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Sung-il JUNG Younghun KWON Sung-il YANG
In this letter, we suggest a noise estimation method which can be applied for speech enhancement in various noise environments. The proposed method consists of the following two main processes to analyze and estimate efficiently the noise from the noisy speech. First, a least-squares line is used, which is obtained by applying coefficient magnitudes in node with a uniform wavelet packet transform to a least squares method. Next, a differential forgetting factor and a correlation coefficient per subband are applied, where each subband consists of several nodes with the uniform wavelet packet transform. In particular, this approach has the ability to update noise estimation by using the estimated noise at the previous frame only instead of employing the statistical information of long past frames and explicit nonspeech frames detection consisted of noise signals. In objective assessments, we observed that the performance of the proposed method was better than that of the compared methods. Furthermore, our method showed a reliable result even at low SNR.
Hye-Kwang KIM Jung-Hoon KIM Eugene RHEE Sung-Il YANG
This paper presents a method of expanding the operating frequency band of a Reverberating TEM Cell (RTC) for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) testing. To expand the operating frequency band of an RTC, this paper places a wire septum inside the cell instead of a solid septum. The maximum usable frequency (MUF) for TEM cell operation and the lowest usable frequency (LUF) for reverberating chamber operation with the wire septum are studied and compared with a conventional solid septum. The E field strengths inside the RTC are measured and evaluated. The measurement results show that the RTC with the wire septum have similar MUF to the RTC with a solid septum at TEM mode, but have much lower LUF at a reverberating mode, which proves that the operating frequency band of the RTC can be expanded by using the wire septum.
Sung-il JUNG Younghun KWON Sung-il YANG
A speech enhancement method is proposed that can be implemented efficiently due to its use of wavelet packet transform. The proposed method uses a modified spectral subtraction with noise estimation by a least-squares line method and with an overweighting gain per subband with nonlinear structure, where the overweighting gain is used for suppressing the residue of musical noise and the subband is used for applying the weighted values according to the change of signals. The enhanced speech by our method has the following properties: 1) the speech intelligibility can be assured reliably; 2) the musical noise can be reduced efficiently. Various assessments confirmed that the performance of the proposed method was better than that of the compared methods in various noise-level conditions. Especially, the proposed method showed good results even at low SNR.
Jung-Hoon KIM Hye-Kwang KIM Eugene RHEE Sung-Il YANG
This letter presents the field uniformity characteristics of a triangular prism reverberation chamber. A reverberation chamber that generally uses a stirrer to create a uniform electric field inside is an alternative to the semi-anechoic chamber for an electromagnetic compatibility test. To overcome the size and maintenance problems of a stirrer, we propose to replace it with a Quadratic Residue Diffuser which is commonly used in acoustics. To confirm that the diffuser is a valid alternative to the stirrer, a diffuser and an equilateral triangular prism reverberation chamber are designed and fabricated for 2.3-3.0 GHz operation. To investigate the field uniformity characteristics by varying the location of the transmitting antenna, both simulation and measurement in the triangular prism reverberation chamber were also done at its two positions, respectively. A commercial program XFDTD 6.2, engaging the finite difference time domain (FDTD), is used for simulation and a cumulative probability distribution, which the IEC 61000-4-21 recommends, is used to evaluate the field uniformity. Both simulation and measurement results show that the field uniformity in the chamber satisfies the international standard requirement of 6 dB tolerance and 3dB standard deviation, which means that a diffuser can be substituted for a stirrer.
Jung-Hoon KIM Tae-Heon JANG Sung-Kuk LIM Songjun LEE Sung-Il YANG
This paper presents a method to improve field uniformity using two TX antennas in a reverberation chamber with less steps of a stirrer. A mode-stirred reverberation chamber (MSRC) is considered as an alternative to the semi-anechoic chamber for an electromagnetic compatibility test because it provides a large test volume, a statistically uniform field, and a high maximum electric field. To improve field uniformity, we introduce two transmitting antennas for excitation in an MSRC, and predict statistical distribution of the complex reflection coefficients (scattering parameters). To prove the validation of our theory and the reliability of measurement results, three kinds of stirrers with different shape and sizes were fabricated and their efficiencies were measured in an MSRC, and then field uniformities have been investigated for 1–3 GHz frequency within the maximum number of independent samples that stirrers can provide. The measurement results show that the average received power is about 1.5 times as high as when using one transmitting antenna, and field uniformity is improved. Use of two transmitting antennas in an MSRC is regarded as a useful method to improve field uniformity at less stirrer steps, for radiated immunity tests.
Jung-Hoon KIM Sung-Il YANG Joong-Geun RHEE
This letter presents results showing improved field uniformity in a reverberation chamber using quadratic residue diffusers. The optimal occupying ratio of the diffusers on one side wall of the chamber is presented. A reverberation chamber is an alternative to the semi-anechoic chamber, which is widely used for the analysis and measurement of electromagnetic interference and immunity. To analyze the field characteristics, quadratic residue diffusers were designed for the 1-3 GHz frequency band, and the FDTD method was used. At 1-3 GHz, the standard deviation of the test volume in the reverberation chamber was investigated. The reverberation chamber had good field uniformity when quadratic residue diffusers occupy 37.5-50% of one side wall of the reverberation chamber; the field uniformity saturated at the diffuser occupancy rate of 75%.