1-1hit |
Shigenori MATTORI Takanori SAITOH Shigeru KINUGAWA Hitoshi KAMEYAMA Toshiyuki OZAKI Junkichi SHIRONO
We have demonstrated active mode hopping suppression in external-cavity semiconductor lasers including a diffraction grating as a wavelength-selecting device. The feedback control nullifies the difference between the oscillation wavelength and selected wavelength based on observed changes in diffraction angle. The control has suppressed mode hopping over a 7.5 times wider span than without control. And when combined with conventional mode hopping suppression techniques, mode-hop-free oscillation is achieved over 130 nm. Our approach can be used for most Littman-type external-cavity semiconductor lasers with simple attachments; it will be useful for continuous wavelength sweeping and for long-term wavelength stabilization.