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In this paper, we propose a statistical method of time synchronization for computer clocks that have precisely frequency-synchronized oscillators. This method not only improves the accuracy of time synchronization but also prevents degradation in the frequency stability of the precise oscillators when the errors in the measured time offsets between computer clocks caused by network traffic possess a Gaussian distribution. Improved accuracy of time synchronization is achieved by estimating the confidence interval of the measured time offsets between the clocks. Degradation in frequency stability is prevented by eliminating unnecessary time correction for the computer clock, because time correction generally causes changes in the frequency accuracy and stability of the precise oscillators. To eliminate unnecessary time correction, our method uses an extended hypothesis test of the difference between the current mean and the mean at the last time adjustment to determine whether time correction is needed. Evaluation by simulating changes in the time offset of the existing ISDN clock synchronization system showed that this method achieves accurate time and stable frequency synchronization.
This paper proposes a decentralized and asynchronous replica control method based on a fair assignment of the variation in numerical data that has weak consistency for loosely coupled database systems managed or used by different organizations of human activity. Our method eliminates the asynchronous abort of already committed transactions even if replicas in all network partitions continue to process transactions when network partitioning occurs. A decentralized and asynchronous approach is needed because it is difficult to keep a number of loosely coupled systems in working order, and replica operations performed in a centralized and synchronous way can degrade the performance of transaction processing. We eliminate the transaction abort by fairly distributing the variation in numerical data to replicas according to their demands and updating the distributed variation using only asynchronously propagated update transactions without calculating the precise global state among reachable replicas. In addition, fairly assigning the variation of data to replicas equalizes the disadvantages of processing update transactions among replicas. Fairness control for assigning the data variation is performed by averaging the variation requested by the replicas. A simulation showed that our system can achieve extremely high performance for processing update transactions and fairness among replicas.
In this paper, we propose homomorphic encryption based device owner equality verification (HE-DOEV), a new method to verify whether the owners of two devices are the same. The proposed method is expected to be used for credential sharing among devices owned by the same user. Credential sharing is essential to improve the usability of devices with hardware-assisted trusted environments, such as a secure element (SE) and a trusted execution environment (TEE), for securely storing credentials such as private keys. In the HE-DOEV method, we assume that the owner of every device is associated with a public key infrastructure (PKI) certificate issued by an identity provider (IdP), where a PKI certificate is used to authenticate the owner of a device. In the HE-DOEV method, device owner equality is collaboratively verified by user devices and IdPs that issue PKI certificates to them. The HE-DOEV method verifies device owner equality under the condition where multiple IdPs can issue PKI certificates to user devices. In addition, it can verify the equality of device owners without disclosing to others any privacy-related information such as personally identifiable information and long-lived identifiers managed by an entity. The disclosure of privacy-related information is eliminated by using homomorphic encryption. We evaluated the processing performance of a server needed for an IdP in the HE-DOEV method. The evaluation showed that the HE-DOEV method can provide a DOEV service for 100 million users by using a small-scale system in terms of the number of servers.
We propose a method of controlling the view divergence of data freshness when copies of sites in a replicated database are updated asynchronously. The view divergence of the replicated data freshness is the difference in the recentness of the updates reflected in the data acquired by clients. Our method accesses multiple sites and provides a client with data that reflects all the updates received by the sites. First, we define the probabilistic recentness of updates reflected in acquired data as read data freshness (RDF). The degree of RDF of data acquired by clients is the range of view divergence. Second, we propose a way to select sites in a replicated database by using the probability distribution of the update delays so that the data acquired by a client satisfies its required RDF. This way calculates the minimum number of sites in order to reduce the overhead of read transactions. Our method continues to adaptively and reliably provide data that meets the client's requirements in an environment where the delay of update propagation varies and applications' requirements change depending on the situation. Finally, we evaluate by simulation the view divergence we can control using our method. The simulation showed that our method can control the view divergence to about 1/4 that of a normal read transaction for 100 replicas. In addition, the increase in the overhead of a read transaction imposed by our method is not as much as the increase in the total number of replicas.