligent email categorization has been conducted with different machine learning algorithms applied to different parts of data in order to achieve the most correct classification. The categorization is based on not only the body but also the header of an email message. The metadata (e.g. sender name, sender organization, etc.) provide additional information that can be exploited to improve the categorization capability. Results of experiments on real email data demonstrate the feasibility of our approach to find the best learning algorithm and the metadata to be used, which is a very significant contribution in email classification. It is also shown that categorization based only on the header information is comparable or superior to that based on all the information in a message for all the learning algorithms considered.
John Y. WEI Chang-Dong LIU Sung-Yong PARK Kevin H. LIU Ramu S. RAMAMURTHY Hyogon KIM Mari W. MAEDA
The Next Generation Internet Initiative was launched in the U.S. to advance key networking technologies that will enable a new wave of applications on the Internet. Now, in its third year, the program has launched and fostered over one hundred new research projects in partnership with academic, industrial and government laboratories. One key research area that has been emphasized within the program is the next-generation optical networking. Given the ever increasing demand for network bandwidth, and the recent phenomenal advances in WDM technologies, the Next Generation Internet is expected to be an IP-based optical WDM network. As IP over WDM networking technologies mature, a number of important architectural, management and control issues have surfaced. These issues need to be addressed before a true Next Generation Optical Internet can emerge. This paper provides a brief introduction to the overall goals and activities of DARPA's NGI program and describes the key architectural, management, and control issues for the Optical Internet. We review the different IP/WDM networking architectural models and their tradeoffs. We outline and discuss several management and control issues and possible solutions related to the configuration, fault, and performance management of IP over dynamic WDM networks. We present an analysis and supporting simulation results demonstrating the potential benefits of dynamic IP over WDM networks. We then discuss the issues related to IP/WDM traffic engineering in more detail, and present the approach taken in the NGI SuperNet Network Control and Management Project funded by DARPA. In particular, we motivate and present an innovative integrated traffic-engineering framework for re-configurable IP/WDM networks. It builds on the strength of Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) for fine-grain IP load balancing, and on the strength of Re-configurable WDM networking for reducing the IP network's weighted-hop-distance, and for expanding the bottleneck bandwidth.