Yuichiro TAJIMA Kinya FUDANO Koichi ITO Takafumi AOKI
This paper presents a fast and accurate volume correspondence matching method using 3D Phase-Only Correlation (POC). The proposed method employs (i) a coarse-to-fine strategy using multi-scale volume pyramids for correspondence search and (ii) high-accuracy POC-based local block matching for finding dense volume correspondence with sub-voxel displacement accuracy. This paper also proposes its GPU implementation to achieve fast and practical computation of volume registration. Experimental evaluation shows that the proposed approach exhibits higher accuracy and lower computational cost compared with conventional method. We also demonstrate that the GPU implementation of the proposed method can align two volume data in several seconds, which is suitable for practical use in the image-guided radiation therapy.
Takafumi AOKI Shinichi SHIONOYA Tatsuo HIGUCHI
This paper explores the potential of multiwave interconnectionsoptical interconnections that employ wavelength components as multiplexable information carriersfor constructing next-generation multiprocessor systems using MCM technology. A hypercube-based multiprocessor network called the multiwave hypercube (MWHC) is proposed, where multiwave interconnections provide highly-flexible dynamic communication channels among processing elements. A performance analysis shows that the use of multiwavelength optics makes possible the reduction of network complexity on an MCM substrate, while supporting low-latency message routing.
Yuki WATANABE Naofumi HOMMA Takafumi AOKI Tatsuo HIGUCHI
This paper presents a formal approach to verify arithmetic circuits using symbolic computer algebra. Our method describes arithmetic circuits directly with high-level mathematical objects based on weighted number systems and arithmetic formulae. Such circuit description can be effectively verified by polynomial reduction techniques using Grobner Bases. In this paper, we describe how the symbolic computer algebra can be used to describe and verify arithmetic circuits. The advantageous effects of the proposed approach are demonstrated through experimental verification of some arithmetic circuits such as multiply-accumulator and FIR filter. The result shows that the proposed approach has a definite possibility of verifying practical arithmetic circuits.
Katsuhiko DEGAWA Takafumi AOKI Tatsuo HIGUCHI Hiroshi INOKAWA Yasuo TAKAHASHI
This paper presents a model-based study of SET (Single-Electron-Transistor) logic gate family for synthesizing binary, MV (Multiple-Valued) and mixed-mode logic circuits. The use of SETs combined with MOS transistors allows compact realization of basic logic functions that exhibit periodic transfer characteristics. The operation of basic SET logic gates is successfully confirmed through SPICE circuit simulation based on the physical device model of SETs. The proposed SET logic gates are useful for implementing binary logic circuits, MV logic circuits and binary-MV mixed-mode logic circuits in a highly flexible manner. As an example, this paper describes design of various parallel counters for carry-propagation-free arithmetic, where MV signals are effectively used to achieve higher functionality with lower hardware complexity.
This paper presents an enhanced side-channel attack using a phase-based waveform matching technique. Conventionally, side-channel attacks such as Simple Power Analysis (SPA) and Differential Power Analysis (DPA) capture signal waveforms (e.g., power traces) with a trigger signal or a system clock, and use a statistical analysis of the waveforms to reduce noise and to retrieve secret information. However, the waveform data often includes displacement errors, and this degrades the accuracy of the statistical analysis. The use of a Phase-Only Correlation (POC) technique makes it possible to estimate the displacements between the signal waveforms with higher resolution than the sampling resolution. The accuracy of side-channel attacks can be enhanced using the POC-based matching method. Also, a popular DPA countermeasure of creating distorted waveforms with random delays can be defeated by our method. In this paper, we demonstrate the advantages of the proposed method in comparison with conventional approaches of experimental DPA and Differential ElectroMagnetic Analysis (DEMA) against DES software and hardware implementations.
Masanori NATSUI Takafumi AOKI Tatsuo HIGUCHI
This paper presents an efficient graph-based evolutionary optimization technique called Evolutionary Graph Generation (EGG) and its extension to a parallel version. A new version of parallel EGG system is based on a coarse-grained model of parallel processing and can synthesize heterogeneous networks of various different components efficiently. The potential capability of parallel EGG system is demonstrated through the design of current-mode logic circuits.
Shuichi MAEDA Takafumi AOKI Tatsuo HIGUCHI
A new computer architecture using multiwavelength optoelectronic integrated circuits (OEICs) is proposed to attack the problems caused by interconnection complexity. Multiwavelength-OEIC architecures, where various wavelengths are employed as information carriers, provide the wavelength as an extra dimension of freedom for parallel processing, so that we can perform several independent computations in parallel in a single optical module using the wavelength space. This multiplex computing" enables us to reduce the wiring area required by a network and improve their complexity. In this paper, we discuss the efficient multiplexing of Batcher's bitonic sorting networks, highly parallel computing architectures that require global interconnections inherently. A systematic multiplexing of interconnection topology is presented using a binary representation of the connectivities of interconnection paths. It is shown that the wiring area can be reduced by a factor of 1/r2 using r kinds of wavelength components.
Kotaro OKAMOTO Naofumi HOMMA Takafumi AOKI
This paper presents a graph-based approach to designing arithmetic circuits over Galois fields (GFs) using normal basis representations. The proposed method is based on a graph-based circuit description called Galois-field Arithmetic Circuit Graph (GF-ACG). First, we extend GF-ACG representation to describe GFs defined by normal basis in addition to polynomial basis. We then apply the extended design method to Massey-Omura parallel multipliers which are well known as typical multipliers based on normal basis. We present the formal description of the multipliers in a hierarchical manner and show that the verification time can be greatly reduced in comparison with those of the conventional techniques. In addition, we design GF exponentiation circuits consisting of the Massey-Omura parallel multipliers and an inversion circuit over composite field GF(((22)2)2) in order to demonstrate the advantages of normal-basis circuits over polynomial-basis ones.
Takafumi AOKI Naofumi HOMMA Tatsuo HIGUCHI
This paper presents a new approach to designing arithmetic circuits by using a graph-based evolutionary optimization technique called Evolutionary Graph Generation (EGG). The key idea of the proposed method is to introduce a higher level of abstraction for arithmetic algorithms, in which arithmetic circuit structures are modeled as data-flow graphs associated with specific number representation systems. The EGG system employs evolutionary operations to transform the structure of graphs directly, which makes it possible to generate the desired circuit structure efficiently. The potential capability of EGG is demonstrated through an experiment of generating constant-coefficient multipliers.
Hanieh AMIRSHAHI Satoshi KONDO Koichi ITO Takafumi AOKI
In this paper, we propose an image completion algorithm which takes advantage of the countless number of images available on Internet photo sharing sites to replace occlusions in an input image. The algorithm 1) automatically selects the most suitable images from a database of downloaded images and 2) seamlessly completes the input image using the selected images with minimal user intervention. Experimental results on input images captured at various locations and scene conditions demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed technique in seamlessly reconstructing user-defined occlusions.
This paper presents an algorithm for fingerprint matching using the Phase-Only Correlation (POC) function. One of the most difficult problems in human identification by fingerprints has been that the matching performance is significantly influenced by fingertip surface condition, which may vary depending on environmental or personal causes. This paper proposes a new fingerprint matching algorithm using phase spectra of fingerprint images. The proposed algorithm is highly robust against fingerprint image degradation due to inadequate fingertip conditions. A set of experiments is carried out using fingerprint images captured by a pressure sensitive fingerprint sensor. The proposed algorithm exhibits efficient identification performance even for difficult fingerprint images that could not be identified by the conventional matching algorithms.
Kenji TAKITA Mohammad Abdul MUQUIT Takafumi AOKI Tatsuo HIGUCHI
This paper presents a technique for high-accuracy correspondence search between two images using Phase-Only Correlation (POC) and its performance evaluation in a 3D measurement application. The proposed technique employs (i) a coarse-to-fine strategy using image pyramids for correspondence search and (ii) a sub-pixel window alignment technique for finding a pair of corresponding points with sub-pixel displacement accuracy. Experimental evaluation shows that the proposed method makes possible to estimate the displacement between corresponding points with approximately 0.05-pixel accuracy when using 1111-pixel matching windows. This paper also describes an application of the proposed technique to passive 3D measurement system.
Takafumi AOKI Kimihiko NAKAZAWA Tatsuo HIGUCHI
In this paper, we propose a unified high-radix division algorithm for high-speed signal and data processing applications, and present the design and evaluation of high-radix parallel dividers based on the proposed algorithm. By prescaling the input operands and converting some significant digits of a partial remainder into non-redundant representation, the quotient digit can be obtained directly from the partial remainder without using quotient digit selection tables. Performance evaluation shows that the proposed radix-4 and radix-8 divider architectures achieve faster computation with the same level of hardware complexity than the binary counterparts. We also show an experimental fabrication of a radix-4 divider chip in 0.35 µm CMOS technology.
Yasushi YUMINAKA Kazuhiko ITOH Yoshisato SASAKI Takafumi AOKI Tatsuo HIGUCHI
This paper proposes applications of a code-division multiplexing technique to VLSI systems free from interconnection problems. We employ a pseudo-random orthogonal m-sequence carrier as a multiplexable information carrier to achieve efficient data transmission. Using orthogonal property of m-sequences, we can multiplex several computational activities into a single circuit, and execute in parallel using multiplexed data transmission with reduced interconnection. Also, randomness of m-sequences offers the high tolerance to interference (jamming), and suppression of dynamic range of signals while maintaining a sufficient signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). We demonstrate application examples of multiplex computing circuits, neural networks, and spread-spectrum image processing to show the advantages.
Takafumi AOKI Yoshiki SAWADA Tatsuo HIGUCHI
This paper presents a new number representation called the Signed-Weight (SW) number system, which is useful for designing configurable counter-tree architectures for digital signal processing applications. The SW number system allows the unified manipulation of positive and negative numbers in arithmetic circuits by adjusting the signs assigned to individual digit positions. This makes possible the construction of highly regular arithmetic circuits without introducing irregular arithmetic operations, such as negation and sign extension in the two's complement representation. This paper also presents the design of a Field-Programmable Digital Filter (FPDF) architecture--a special-purpose FPGA architecture for high-speed FIR filtering--using the proposed SW arithmetic system.
Luis Rafael MARVAL-PÉREZ Koichi ITO Takafumi AOKI
Access control and surveillance applications like walking-through security gates and immigration control points have a great demand for convenient and accurate biometric recognition in unconstrained scenarios with low user cooperation. The periocular region, which is a relatively new biometric trait, has been attracting much attention for recognition of an individual in such scenarios. This paper proposes a periocular recognition method that combines Phase-Based Correspondence Matching (PB-CM) with a texture enhancement technique. PB-CM has demonstrated high recognition performance in other biometric traits, e.g., face, palmprint and finger-knuckle-print. However, a major limitation for periocular region is that the performance of PB-CM degrades when the periocular skin has poor texture. We address this problem by applying texture enhancement and found out that variance normalization of texture significantly improves the performance of periocular recognition using PB-CM. Experimental evaluation using three public databases demonstrates the advantage of the proposed method compared with conventional methods.
Daisuke FUJIMOTO Noriyuki MIURA Makoto NAGATA Yuichi HAYASHI Naofumi HOMMA Takafumi AOKI Yohei HORI Toshihiro KATASHITA Kazuo SAKIYAMA Thanh-Ha LE Julien BRINGER Pirouz BAZARGAN-SABET Shivam BHASIN Jean-Luc DANGER
Power supply noise waveforms within cryptographic VLSI circuits in a 65nm CMOS technology are captured by using an on-chip voltage waveform monitor (OCM). The waveforms exhibit the correlation of dynamic voltage drops to internal logical activities during Advance Encryption Standard (AES) processing, and causes side-channel information leakage regarding to secret key bytes. Correlation Power Analysis (CPA) is the method of an attack extracting such information leakage from the waveforms. The frequency components of power supply noise contributing the leakage are shown to be localized in an extremely low frequency region. The level of information leakage is strongly associated with the size of increment of dynamic voltage drops against the Hamming distance in the AES processing. The time window of significant importance where the leakage most likely happens is clearly designated within a single clock cycle in the final stage of AES processing. The on-chip power supply noise measurements unveil the facts about side-channel information leakage behind the traditional CPA with on-board sensing of power supply current through a resistor of 1 ohm.
Sho ENDO Takeshi SUGAWARA Naofumi HOMMA Takafumi AOKI Akashi SATOH
This paper presents a glitchy-clock generator integrated in FPGA for evaluating fault injection attacks and their countermeasures on cryptographic modules. The proposed generator exploits clock management capabilities, which are common in modern FPGAs, to generate clock signal with temporal voltage spike. The shape and timing of the glitchy-clock cycle are configurable at run time. The proposed generator can be embedded in a single FPGA without any external instrument (e.g., a pulse generator and a variable power supply). Such integration enables reliable and reproducible fault injection experiments. In this paper, we examine the characteristics of the proposed generator through experiments on Side-channel Attack Standard Evaluation Board (SASEBO). The result shows that the timing of the glitches can be controlled at the step of about 0.17 ns. We also demonstrate its application to the safe-error attack against an RSA processor.
This paper presents a high-accuracy image registration technique using a Phase-Only Correlation (POC) function. Conventional techniques of phase-based image registration employ heuristic methods in estimating the location of the correlation peak, which corresponds to image displacement. This paper proposes a technique to improve registration performance by fitting the closed-form analytical model of the correlation peak to actual two-dimensional numerical data. This method can also be extended to a spectrum weighting POC technique, where we modify cross-phase spectrum with some weighting functions to enhance registration accuracy. The proposed method makes possible to estimate image displacements with 1/100-pixel accuracy.
Hiroshi INOKAWA Yasuo TAKAHASHI Katsuhiko DEGAWA Takafumi AOKI Tatsuo HIGUCHI
This paper introduces a methodology for simulating single-electron-transistor (SET)-based multiple-valued logics (MVLs). First, a physics-based analytical model for SET is described, and then a procedure for extracting parameters from measured characteristics is explained. After that, simulated and experimental results for basic MVL circuits are compared. As an advanced example of SET-based logics, a latched parallel counter, which is one of the most important components in arithmetic circuits, is newly designed and analyzed by a simulation. It is found that a SET-based 7-3 counter can be constructed with less than 1/10 the number of devices needed for a conventional circuit and can operate at a moderate speed with 1/100 the conventional power consumption.